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Gelsomina Pappalardo

INTEGRATED LONG TERM OBSERVATIONS FOR ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF ATMOSPHERIC AEROSOL ON CLIMATE AND ENVIRONMENT. Gelsomina Pappalardo Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto di Metodologie per l’Analisi Ambientale (CNR-IMAA) gelsomina.pappalardo@imaa.cnr.it. Outline Introduction

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Gelsomina Pappalardo

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  1. INTEGRATED LONG TERM OBSERVATIONS FOR ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF ATMOSPHERIC AEROSOL ON CLIMATE AND ENVIRONMENT Gelsomina Pappalardo Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto di Metodologie per l’Analisi Ambientale (CNR-IMAA) gelsomina.pappalardo@imaa.cnr.it

  2. Outline • Introduction • Lidar aerosol observations • Ground-based European Observing System • Global Scale • Summary and remarks

  3. Aerosols are verydifficult tohandle in models Aerosols are producedbymanydifferentprocesses, some sources are localized, others are distributedoverlargevolumes Aerosolsinteractdynamically in a nonlinear way (nucleation, condensation, coagulation, deposition) Aerosols can betransportedoverlargedistances Measurements are neededtoassess and improveunderstandingof aerosol processes and their treatment in models • - in situ measurements • - Ground based remote sensing measurements • Aircraft measurements • Satellite measurements Strong needforanintegratedapproachforcharacterizing aerosol climateimpacts and environmentalinteractions

  4. European Aerosol Research Lidar Network 2012 • since 2000 • 27 lidar stations • -12 multiwavelength Raman lidar stations • backscatter (355, 532 and 1064 nm) + extinction (355 and 532 nm) + depol ratio (532 nm) • 8 Raman lidar stations • 7 single backscatter lidar stations • comprehensive, quantitative, and statistically significant data base • Continental and long-term scale www.earlinet.org

  5. EARLINET: European Aerosol Research Lidar Network First tool for 4D aerosol measurements on continental scale • Quality assurance program • Instruments • Data analysis • Predefined measurement schedule (3 per week) → unbiased • Coordinated network observations for special events (e.g., Saharan dust, forest fires, photochemical smog, diurnal cycle, volcanic eruptions) • Standardized data format • Access to data via centralized data base

  6. EARLINETactivities: “Saharan dust” Since May 2000 we have observed more than400Saharan dust events First statistical analysis for Saharan dust observations starting from the first 3 years of operation of the network Papayannis et al., JGR 2008 DREAM Forecast profile is provided for each EARLINET station A systematic comparison between DREAM model and lidar observations is in progress EARLINET is contributing to the WMO Sand and Dust Storm Warning Advisory and Assessment System (SDS-WAS) Pathways of Saharan Dust Transport over Europe

  7. Volcanic eruptions Long-term observations of stratospheric aerosol at Garmisch-Partenkinrken Trickl et al., ACPD 2012

  8. Sarichev plume over Potenza, Italy 27 June 2009 D’Amico et al., 2010 Volcano eruptions in the North Pacific region 2008-2009

  9. The Eyjafjallajökull eruption (April – May 2010)

  10. ACTRIS Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research Infrastructure Network Type of funding scheme: Combination of Collaborative Projects and Coordination and Support Actions for Integrating Activities Work programme topics addressed: FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2010-1 Support to existing research infrastructures/ Integrating Activities INFRA-2010-1-1.1.16: Research Infrastructures for Atmospheric Research 1 April 2011 – 31 March 2015 ACTRIS aims at integrating European ground-based stations equipped with advanced atmospheric probing instrumentation for aerosols, clouds and short-lived gas-phase species. ACTRIS will have the essential role to support building of new knowledge as well as policy issues on climate change, air quality and long-range transport of pollutants.

  11. MERGING EXISTING NETWORKS CREATE FP5 - EUSAAR FP6 Harmonizedmeasurements ofphysical, chemicaland opticalaerosolproperties Long-rangetransport Advanced laser remote sensing for 4-D spatio-temporal distribution of aerosols Climate CLOUDNET FP5 EARLINET FP5+6 Observation of vertical profiles of important cloud parameters Air Quality & Health APRIORI Measurement of atmospheric precursor compounds Weather

  12. Aerosols, Clouds, andTrace Gases Research Infrastructure Network Objectives • Sustainable network of coordinated long-term atmospheric observations in Europe • High-quality data relevant to climate and air quality research on the regional scale • Centralised data centre • Access to world-class research infrastructures and advanced instrumentation • Training of researchers and young scientists • New technologies and integration tools for ground-based observations of relevant atmospheric parameters

