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Join us for the SCORE Program Informational Town Hall Meeting on Wednesday, October 16, 2019 at the Faculty Center JPL 4.04.12C from 10-11am. Learn about the opportunities available through the NIH's SCORE program and how it can enhance your research career.
SCORE Program Informational Town Hall Meeting WELCOME FACULTY! Wednesday, October 16, 2019 Faculty center JPL 4.04.12C Time: 10-11am
Program Administration Program Director: Dr. Jose Lopez-Ribot, Phone: (210) 458-7022 or (210) 458-6009 email: jose.lopezribot@utsa.edu Program Coordinator: Cheryl Sandoval, Phone: (210) 458-7016, MBT Building email: chery.sandoval@utsa.edu http://www.utsa.edu/crts/score/index.html
NIH’s SCORE PROGRAM The Support of Competitive Research (SCORE) program provides research capacity building support to under-resourced institutions with limited NIH R01 funding (less than 6 million dollars per year of NIH R01 support -total costs- in each of the last 2 fiscal years) that have explicitly stated historical missions or historical track records focused on training and graduating students from backgrounds nationally underrepresented in biomedical research. The SCORE program offers opportunities for faculty research career enhancement, which are expected to increase their research competitiveness and productivity and enable their transition to non-SCORE support.
UTSA’s SCORE MISSION Program Description: As a minority-serving institution, historically one of the main missions of UTSA has been to significantly increase the number of students from underrepresented backgrounds conducting biomedical and behavioral research. Within this overarching goal, the major mission of the SCORE program is to increase the research competitiveness of UTSA faculty, including minority faculty as well as those who are engaged in the training of minority students. A major goal is to develop Institutional research and the research capabilities by fostering the development of faculty. A second goal of our SCORE program at UTSA is to integrate SCORE program activities with those of the RISE and MARC and other diversity programs at UTSA to enhance student research training.
UTSA’s SCORE at a glance Maximum of 20 awards (includes funded and submitted) Currently the SCORE program sponsors 12 NIH-supported research projects at UTSA Biology (3 projects) Electrical Engineering (1 project) Mechanical Engineering (1 project) Biomedical Engineering (2 projects) Physics (4 projects) Bicultural/Bilingual Studies (1 project) Total NIH commitment is approximately $10 million 3 additional SCORE grant applications are still pending review or final funding decision
The SCORE Program estimatesavailability for 5 new or revised investigator-initiated research proposals to NIH by the next submission deadline of January 25, 2020
The following SCORE Submittal Dates for NIH January 25, 2020 May 25, 2020 Note: The current FOAs for SCORE grants have expired; but the NIH SCORE Program director has assured us that they will be reissued later this year.
SCORE Grant Types at a Glance • Research Advancement Award (SC1) - for investigators with a track record of research activity who are seeking to enhance their research productivity in order to transition to non-SCORE support in a limited period of time. • Pilot Project Award (SC2) - for those who are at the beginning stages of a research career, applying for their first independent award, and who are interested in testing a new idea, or generating preliminary data – “Mentored award”. • Research Continuance Award (SC3) - for investigators who have been engaged in scholarly research and published, and who seek to continue to conduct competitive research of limited scope to increase their publications and eventually transition to non-SCORE support
SCORE Grant Types SC1: Research-Related Programs -- Research Enhancement Award Individual investigator-initiated research projects aimed at developing researchers at minority-serving institutions (MSIs) to a stage where they can transition successfully to other extramural support (R01 or equivalent). “For investigators with a track record of research activity who are seeking to enhance their research productivity in order to transition to non-SCORE support in a limited period of time” http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/ac_search_results.htm?text_curr=SC1&Search_Type=Activity Not to exceed $250,000 direct costs per year. Support Period: 4 years maximum. http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-16-439.html
SCORE Grant Types SC2: Research-Related Programs -- Pilot Research Project Individual investigator-initiated pilot research projects for faculty at MSIs to generate preliminary data for a more ambitious research project. “For those who are at the beginning stages of a research career, applying for their first independent award, and who are interested in testing a new idea, or generating preliminary data” - must commit a minimum of 50 percent of full time-effort Mentored award: The advisor should be an established, NIH-funded investigator in the proposed research area and must have a track record of success in advising research scientists in the acquisition of external support and the maintenance of an independent research laboratory. The advisor may be from the applicant institution or any other domestic institution. No preliminary data is required http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/ac_search_results.htm?text_curr=SC2&Search_Type=Activity The SC2 awards may not exceed $300,000 (direct costs) for the entire length of the award which may be one to three years maximum. Yearly requests need not be of the same amount but must be determined based on $25,000 module increments and may not exceed $100,000 per year. http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-16-438.html
