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Creating Positive Change: Special Offerings for a Better World

Your essential support of Special Offerings makes it possible for us to create a positive change in the world by addressing social issues, promoting spiritual growth, helping the homeless, and giving to those in need.

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Creating Positive Change: Special Offerings for a Better World

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  1. Photo credits: A Community Voice, Bari - CWS(PA)/ACT, Huerto de la Familia, Paul Jeffrey, Rev. Nancy Smith-Mather, Roberta Updegraff Sam Locke | Director, Special Offerings & Appeals, Presbyterian Mission Agency

  2. Your essential support of Special Offerings makes it possible for us to create a positive change in the world. Photo credits: Craig Thompson, David Fine/FEMA, Mark Hare, Paul Jeffrey/ACT

  3. The average gift size per member is $2. This small amount, given by millions of believers, makes a large impact.

  4. Presbyterian Peacemaking Program It’s Not Okay (INOK) Educating students about positive behaviors It’s Not Okay (INOK) is a student-designed program working toward creating a safe environment for young people living in the Independent School District of Fort Worth, Texas. The program focuses on promoting respect and civility while providing education on topics such as bullying/cyberbullying, suicide, gangs, and violence. INOK diligently addresses social issues, moving to change negative behaviors into ones that build safety, prevention and intervention throughout school environments and beyond. Students are able to come together to practice and promote acceptance.

  5. Young Adult Volunteers Boston Food Justice YAV Program Promoting spiritual growth and healthy communities The Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteer program (BFJYAV) advocates for the education, cultivation, and development of sustainable options of food for all people. BFJYAVs work and live together as an intentional Christian community in Boston, combining studies of faith, scripture, and vocation with the promotion of healthy lifestyles. Volunteers strive to enforce access to fresh food while fighting against the causes of hunger by working with local nonprofits and congregations, as well as developing future leaders for the cause.

  6. Self-Development of People Homeless Solutions Thrift Store Helping the homeless build better lives Homeless Solutions Thrift Store is a safe haven for those who have been stricken by unfortunate circumstances. The store, located in Largo, Florida, provides a place of employment for the homeless while teaching them important skills integral in finding long-term employment. The program helps employees find affordable places to live, and provides those struggling financially in the community with access to low-cost clothing, housewares, and furnishings.

  7. The Presbyterian Giving Catalog – a new way of giving to those in need around the world. “The Presbyterian Giving Catalog is an outstanding way for Presbyterians to give priceless gifts: the peace, hope, love and joy of Christ communicated in tangible form. Friends and loved ones will both cherish and be inspired by gifts prayerfully selected from this catalog.” - Rev. Sarah Sarchet Butter “It’s really a great way to let people know how they can help, especially during the holiday season when we all long for a way to help others and really make a tangible difference.” - Carol Skewes “This is a beautiful piece of worship! I am so excited about the many wonderful gifts from which there are to choose. I hope to be able to fund several blessings this year!” - Andrea Coffey Stewart “Look at what we can do through the Presbyterian Church! As you consider what to purchase for the person who has everything this Christmas, talk to your family about giving one of these gifts. . . and making a difference for someone in need! What a blessing we can be!” - Katie Matthews “I was so thrilled to receive your catalog and learn I could do this kind of giving through my own denomination.” - Ms. Shari Bowman

  8. One Great Hour of Sharing (January – April) Through this longstanding ecumenical effort, Presbyterians give to those in need throughout the world. Funds are used for disasters, hunger, and community development. 60% of all PC(USA) churches participate 6,504,746 $ IN 2013 Restoring Hope (Presbyterian Disaster Assistance) Working alongside communities as they recover and find hope after disruption from natural or human-caused disasters. Reducing Hunger (Presbyterian Hunger Program) Initiatives to alleviate hunger and its systemic causes, and strengthen alternatives to produce and share healthy food. Investing in People (Self-Development of People) Partnerships with people struggling to alleviate poverty, oppression, and injustice in their communities. Photo credit: Roberta Updegraff

  9. Pentecost (Late April – June) Gifts to this Offering allow Presbyterians to invest in the church’s greatest resource. Our youth. This investment includes assistance for children at risk and faith-building opportunities for youth and young adults. 20% of all PC(USA) churches participate 1,348,599 $ IN 2013 Guiding Youth (Youth Ministries) Ministries that guide youth in their walk with Christ and inspire those called to accompany them. Serving Communities (Young Adult Volunteers) Volunteer programs that bring young adults together in fellowship, worship, and service throughout the world. Protecting Children (Child Advocacy) Advocacy that nurtures and protects our children and youth. Local Child and Youth Initiatives Investment in local programs focused on children at risk and development of youth.

  10. Peace & Global Witness (August – Early October) This Offering supports witness for reconciliation around the world. It funds programs devoted to education and conflict resolutions in communities at home and abroad as well as international projects in crisis situations like the border crisis, Ebola outbreak, and education in South Sudan. 20% of all PC(USA) churches participate 1,968,370 $ IN 2013 Peace & Global Witness (Compassion, Peace and Justice Ministries in Collaboration with Presbyterian World Mission)) Promotion of reconciliation through education and Christian witness. Local Mission Programs Investment in nearly any mission program your congregation or mid-council is passionate about.

  11. Christmas Joy (November – December) Focused on sharing God’s love with those in need of help and hope, it provides assistance to students attending Presbyterian-related racial ethnic schools and colleges as well as grants to current and retired church workers and their families to help them through life’s challenging circumstances. 40% of all PC(USA) churches participate 3,921,296 $ IN 2013 Providing Opportunities (Racial-Ethnic Leadership Development) Scholarship assistance that enables students to attend Presbyterian-related racial ethnic schools and colleges. Local Peacemaking Programs (Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions) Financial support and grants for current and retired Presbyterian church workers in their time of need.

  12. National Giving $6,504,746 $1,348,599 $1,968,370 $3,921,296 Dollars in 2013 6,194 2,340 2,640 4,601 Participating Churches 60% 20% 20% 40% Participation %

  13. Get involved with our 2020 goal Help us make a $20 million dollar difference in the world! You can help us provide necessary assistance to those in need by supporting our goal of reaching $20 million by 2020. Your advocacy and involvement will be essential in getting more churches and congregants to participate in this important mission! Support this goal and change lives.

  14. What’s the difference? An extra $8 million each year, given by the collective Presbyterian Church, will allow an even greater impact for people in need of God’s healing touch. Here are a few examples:

  15. Providing Opportunities (Racial Ethnic Leadership Development) Protecting Children (Child Advocacy) Giving Matters The act of giving not only brings positive change to those in need, but is also a meaningful representation of faith and love. Here’s why: As Christians, we are called to show God’s love to those in need. Giving sets an important example for future generations. Sharing serves as an important reminder of our personal blessings. Advocating Peace (Presbyterian Peacemaking Program) Serving Communities (Young Adult Volunteers) Guiding Youth (Youth Ministries) Investing in People (Self-Development of People) Giving Back (Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions) Reducing Hunger (Presbyterian Hunger Program) Restoring Hope (Presbyterian Disaster Assistance)

  16. Photo credits: GATE Program, Roberta Updegraff Engage with our Special Offerings team as we go about our mission of supporting the work of the Presbyterian Mission Agency! You can find us through the following channels: Facebook.com/specialofferings Twitter.com/pcusa_so youtube.com/specialofferings Pinterest.com/specofferings Instagram.com/special_offerings To find out more about the four church wide Special Offerings of the PC(USA), visit presbyterianmission.org/specialofferings.

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