  13. ACTRIS OBSERVATION NETWORK • Ground-based component of global Earth Observation System • Provision of advanced data products and services • Response to user needs (AEROCOM, GMES, ECMWF, research, policy-driven networks, natural hazards) • Support policy issues on climate change, air quality, and health

  14. ACTRIS sites offering Trans National Access Opportunity for field campaigns, specific observations, training Info how to apply at www.actris.net

  15. HIGH QUALITY DATA • ACTRIS is a network of networks / Federation of existing networks • Each network operates with a rigorous QA program for both instrument and data processing • Observation strategy • Standardization of data and metadata • Integration is the added value • at instrument level: exploiting the synergies among different sensors and providing integrated advanced products • at data base level: providing open access to a central data portal

  16. ACTRIS Data Centre • Centralised advanced information of key variables relevant to climate and air quality research from representative environments and air mass types in Europe. • Tools and applications for end users to facilitate the use of all measurements for broad user communities (AEROCOM, ECMWF, ...) • Harmonization with measurements of atmospheric components from other highly relevant networks and programmes (e.g, GMES, MACC, EMEP). • Access to the most comprehensive atmospheric data centre available worldwide including in-situ aerosol and gas phase measurements, remote column aerosol observations, vertical aerosol profile information and cloud observations.

  17. GALION – the GAW Aerosol Lidar Observation Network GALION is organized as a Network of Networks, coordinating - the American Lidar Network (ALINE), Latin America () - Asian Dust and Aerosol Lidar Observation Network (AD-Net), East Asia () - CIS-LINET, Commonwealth of Independent States (Belarus, Russia and Kyrgyz Republic) LIdar NETwork () - the Canadian Operational Research Aerosol Lidar Network (CORALNet), Canada () - the European Aerosol Research LIdar NETwork (EARLINET), Europe () - Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC), Global Stratosphere () - CREST, Eastern North America () - the MicroPulse Lidar NETwork (MPLNET), Global () Climate research and assessment Global climatology Model evaluation Aerosol transport and tracers Impact on radiation Air quality Air quality assessment Air quality forecast Plumes from special events Support for spaceborne observations Ground truth Complementary information

  18. Nabro volcanic eruption, Africa June 2011 Sawamura et al., ERL 2012

  19. Integrated Global Aerosol Observing System Global Products RI for Calibration & Quality Assurance Data Archival and/or Access Facilities ( e.g. WDCA; WDC-RSAT) Real-Time Data Delivery Reanalysis Observations: All Sources Satellites: MODIS, CALIPSO, MISRMSG etc Data Assimilation By Forecast Models (e.g. MACC; SDS-WAS etc.) • Data Uses/Applications • Air Quality Warnings • WMO SDS-WAS Assessments • WMO SDS-WAS Warnings • Aerosol Bulletins • Surface and air transport • Improved Weather Forecasts • Improved Climate Prediction Aircraft: IAGOS Surface-based : Remote sensing: AOD Remote Sensing: GALION In situ: PM, optical, etc In situ: chemistry Observation Optimization Air/Surface Exchange & Emissions C. Lund Myre, U. Baltensperger et al., in preparation

  20. Summary and remarks • Strong need for integrated long term atmospheric observations • The key role of lidar techniques • The European experience: ACTRIS:Integrated observations and advanced products; Cooperation and coordination with the relevant observation and user communities • At global scale GALION WMO-GAW, WMO-GCOS, GEOSS • Federated approach in order to spread “best practice” for each particular instrument/parameter • Global research infrastructure for long-term sustained consistent observations of aerosols properties on a global scale implemented through a consortium of existing aerosol networks complementing satellite and environmental agencies • This observing system should foster aerosol-related process studies, validation of satellite sensors, model development and evaluation, assimilation of aerosol data into operational models, and build a comprehensive aerosol climatology on a global scale • This needs a coalition of research and an operational/regulatory observational system

  21. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT EARLINET, EUSAAR, CloudNet European Commission contracts RICA-025991 (EARLINET-ASOS) and 262254 (ACTRIS) WMO - GAW European Space Agency German Weather Service for the air mass back-trajectory analysis NOAA Air Resources Laboratory (ARL) for the provision of the HYSPLIT backtrajectory analysis NASA for MODIS, AERONET and CALIPSO Maltese Euromediterranean Center (ICoD) and Barcelona Supercomputing Center for Dust Regional Atmospheric Model (DREAM)

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