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Explore project ideas related to implementing and utilizing Hidden Markov Models for tasks like sequence alignment, motif finding, and parameter estimation. Dive into applications and comparisons with other methods.
CS5263 Bioinformatics Lecture 12: Hidden Markov Models and applications
Project ideas • Implement an HMM including Viterbi decoding, posterior decoding and Baum-Welch learning • Construct a model • Generate sequences with the model • Given labels, estimate parameters • Given parameters, decode • Given nothing, learn the parameters and decode
Project ideas • Implement a progressive multiple sequence alignment with iterative refinement • Use an inferred phylo-genetic tree • Affine gap penalty? • Compare with results in protein families? • Compare with HMM-based?
Project ideas • Implement a combinatorial motif finder • Fast enumeration using suffix tree? • Statistical evaluation • Word clustering? • Test on simulated data – can you find known motifs embedded in sequences • Test on real data – find motifs in some real promoter sequences and compare with what is known about those genes
Project ideas • Pick a paper about some algorithm and implement it • Do your own experiments • Or pick a topic and do a survey
Problems in HMM • Decoding • Predict the state of each symbol • Most probable path • Most probable state for each position: posterior decoding • Evaluation • The probability that a sequence is generated by a model • Basis for posterior decoding • Learning • Decode without knowing model parameters • Estimate parameters without knowing states
Decoding Input: HMM & transition and emission parameters, and a sequence Output: the state of each position on the sequence ?
Decoding • Solution 1: find the most probable path • Algorithm: Viterbi
HMM for loaded/fair dice aFF = 0.95 aFL = 0.05 aLL = 0.95 Fair LOADED eF(1) = 1/6 eF(2) = 1/6 eF(3) = 1/6 eF(4) = 1/6 eF(5) = 1/6 eF(6) = 1/6 eL(1) = 1/10 eL(2) = 1/10 eL(3) = 1/10 eL(4) = 1/10 eL(5) = 1/10 eL(6) = 1/2 aLF = 0.05 Transition probability Emission probability Probability of a path is the product of transition probabilities and emission probabilities on the path
HMM unrolled x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 F F F F F F F F F F B L L L L L L L L L L Edge weight w(F, L) = log (aFL) Node weight r(F, x) = log (eF(x)) • Find a path with the following objective: • Maximize the product of transition and emission probabilities Maximize the sum of weights • Strategy: Dynamic Programming
FSA interpretation aFF= 0.05 aFL= 0.05 aLL= 0.95 w(F,F) = 2.3 w(F,L) = -0.7 w(L,L) = 2.3 Fair LOADED Fair LOADED aLF= 0.05 eL(1) = 1/10 eL(2) = 1/10 eL(3) = 1/10 eL(4) = 1/10 eL(5) = 1/10 eL(6) = 1/2 r(F,1) = 0.5 r(F,2) = 0.5 r(F,3) = 0.5 r(F,4) = 0.5 r(F,5) = 0.5 r(F,6) = 0.5 r(L,1) = 0 r(L,2) = 0 r(L,3) = 0 r(L,4) = 0 r(L,5) = 0 r(L,6) = 1.6 eF(1) = 1/6 eF(2) = 1/6 eF(3) = 1/6 eF(4) = 1/6 eF(5) = 1/6 eF(6) = 1/6 w(L,F) = -0.7 P(L, i+1) = max { P(L, i) aLL eL(xi+1), P(F, i) aFL eL(xi+1)} P(F, i+1) = max { P(L, i) aLF eF(xi+1), P(F, i) aFF eF(xi+1)} V(L, i+1) = max { V(L, i) + W(L, L) + r(L, xi+1), V(F, i) + W(F, L) + r(L, xi+1)} V(F, i+1) = max { V(L, i) + W(L, F) + r(F, xi+1), V(F, i) + W(F, F) + r(F, xi+1)}
More general cases 1 2 K states Completely connected (possibly with 0 transition probabilities) Each state has a set of emission probabilities (emission probabilities may be 0 for some symbols in some states) 3 K … …
HMM unrolled x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 B 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . k k k k k k k k k k
Recurrence V(1,i) + w(1, j) + r(j, xi+1), V(2,i) + w(2, j) + r(j, xi+1), V(j, i+1) = max V(3,i) + w(3, j) + r(j, xi+1), …… V(k,i) + w(k, j) + r(j, xi+1) Or simply: V(j, i+1) = Maxl {V(l,i) + w(l, j) + r(j, xi+1)}
The Viterbi Algorithm x1 x2 x3 ………………………………………..xN Time: O(K2N) Space: O(KN) State 1 2 Vj(i) K
Problems with Viterbi decoding • The most probable path not necessarily the only interesting one • Single optimal vs multiple sub-optimal • Global optimal vs local optimal
For example • Probability for path 1-2-5-7 is 0.4 • Probability for path 1-3-6-7 is 0.3 • Probability for path 1-4-6-7 is 0.3 • The most probable state at step 2 is 6 • 0.4 goes through 5 • 0.6 goes through 6
Another example • The dishonest casino • Say x = 12341623162616364616234161221341 • Most probable path: = FF……F • However: marked letters more likely to be L than unmarked letters
Posterior decoding • Viterbi finds the path with the highest probability • Posterior decoding ^i = argmaxkP(i = k | x) • Need to know
Posterior decoding • In order to do posterior decoding, we need to know the probability of a sequence given a model, since • This is called the evaluation problem • The solution: Forward-backward algorithm
Relation between Forward and Viterbi VITERBI Initialization: P0(0) = 1 Pk(0) = 0, for all k > 0 Iteration: Pk(i) = ek(xi) maxjPj(i-1) ajk Termination: Prob(x, *) = maxkPk(N) FORWARD Initialization: f0(0) = 1 fk(0) = 0, for all k > 0 Iteration: fk(i) = ek(xi) j fj(i-1) ajk Termination: Prob(x) = k fk(N)
1 This does not include the emission probability of xi
Forward-backward algorithm • fk(i): prob to get to pos i in state k and emit xi • bk(i): prob from i to end, given i is in state k • What is fk(i) bk(i)? • Answer:
The forward-backward algorithm • Compute fk(i), for each state k and pos i • Compute bk(i), for each state k and pos I • Compute P(x) = kfk(N) • Compute P(i=k | x) = fk(i) * bk(i) / P(x)
