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CS136, Advanced Architecture. Virtual Machines. Outline. Virtual Machines Xen VM: Design and Performance Conclusion. Introduction to Virtual Machines. VMs developed in late 1960s Remained important in mainframe computing over the years
CS136, Advanced Architecture Virtual Machines
Outline • Virtual Machines • Xen VM: Design and Performance • Conclusion CS136
Introduction to Virtual Machines • VMs developed in late 1960s • Remained important in mainframe computing over the years • Largely ignored in single-user computers of 1980s and 1990s • Recently regained popularity due to • Increasing importance of isolation and security in modern systems, • Failures in security and reliability of standard operating systems, • Sharing of a single computer among many unrelated users, • Dramatic increases in raw speed of processors, making VM overhead more acceptable CS136
What Is a Virtual Machine (VM)? • Broadest definition: • Any abstraction that provides a Turing-complete and standardized programming interface • Examples: x86 ISA; Java bytecode; even Python and Perl • As level gets higher, utility of definition gets lower • Better definition: • An abstract machine that provides a standardized interface similar to a hardware ISA, but at least partly under control of software that provides added features • Best to distinguish “true” VM from emulators (although Java VM is entirely emulated) • Often, VM is partly supported in hardware, with minimal software control • E.g., give multiple virtual x86s on one real one, similar to way virtual memory gives illusion of more memory than reality CS136
System Virtual Machines • “(Operating) System Virtual Machines” provide complete system-level environment at binary ISA • Assumes ISA always matches native hardware • E.g., IBM VM/370, VMware ESX Server, and Xen • Presents illusion that VM users have an entire private computer, including copy of OS • Single machine runs multiple VMs, and can support multiple (and different) OSes • On conventional platform, single OS “owns” all HW resources • With VM, multiple OSes all share HW resources • Underlying HW platform is host; its resources are shared among guest VMs CS136
Virtual Machine Monitors (VMMs) • Virtual machine monitor (VMM) or hypervisor is software that supports VMs • VMM determines how to map virtual resources to physical ones • Physical resource may be time-shared, partitioned, or emulated in software • VMM much smaller than a traditional OS; • Isolation portion of a VMM is 10,000 lines of code CS136
VMM Overhead • Depends on workload • User-level CPU-bound programs (e.g., SPEC) have near-zero virtualization overhead • Runs at native speeds since OS rarely invoked • I/O-intensive workloadsare OS-intensive • Execute many system calls and privileged instructions • Can result in high virtualization overhead • Goal for system VMs: • Run almost all instructions directly on native hardware • But if I/O-intensive workload is also I/O-bound • Processor utilization is low (since waiting for I/O) • Processor virtualization can be hidden in I/O costs • So virtualization overhead is low CS136
Important Uses of VMs • Multiple OSes • No more dual boot! • Can even transfer data (e.g., cut-and-paste) between VMs • Protection • Crash or intrusion in one OS doesn’t affect others • Easy to replace failed OS with fresh, clean one • Software Management • VMs can run complete SW stack, even old OSes like DOS • Run legacy OS, stable current, test release on same HW • Hardware Management • Independent SW stacks can share HW • Run application on own OS (helps dependability) • Migrate running VM to different computer • To balance load or to evacuate from failing HW CS136
Virtual Machine Monitor Requirements • VM Monitor • Presents SW interface to guest software • Isolates guests’ states from each other • Protects itself from guest software (including guest OSes) • Guest software should behave exactly as if running on native HW • Except for performance-related behavior or limitations of fixed resources shared by multiple VMs • Hard to achieve perfection in real system • Guest software shouldn’t be able to change allocation of real system resources directly • Hence, VMM must control everything even though guest VM and OS currently running is temporarily using them • Access to privileged state, address translation, I/O, exceptions and interrupts, … CS136
Virtual Machine Monitor Requirements (continued) • VMM must be at higher privilege level than guest VM, which generally runs in user mode • Execution of privileged instructions handled by VMM • E.g., timer or I/O interrupt: • VMM suspends currently running guest • Saves state • Handles interrupt • Possibly handle internally, possibly delivers to a guest • Decides which guest to run next • Loads its state • Guest VMs that want timer are given virtual one CS136
Hardware Requirements Hardware needs roughly same as paged virtual memory: • At least 2 processor modes, system and user • Privileged subset of instructions • Available only in system mode • Trap if executed in user mode • All system resources controllable only via these instructions CS136
ISA Support for Virtual Machines • If ISA designers plan for VMs, easy to limit: • What instructions VMM must handle • How long it takes to emulate them • Because chip makers ignored VM technology, ISA designers didn’t “plan ahead” • Including 80x86 and most RISC architectures • Guest system must see only virtual resources • Guest OS runs in user mode on top of VMM • If guest tries to touch HW-related resource, must trap to VMM • Requires HW support to initiate trap • VMM must then insert emulated information • If HW built wrong, guest will see or change privileged stuff • VMM must then modify guest’s binary code CS136
ISA Impact on Virtual Machines • Consider x86 PUSHF/POPF instructions • Push flags register on stack or pop it back • Flags contains condition codes (good to be able to save/restore) but also interrupt enable flag (IF) • Pushing flags isn’t privileged • Thus, guest OS can read IF and discover it’s not the way it was set • VMM isn’t invisible any more • Popping flags in user mode ignores IF • VMM now doesn’t know what guest wants IF to be • Should trap to VMM • Possible solution: modify code, replacing pushf/popf with special interrupting instructions • But now guest can read own code and detect VMM CS136
