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Human Factors and Fitts’ Law Ken Goldberg, IEOR and EECS, UC Berkeley

Discover the definition and history of ergonomics and human factors, learn about Fitts' Law, and optimize workplace design for safety and efficiency. Explore the impact of ergonomics on human well-being and system performance.

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Human Factors and Fitts’ Law Ken Goldberg, IEOR and EECS, UC Berkeley

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  1. Human Factors and Fitts’ Law Ken Goldberg, IEOR and EECS, UC Berkeley

  2. What is Ergonomics? Prof. Wojciech Jastrzebowski in Poland in 1857: From two Greek words Ergon meaning work and Nomos meaning principles or laws Ergonomics = The Science of Work

  3. What is Ergonomics? Common Definitions “Ergonomics is essentially fitting the workplace to the worker. The better the fit the higher the level of safety and worker efficiency.” Fitting the Task to the Human ~ Grandjean 1990 “Ergonomics removes barriers to quality, productivity and human performance by fitting products, tasks, and environments to people.” ErgoWeb.com

  4. Human Factors What Is Human Factors? The following definition was adopted by the International Ergonomics Association in August 2000: Ergonomics (or human factors) is the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data, and other methods to design in order to optimize human well-being and overall system performance.

  5. Human Factors and Ergonomics • Britain - The Ergonomic Society was formed in 1952 with people from psychology, biology, physiology, and design. • United States - The Human Factors Society was formed in 1957. In the US "human factors engineering" was emphasized by the US military with concentration on human engineering and engineering psychology.

  6. from Mike Mandel, Making Good Time (CMP Bulletin vol. 8 no. 2, California Museum of Photography, UC California, Riverside, 1989)

  7. Gilbreth Video

  8. Hawthorne Effect Worker Study (1927 - 1932) of the Hawthorne Plant of the Western Electric Company in Cicero, Illinois. Led by Harvard Business School professor Elton Mayo: Effect of varying light levels on Productivity.

  9. Measure of Man, Henry Dreyfuss, 1960

  10. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, (OSHA, 1970, www.osha.gov)

  11. Neutral Posture for Computer Use Position the monitor about an arm’s length away directly in front of you. The top of the screen no higher than eye level (Unless the user wears bi-focal glasses) Adjust the seat height so upper arms hang vertically, elbows bent about 90 degrees, shoulders relaxed and wrists fairly straight Use a document holder close to the monitor rather than laying papers flat Adjust the back rest to provide firm support to the small of the back Mouse should be next to keyboard both at a height equivalent to the user’s seated elbow height Knees comfortably bent with feet resting on the floor. If the chair is raised so the keyboard height equals elbow height, use a footrest .

  12. Paul M. Fitts, 1954 Fitts connected the speed-accuracy tradeoff of choice reaction times to reaching movement tasks

  13. A W ID A W Fitts’ “Law” • T = a + b log2( ) Parameters a, b experimentally determined

  14. Alternative: Square-root Law • Fitts’ Logarithmic Law is not derived using biomechanics and kinematics • We derive a “Square-root” Law: based on 2 simple assumptions

  15. Assumption 1 Acceleration ( ) is piecewise constant

  16. Assumption 2 Acceleration is proportional to target width Wider targets are easier to reach  larger accelerations possible

  17. Optimal Control • Given a bound on , Fastest way to reach a target is to use “bang-bang” control T/2 T

  18. Optimal Bang-Bang Control Velocity s = T/2 T Position at time T:

  19. A A 2 Optimal Bang-Bang Control Position T s = T/2  

  20. Optimal Binary Acceleration Model • Use Assumption 2 to specify a single formula that relates A, W, and T • Assumption 2 Hypothesis: Maximal acceleration set by the human is proportional to target width (Wider targets permit larger accelerations)

  21. Optimal Binary Acceleration Model • Assume: • Optimal bang-bang model: • Add reaction time a: • Parameters a,b set from experimental data

  22. First Mouse (Douglas Engelbart and William English, 1964)

  23. First Mouse Patent (Engelbart) (Shumin Zhai, IBM Almaden Research Center)

  24. Modern Input Devices

  25. Fitts’ Law Java Applet

  26. Experimental Tests Homogeneous Cursor Motions Heterogeneous Cursor Motions Fixed Rectangle Test Variable Rectangle Test Circle Test

  27. Available Data • Original data set: • 2232 users for fixed rectangle tests • 2466 users for variable rectangle tests • 1897 users for circle test • User did not complete all trials  Removed • User has outlier points  Removed • Final data set: • 1640 users for fixed rectangle tests • 1996 users for variable rectangle tests • 1561 users for circle tests

  28. Model Parameters • Parameter set using least-squares linear regression for each user • Average parameters over all users:

  29. Typical User

  30. Models with Lowest RMS Error

  31. Effect Size • Mean signed difference in RMS errors between the Square-root Law and Fitts’ Logarithmic Law, as a percent of the mean RMS error for Fitts’ Logarithmic Law, with 95% confidence intervals Square-root Law better Logarithmic Law better

  32. Web-Based Fitts’ Law Demo www.tele-actor.net/fitts/

  33. Human Factors and Ergonomics • Britain - The Ergonomic Society was formed in 1952 • United States - The Human Factors Society was formed in 1957.

  34. Human Factors and Fitts’ Law Ken Goldberg, IEOR and EECS, UC Berkeley

  35. Cupstacking Video

  36. Outline • Fitts’ Law Introduction • Kinematics Models of Fitts’ Task • Symmetric Binary Acceleration Model • Asymmetric Binary Acceleration Model • Fitts’ Task in HCI • Web-based Experiments

  37. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Choice Reaction Time Task Stimulus: 1,…,N Response: 1,…,N J. Merkel, 1885: Stimuli 1,…,N equally likely. TR = a + b log2N 4

  38. Information Theory • Base 2 logarithm of the number of alternatives is a measure of information Number of bits = log2N Corresponds to the average number of yes/no questions required to identify correct stimulus • In example: log2 8 = 3 bits

  39. Fitts’ Information Theory Approach • Define “information” encoded in a reaching moving task • Information transmitted I in a response is a measure of the reduction in uncertainty

  40. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Information Transmitted 7-8 • # possibilities before event: 8 • # possibilities after event: 2 • Information transmitted: -log2(2/8) = 2 bits • Uncertainty: 1 bit 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111

  41. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Discrete vs. Continuous Choice 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Target StartPosition Width W Amplitude A

  42. Fitts’ Formulation Number of possibilities after response: W Number of possibilities before response: 2A Information transmitted = Index of Difficulty

  43. Weber Fraction Formulation of Fitts’ Task • Welford, 1968 • Weber fraction: W/(A+0.5W) Target StartPosition Width W Amplitude A

  44. Shannon Formulation of Fitts’ Task • Formulation based on Shannon’s Theorem[I. Scott MacKenzie 1992] • Shannon Formulation for Fitts’ Task: • C = Information capacity of communication channel • B = channel bandwidth • S = signal strength • N = noise power

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