Sequence state Forward probabilities Backward probabilities / P(X) Space: O(KN) Time: O(K2N) P(i=k | x)
The Forward-backward algorithm • Posterior decoding ^i = argmaxkP(i = k | x) • Confidence level for the assignment • Similarly idea can be used to compute P(i = k, i+1 = l | x): the probability that a particular transition is used
For example If P(fair) > 0.5, the roll is more likely to be generated by a fair die than a loaded die
Posterior decoding • Sometimes may not give a valid path
Today • Learning • Practical issues in HMM learning
What if a new genome comes? We just sequenced the porcupine genome We know CpG islands play the same role in this genome However, we have no known CpG islands for porcupines We suspect the frequency and characteristics of CpG islands are quite different in porcupines How do we adjust the parameters in our model? - LEARNING
Learning • When the states are known • We’ve already done that • Estimate parameters from labeled data (known CpG or non-CpG) • “supervised” learning • Frequency counting is called “maximum likelihood parameter estimation” • The parameters you found will maximizes the likelihood of your data under the model • When the states are unknown • Estimate parameters without labeled data • “unsupervised” learning
Basic idea • We estimate our “best guess” on the model parameters θ • We use θ to predict the unknown labels • We re-estimate a new set of θ • Repeat 2 & 3 Two ways
Viterbi Traininggiven θ estimate π; then re-estimate θ • Make initial estimates (guess) of parameters θ • Find Viterbi path π for each training sequence • Count transitions/emissions on those paths, getting new θ • Repeat 2&3 • Not rigorously optimizing desired likelihood, but still useful & commonly used. • (Arguably good if you’re doing Viterbi decoding.)
Baum-Welch Traininggiven θ, estimate π ensemble; then re-estimate θ • Instead of estimating the new θ from the most probable path • We can re-estimate θ from all possible paths • For example, according to Viterbi, pos i is in state k and pos (i+1) is in state l • This contributes 1 count towards the frequency that transition kl is used • In Baum-Welch, this transition is counted only partially, according to the probability that this transition is taken by some path • Similar for emission
Question • How to compute P(i = k, i = l | X)? • Evaluation problem • Solvable with the backward-forward algorithm
Answer P(i = k, i+1 = l, x) = P(i = k, x1…xi) * akl * el(xi+1) * P(i+2 = q, xi+3…xn) = fk(i) * akl * el(xi+1) * bl(i+1)
Estimated # of kl transition: New transition probabilities: Estimated # of symbol t emitted in state k: New emission probabilities:
Why is this working? • Proof is very technical (chap 11 in Durbin book) • But basically, • The backward-forward algorithm computes the likelihood of the data P(X | θ) • When we re-estimate θ, we maximize P(X | θ). • Effect: in each iteration, the likelihood of the sequence will be improved • Therefore, guaranteed to converge (not necessarily to a global optimal) • Viterbi training is also guaranteed to converge: every iteration we improve the probability of the most probable path
Expectation-maximization (EM) • Baum-Welch algorithm is a special case of the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm, a widely used technique in statistics for learning parameters from unlabeled data • E-step: compute the expectation (e.g. prob for each pos to be in a certain state) • M-step: maximum-likelihood parameter estimation • We’ll see EM and similar techniques again in motif finding • k-means clustering is a special case of EM
Does it actually work? • Depend on: • Nature of the problem • Quality of model (architecture) • Size of training data • Selection of initial parameters
Initial parameters • May come from prior knowledge • If no prior knowledge, use multiple sets of random parameters • Each one ends up in a local maxima • Hopefully one will lead to the correct answer
HMM summary • Viterbi – best single path • Forward – sum over all paths • Backward – similar • Baum-Welch – training via EM and forward-backward • Viterbi – another “EM”, but Viterbi-based
HMM structure • We have assumed a fully connected structure • In practice, many transitions are impossible or have very low probabilities • “Let the model find out for itself” which transition to use • Almost never work in practice • Poor model even with plenty of training data • Too many local optima when not constrained • Most successful HMMs are based on knowledge • Model topology should have an interpretation • Some standard topology to choose in typical situations • Define the model as well as you can • Model surgery based on data
Duration modeling • For any sub-path, the probability consists of two components • The product of emission probabilities • Depend on symbols and state path • The product of transition probabilities • Depend on state path
Duration modeling • Model a stretch of DNA for which the distribution does not change for a certain length • The simplest model implies that P(length = L) = (1-p)pL-1 • i.e., length follows geometric distribution • Not always appropriate P Duration: the number of steps that a state is used consecutively without visiting other states p s 1-p L
Duration models P s s s s 1-p Min, then geometric P P P P s s s s 1-p 1-p 1-p 1-p Negative binominal
Explicit duration modeling Exon Intron Intergenic P(A | I) = 0.3 P(C | I) = 0.2 P(G | I) = 0.2 P(T | I) = 0.3 P L Empirical intron length distribution