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Coal Quality Parameters in Central Europe: Resources, Calorific Value, and Energy Security

Explore coal quality parameters, resources, and energy security in Central Europe. Learn about the calorific value, sulphur, ash content, hydrocarbons, and petroleum and natural gas reserves. Discover the historical significance of Ignacy Łukasiewicz's oil lamp invention and Gazprom's role in energy security. Delve into the shale gas reserves in Poland and the vast coal basins in the region. Gain insights into the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, the Lublin Coal Basin, and the coal mining industry in Central Europe.

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Coal Quality Parameters in Central Europe: Resources, Calorific Value, and Energy Security

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  1. Coal quality parameters Resources Calorificvalue Sulphur Ash

  2. Hydrocarbons Petroleum and natural gas

  3. 1853 pharmacist Ignacy Łukasiewicz switched on the first oil lamp in a hospital in Lvov (this city is in Ukraine now, till the World War Ist it was in the Galician province of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire)

  4. Gazprom Enter to energy security

  5. „ Shale belt in Poland „ 37 000 km², , 12% area

  6. US Department of Energy (2011) estimated shale gas reserves ~22,45 bln m³ (10¹²) 5,3 bln m³ possible Polish Geological Institute PIG – PIB (2014) Estimated reserves 346-768 mld m³ (109)

  7. Bituminuos (hard) coal in Poland

  8. O2 O2 CO2

  9. Carboniferouscoalbasins Jasnoszary – zasięg utworów karbońskich, szary – węglonośne utwory karbońskie, ciemnoszary – zagłębia węglowe: GZW – Górnośląskie, DZW – Dolnośląskie, LZW – Lubelskie, Ru – Ruhry, Ib – Ibbenbüren, Ac – Aachen–Erkelenz, Li – Limburgii, Ca – Campine, Wa – Walonii, PdC – Pas de Calais, Ke – Kentu, B-S – Bristol–Somerset, PW – Południowej Walii, Yo – Yorkshire

  10. Carboniferous in Central Europe

  11. Upper Silesian Coal Basin USCB Resources ~52 Mrd. t, economically 4,7 mld t Thickness of the economically coal seam ≥ 1,5 m Coal quality: H.V.B.C. – Anthracite Depth ~1000 m Longwall , shearer (seldom coal plough) Employment ~100 000

  12. Coal mines in the USCB

  13. Jastrzębie Coal Company Plc (5 coal mines) coking coals ~13 000 000 t/a 54 000 t/d efficiency 3600 kg/ M. day).depth 600-900 m , Katowice Coal Holding (4 +1 coal mines)∑ ~15 Mio. t/a Coal mines unfavorable located under Silesian cities. Coal seam 510 thickness 24 m Kompania Węglowa ( Coal Company Plc with 15 coal mines), 60 000 employeers (the biggest employer in European coal mining) Piast coal mine 25 000 t/day (~7 Mio. t./a).

  14. Lithostratigraphy of Upper Silesian Coal Basin

  15. Geologic map

  16. Coal seam 510 Namurian B

  17. Overthrustsin Upper SilesianCoalBasin

  18. Geological structure in Gliwice area

  19. COAL RANK DISTRIBUTION AT THE CARBONIFEROUS TOP SURFACE 31-33 H.V.B. 34-37 M.V.B. 38 L.V.B. 41, 42 anthracite


  21. Resourcess 9,2 Mrd. t, economically 0,33 Mrd. t) LCB 1 coal mine„Bogdanka” ~6 Mio. t/aWorkable coal seam thickness, in depth 750-1000 m, between 1,3-1,7 m (max.3,8 m).

  22. Concession area for exploration

  23. Thank you for attention kiitos

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