Hardware Support for Virtualization • Old “correct” implementation: trap on every pushf/popf so VM can fix up results • Very expensive, since pushf/popf used frequently • Alternative: IF shouldn’t be in same place as condition codes • Pushf/popf can be unprivileged • IF manipulation is now very rare • Pentium has even better solution • In user mode, VIF (“Virtual Interrupt Flag”) holds what guest wants IF to be • Pushf/popf manipulate VIF instead of IF • Host can now control real IF, guest sees virtual one • Basic idea can be extended for many similar “OS-only” flags and registers CS136
Impact of VMs on Virtual Memory • Each guest manages own page tables • How to make this work? • VMM separates real and physical memory • Real memory is intermediate level between virtual and physical • Some call it virtual, physical, and machine memory • Guest maps virtual to real memory via its page tables • VMM page tables map real to physical • VMM maintains shadow page table that maps directly from guest virtual space to HW physical address space • Rather than pay extra level of indirection on every memory access • VMM must trap any attempt by guest OS to change its page table or to access page table pointer CS136
ISA Support for VMs & Virtual Memory • IBM 370 architecture added additional level of indirection that was managed by VMM • Guest OS kept page tables as before, so shadow pages were unnecessary • To virtualize software TLB, VMM manages real one and has copy of contents for each guest VM • Any instruction that accesses TLB must trap • Hardware TLB still managed by hardware • Must flush on VM switch unless PID tags available • HW or SW TLBs with PID tags can mix entries from different VMs • Avoids flushing TLB on VM switch CS136
Impact of I/O on Virtual Machines • Most difficult part of virtualization • Increasing number of I/O devices attached to computer • Increasing diversity of I/O device types • Sharing real device among multiple VMs • Supporting myriad of device drivers, especially with differing guest OSes • Give each VM generic versions of each type of I/O device, and let VMM handle real I/O • Drawback: slower than giving VM direct access • Method for mapping virtual I/O device to physical depends on type: • Disks partitioned by VMM to create virtual disks for guests • Network interfaces shared between VMs in short time slices • VMM tracks messages for virtual network addresses • Routes to proper guest • USB might be directly attached to VM CS136
Example: Xen VM • Xen: Open-source System VMM for 80x86 ISA • Project started at University of Cambridge, GNU license • Original vision of VM is running unmodified OS • Significant wasted effort just to keep guest OS happy • “Paravirtualization” - small modifications to guest OS to simplify virtualization Three examples of paravirtualization in Xen: • To avoid flushing TLB when invoking VMM, Xen mapped into upper 64 MB of address space of each VM • Guest OS allowed to allocate pages, just check that it didn’t violate protection restrictions • To protect guest OS from user programs in VM, Xen takes advantage of 80x86’s four protection levels • Most x86 OSes keep everything at privilege levels 0 or at 3. • Xen VMM runs at highest level (0) • Guest OS runs at next level (1) • Applications run at lowest (3) CS136
Xen Changes for Paravirtualization • Port of Linux to Xen changed 3000 lines, or 1% of 80x86-specific code • Doesn’t affect application binary interfaces (ABI/API) of guest OS • OSes supported in Xen 2.0: http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/OSCompatibility CS136
Xen and I/O • To simplify I/O, privileged VMs assigned to each hardware I/O device: “driver domains” • Xen Jargon: “domains” = Virtual Machines • Driver domains run physical device drivers • Interrupts still handled by VMM before being sent to appropriate driver domain • Regular VMs (“guest domains”) run simple virtual device drivers • Communicate with physical device drivers in driver domains to access physical I/O hardware • Data sent between guest and driver domains by page remapping CS136
Xen Performance • Performance relative to native Linux for Xen, for 6 benchmarks (from Xen developers) • But are these user-level CPU-bound programs? I/O-intensive workloads? I/O-bound I/O-Intensive? CS136
Xen Performance, Part II • Subsequent study noticed Xen experiments based on 1 Ethernet network interface card (NIC), and single NIC was performance bottleneck CS136
Xen Performance, Part III • > 2X instructions for guest VM + driver VM • > 4X L2 cache misses • 12X – 24X Data TLB misses CS136
Xen Performance, Part IV • > 2X instructions: caused by page remapping and transfer between driver and guest VMs, and by communication over channel between 2 VMs • 4X L2 cache misses: Linux uses zero-copy network interface that depends on ability of NIC to do DMA from different locations in memory • Since Xen doesn’t support “gather” DMA in its virtual network interface, it can’t do true zero-copy in the guest VM • 12X – 24X Data TLB misses: 2 Linux optimizations • Superpages for part of Linux kernel space: 4MB pages lowers TLB misses versus using 1024 4 KB pages. Not in Xen • PTEs marked global aren’t flushed on context switch, and Linux uses them for kernel space. Not in Xen • Future Xen may address 2. and 3., but 1. inherent? CS136
Conclusion • VM Monitor presents SW interface to guest software, isolates guest states, and protects itself from guest software (including guest OSes) • Virtual Machine revival • Overcome security flaws of large OSes • Manage software, manage hardware • Processor performance no longer highest priority • Virtualization challenges for processor, virtual memory, and I/O • Paravirtualization to cope with those difficulties • Xen as example VMM using paravirtualization • 2005 performance on non-I/O bound, I/O intensive apps: 80% of native Linux without driver VM, 34% with driver VM CS136