SCORE Grant Types SC3: Research-Related Programs -- Research Continuance Award Individual investigator-initiated research projects for faculty at MSIs to conduct research of limited scope in environments with limited research infrastructure/facilities. “For those investigators who have been engaged in scholarly research and published, and who seek to continue to conduct competitive research of limited scope to increase their publications and eventually transition to non-SCORE support” http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/ac_search_results.htm?text_curr=SC3&Search_Type=Activity Not to exceed $75,000 direct costs per year. Support Period: 4 years maximum for new and renewal applications. http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-16-437.html
Eligibility Questions Must have full-time regular faculty appointment (tenure/tenure track appointment) Postdoctoral fellows, research instructors, research assistant professors, research scientists, etc. are ineligible Emeritus or distinguished/retired investigators/professors are ineligible Current PD/PIs of R01 or of other federal or non-federal investigator initiated research awards or of program projects, center grants, cooperative agreements or other institutional research awards are ineligible to apply for/receive any of the SCORE awards. Investigators who have other developmental/enhancement grant support with goals similar to SCORE are ineligible to apply for SC awards until the completion of these awards, (i.e., SCORE awards are not intended to duplicate other individual or institutional developmental awards; these include K awards and research support provided as part of institutional centers, program projects, cooperative agreements such as from RCMI, BUILD, etc.) An applicant may not be the PD/PI of any other SCORE or any other federal or non-federal investigator initiated research grant at the time an SC award is made. Concurrent or duplicate application to any of the SCORE mechanisms (SC1, SC2, or SC3) by a single PD/PI is not allowed. A PD/PI may only apply for/receive one SC award at a time. SC1 awards may not be transferred from one PD/PI to another or from one institution to another.
Eligibility Questions Please note that at the time a SCORE SC1 or SC2 award is made, PIs cannot have any other active research support. In the case of a SCORE SC3, a PI can have up to $75,000 total costs of other active research support at the time of an award. There should be no scientific overlap between these grants and the other project is also for a project of limited scope
Eligibility Questions For information on research areas that are supported by NIH, please go to: http://projectreporter.nih.gov/reporter.cfm For information on the NIH SCORE program, please go to: http://www.nigms.nih.gov/Research/CRCB/SCORE/Pages/default.aspx
Eligibility Questions After reviewing the links, if you still have questions, please contact: Dr. Jose Lopez-Ribot, Director of the SCORE Program at UTSA Phone: 458-7022 or 458-6009 E-mail: jose.lopezribot@utsa.edu Cheryl Sandoval, SCORE Program Coordinator Phone: (210) 458-7016 or E-mail: chery.sandoval@utsa.edu Dr. Irina N. Krasnova, Ph.D., SCORE Program Director, National Institute of General Medical Sciences at NIH Phone: 301-827-7323 or E-mail: irina.krasnova@nih.gov Or contact your RSC-Research Service Center
Target Dates for Current NIH Deadline Submission INSTRUCTIONS for preparation and submission of a SCORE research proposal : CAYUSE submission Follow specific instructions for each SCORE program (SC1, SC2 or SC3) Use SF424 RR (follow instructions)
Internal Review Process The UTSA SCORE Program reviews and approves all new and revised SC proposals for submission to NIH, based on the number of new, pending and funded SC proposals available in a submission cycle (which occurs two times in a calendar year). Because of the changes in the number of new, pending and funded SC proposals from one submission cycle to another, the approval of the submission of a SC proposal to NIH for a particulate deadline date CANNOT BE EXTENDED to a subsequent date.
CRITERIA SELECTION Strong scientific merit and relevance to research areas of NIH (biomedical and behavioral) Strong potential for the development of faculty and institutional research Excellent past record, or commitment to training of minority students Responsiveness to the NIH-SCORE program announcements
COMMON PROPOSAL SUBMISSION ERRORS • Research proposal outside of the NIH mission • Non-compliant with the application forms and instructions (e.g. excessive number of pages) • Lack of institutional data • Lack of the PI's developmental objectives • PI’s who are fully developed and thus not eligible to apply for SCORE • PI’s who are not at a SCORE eligible institution • For SC2 applications, lack of a mentor, his/her biographical sketch and of explanation • of the mentor's role in the PI's development plan • Co-PI’s or co-investigators (which are unallowable) • Lack of budget page or personnel justification • Lack of a progress report if a PI has had previous SCORE support • Lack of an introduction in revised applications
UTSASCORE Contact Information Program Director: Dr. Jose Lopez-Ribot, Phone: (210) 458-7022 or (210) 458-6009 email: jose.lopezribot@utsa.edu Program Coordinator: Cheryl Sandoval, Phone: (210) 458-7016, MBT Building email: chery.sandoval@utsa.edu http://www.utsa.edu/crts/score/index.html