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Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education Collaborating for better STEM education. Implications for STEM Education in the 2012 Budget . Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education Collaborating for better STEM education.
Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education • Collaborating for better STEM education Implications for STEM Education in the 2012 Budget
Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education • Collaborating for better STEM education Focus for today is on 2012 Budget released by the White House on Monday We will talk about the 2011 Continuing Resolution issues after that for those with questions
Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education • Collaborating for better STEM education Department of Education budget shows a modest 4% growth over the enacted 2010 budget excluding Pell grants This includes an additional $300 M for Title I and $200 M for IDEA
Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education • Collaborating for better STEM education There is however an$458 M decrease in Title II funding overall As in the 2011 Budget the President is proposing the consolidation of a number of programs including the Math Science Partnerships.
Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education • Collaborating for better STEM education The MSP grants would become part of the overall “Effective Teaching and Learning for a Complete Education” program of Competitive grants. Effective Teaching and Learning STEM, (formerly MSP) would receive $206 M up $26 M but be competitive grants.
Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education • Collaborating for better STEM education The Budget Proposal also contains $80M dedicated to teacher pathways that successfully prepare effective STEM teachers as part of the goal of 100,000 new STEM Teachers over the next decade
Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education • Collaborating for better STEM education The President is seeking $300 M for the continuation of the Investing in Innovation or I3 grant program with a competitive priority once again on effective practices targeting improvement in STEM education.
Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education • Collaborating for better STEM education $185 M is being sought for the new Presidential Teaching Fellowship program would provide formula grants to the states to support scholarships for talented students going into teaching including STEM fields.
Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education • Collaborating for better STEM education The President is also seeking an additional $900 M for Race to the Top. The 2012 request would target school districts with a focus on the four assurances or pillars of the original RTTT and would also include a rural communities component
Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education • Collaborating for better STEM education In Career and Technical Education (CTE)the President’s proposed budget makes some significant cuts. Tech Prep Education State Grants are eliminated and the Career and Technical Education State Grants are being reduced by $161M
Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education • Collaborating for better STEM education The Administration indicates that it will work during the reauthorization of the Perkins Act to strengthen it as a vehicle to support the goals of Department of Education’s secondary school agenda.
Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education • Collaborating for better STEM education Turning to the National Science Foundation The NSF Education and Human Resources Directorate is also looking at a modest 4.4% budget increase over the 2010 enacted levels.
Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education • Collaborating for better STEM education New Programs include: Teacher Learning for the Future (TLF) is the NSF component of the President’s call for 100,000 new STEM teachers over the next decade and it is budgeted at $20M. Compliments the Department of ED Teacher Pathway Program
Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education • Collaborating for better STEM education Widening Implementation and Demonstration of Evidence-based Reforms or WIDER is being proposed to take best practices in undergraduate STEM education to scale. The funding request is for $20M in 2012
Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education • Collaborating for better STEM education Transforming Broadening Participation through STEM (TBPS) is a new program in the Human Resource Development division that seeks solutions for broader participation in STEM in anticipation of the changes in US demographics The request is for $20M in 2012.
Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education • Collaborating for better STEM education Other changes: Transforming Undergrad Ed in STEM (TUES) is slated for an increase of 15% or $6.26M. Climate Change Education is flat funded at $5.50M.
Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education • Collaborating for better STEM education STEM Talent Expansion Program (STEP) is requesting $34.53M or a 9.5% increase for 2012. The NSF Math and Science Partnership program is budgeted at $48M down more than 17% over the 2010 level.
Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education • Collaborating for better STEM education NSDL or the National STEM Education Distributed Library program has been eliminated for the 2012 Budget. The Noyce Scholarship program is looking at an 18% decrease in the upcoming budget at $45M
Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education • Collaborating for better STEM education Graduate STEM Fellows in K-12 Education (GK-12) program is being phased out and the funding request for 2012, at $22M reflects only the funds necessary for existing commitments.
Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education • Collaborating for better STEM education In Other Agencies: NASA is slated for an increase of $60M for K-12 education programs including summer enrichment programs of middle school students
Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education • Collaborating for better STEM education Department of Energy Office of Science is requesting an increase of nearly $15M for the Office of Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists
Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education • Collaborating for better STEM education Shifting Gears…the 2011 Budget Continuing Resolution There has been much said about the recently released House framework for the Continuing Resolution (CR) and the cuts that are targeted.
Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education • Collaborating for better STEM education • STEM Education related cuts include: • Mathematics and Science Partnerships -$180.5M • Educational Technology State Grants -$100M • Advanced Credentialing -$10.7M • Teach for America -$18M • Fund for the Improvement of Education (FIE) -$261M • Projects with industry -$19.2M • Tech-Prep Education State Grants -$103M • Programs for BA Degrees in STEM and Critical Foreign Languages -$1.1M • Programs for MA Degrees in STEM and Critical Foreign Languages -$1.1M • Regional Educational Laboratories -$70.7M • Statewide Data Systems -$58.3M
Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education • Collaborating for better STEM education It is unlikely that the CR will pass the Senate in it’s current form and the President has made it clear that he will veto it if it does. With the current CR set to run out early March there is pressure to find some common ground but the question is where.
Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education • Collaborating for better STEM education In the recent debate on the House Floor we have seen moderate Republicans crossing the aisle to join the Democrats to repeal some of these changes and defeat many of the proposed amendments. The concern is on the March 4 deadline and a potential shutdown.
Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education • Collaborating for better STEM education If you are currently using funding from these programs and have results that show their success we would like very much to hear from you . Data is King…help us fight for the programs that are of greatest value
Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education • Collaborating for better STEM education Questions…
Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education • Collaborating for better STEM education This discussion will be available on line immediately following the broadcast.
Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education • Collaborating for better STEM education