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Nandakumar. JINI. Jini is a layer atop JAVA like JFC or JDBC. Jini basically offers api’s for programming in a distributed environment. The Jini project was initiated to extend Java for what it was originally developed for. JINI….

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  1. Nandakumar

  2. JINI • Jini is a layer atop JAVA like JFC or JDBC. • Jini basically offers api’s for programming in a distributed environment. • The Jini project was initiated to extend Java for what it was originally developed for.

  3. JINI… • Jini is not a acronym for juniper internet communications inc. (as they claim) • Jini is a new computing paradigm • Java was actually developed for running on embedded applications before it became a programming language for the web.

  4. Vision of the Jini Project • The design group had the following vision in mind: “Network Anything Anytime Anywhere”

  5. What Jini is not !! • It is not a name server. • It is not Java Beans or EJB . • It is not just RMI. • It is not a distributed Operating System.

  6. What ties JINI with DS ? Jini is used to create a platform where in different diverse systems all can “talk” to each other. It signals a change from a world in which devices are just networked into one in which devices join together to form a true distributed system.

  7. Jini design goals: • Software infrastructure should be incredibly robust. • Must be really Plug & Play. • The software system for the internet must be evolvable.

  8. What we are actually looking for: • Jini was developed for multi process –multi devices environment. • We are basically looking for different devices interacting to provide different results , what we require is a generic platform to provide capabilities for interactive programming.

  9. Jini development: • Jini can be considered as an extension to RMI.( we dealt this in the Cookie server /client model).

  10. rmi RMI-remote method invocation provides a way for Java applications, running on different JVM’s/host computers to “talk” to each other.

  11. Jini’s Key Concepts • Discovery. • Lookup. • Leasing. • Remote Events. • Transactions.

  12. Jini To work requires …. 3 major components • Service • Client • Jini environment –rmi, web server, lookup service.

  13. Service • Devices that can share their capabilities with other devices. • Device requirements a. memory & cpu. b. Connection to network. • E.g. TV, Microwave,Printer,PC,Software

  14. Client • A device that uses services • Requirement • Memory & CPU • Connection to Network • E.g. PDA, WAP Phone, PC, Coke Machine

  15. The Jini environment Service Provider Service Consumer Jini Lookup Service

  16. How does it work? • 1.create the jini environment-lookup server online. • 2.services discover, join and register on lookup servers. • 3.clients discover and find matching and downloadable services, then start using them.

  17. Creating The jini environment: • 1.run a http server (jini provides a simple but efficient one). • 2.run a RMI daemon (exists on Java 2). • 3.run a lookup server (supplied with the reggie.jar files in jini){ comes with the jini env}

  18. Running the environment command lines: • http server: • java -jar java archive • /usr/local/Java/jini1_1/lib/tools.jar. jini’s http -port 8087 • -dir /usr/local/Java/jini1_1/lib the server’s root directory • -verbose& • Rmi daemon: • rmid -J-Dsun.rmi.activation.execPolicy=none • -port 1100 • -log /tmp/rmid_log& rmi log directory-recvering...

  19. SAMPLE PROGRAM OUTPUT! • From the service: • >discovered a lookup service! • >set serviceID to e91bb-53434-ty7554 • From the client: • >Got matching service. • >Its message is: Hello, world!

  20. Advantages & shortfalls • Uses java as the base. • Support with all available java tools. • Not all that easy to code. • Uses RMI which adds its overhead.

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