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Demographic changes and economic opportunities Active ageing and intergenerational solidarity: how to foster new initiatives?. 17 July, 2011 European Commission, Directorate General for Regional Policy http://ec.europa.eu./comm/regional_policy. Health investments - ERDF.
Demographic changes and economic opportunitiesActive ageing and intergenerational solidarity: how to foster new initiatives? 17 July, 2011 European Commission, Directorate General for Regional Policy http://ec.europa.eu./comm/regional_policy
Health investments in the current programming period(reports from HU, BG, SK) Main challenges • Long list of priorities, no focus • Lack of clear strategy • No link to social inclusion policies • Social and territorial inequalities are not targeted • Risk of further investments in non-reformed, ineffective, not affordable health system • Sustainability of investments is not ensured • Political influences (planning or implementation phase) • Non-transparent procedures • Lobbying
Regulatory package 2014-2020Thematic objectives • Research & innovation • Information and communication technologies (ICT) • Competitiveness of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) • Shift towards a low-carbon economy • Climate change adaptation & risk prevention and management • Environmental protection & resource efficiency • Sustainable transport & removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures • Employment & supporting labour mobility • Social inclusion & combating poverty • Education, skills & lifelong learning • Institutional capacity building & efficient public administrations European UnionCohesion Policy
Regulatory package 2014-2020Ex-ante conditionality Conditions to be fulfilled prior to submission of Partnership Contracts and operational programmes Directly related to the thematic objectives or horizontal conditions of effectiveness Specified criteria for fulfilmentdefined in annex IV of CPR Conditionalities must be fulfilled within two years of the approval of the Partnership Contract or by end of 2016 Non-fulfilment of conditionalities at the time of the adoption of the programmes or by the deadline outlined above constitutes a basis for suspension of payments
Regulatory package 2014-2020Reinforcing Integrated Programming Integrated programme approach The Common Strategic Framework at EU level and the Partnership Contract at national level covering all the CSF Funds Possibility for Member States to prepare and implement multifund programmes combining ERDF, ESF and the Cohesion Fund
Regulatory package 2014-2020Reinforcing community-led local development Integrated approach to community-led local development Facilitates integrated investment by small communities including local authorities, NGOs, and economic and social partners Integrated local development strategies Local action groups to design and implement these strategies Integrated approach and common rules = can be financed jointly from ERDF, ESF, EAFRD and EMFF
Regulatory package 2014-2020ESF investment priorities Thematicobjective: Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty Investmentcategories • Active inclusion; • Integration of marginalised communities such as the Roma; • Combating discrimination based on sex, racial or ethnic origin,religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation; • Enhancing access to affordable, sustainable and high-qualityservices, including health care and social services of generalinterest; • Promoting the social economy and social enterprises; • Community-led local development strategies.
Regulatory package 2014-2020ERDF Investment priorities All thematic objectives can be supported by the ERDF The regulation includes, for every thematic objective: A definitive list of investment priorities which set the aims for intervention by the Fund Example Thematic objective: promoting social inclusion and combating poverty: Investment priorities: (a) investing in health and social infrastructure which contribute to national,regional and local development, reducing inequalities in terms of health status,and transition from institutional to community-based services; (b) support for physical and economic regeneration of deprived urban and ruralcommunities; (c) support for social enterprises;
Purpose of the CSF and Staff Working Document Purpose of CSF • "The Commission should adopt by delegated act a Common Strategic Framework which translates the objectives of the Union into key actions for the CSF Funds, in order to provide clearer strategic direction to the programming process at the level of Member States and regions. The Common Strategic Framework should facilitate sectoral and territorial coordination of Union intervention under the CSF Funds and with other relevant Union policies and instruments." • (Recital 14 of the Common Provisions Regulation) Purpose of Staff Working Document • To set out the main elements of the CSF as a basis for discussion with the other EU institutions
Thematic objective: promoting social inclusion and combating poverty: • Key actions for the ESF: • Enhancing access to affordable, sustainable and high-quality services, including health care • and social services of general interest: • – enhanced access to affordable, sustainable and high-quality healthcare with a view to • reducing health inequalities, supporting health prevention and promoting e-health, • including through targeted actions focused on particularly vulnerable groups; • – enhanced access to affordable, sustainable and high-quality social services such as • employment and training services, services for the homeless, out of school care, • childcare and long-term care services; • – targeted early-childhood education and care services, including integrated approaches • combining childcare, education, health and parental support, with a particular focus on • the prevention of children's placement in institutional care; • – access to e-services to promote e-inclusion; • – support for the transition from institutional care to community-based care services for • children without parental care, people with disabilities, the elderly, and people with • mental disorders, with a focus on integration between health and social services.
Thematic objective: promoting social inclusion and combating poverty: • Key actions for the ERDF: • – investment in health and social infrastructure to improve access to health and social services and reduce health inequalities, with special attention to marginalised groups, such as the Roma and those at risk of poverty; • – infrastructure investments that contribute to the modernisation, structural transformationand sustainability of health systems, leading to measurable improvements in healthoutcomes, including e-health measures; • – targeted infrastructure investments to support the shift from institutional to communitybasedcare, which enhances access to independent living in the community with highqualityservices • support infrastructure investments in childcare, elderly care and long-term care. • – support for the physical and economic regeneration of deprived urban and ruralcommunities including the Roma, which reduces the spatial concentration of poverty,including the promotion of integrated plans where social housing is accompaniednotably by interventions in education, health including sport facilities for local residents • and employment;
Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty • General implementationprinciples: • CSF fundscannot be usedtoforactionscontributingtoanyform of segregation and discrimination(!) • MemberStatesareinvitedtomakeuse of povertymaps • Complementarity and coordination: Regenerationactivitiessupportedbythe ERDF should go handinhandwith ESF actionspromotinginclusion. EAFRD mayalsopromotesocialinclusionthroughcommunity-leddevelopment (LEADER)
€71 billion for business incl. SME + innovation support Cohesion Policy
€71 billion for business incl. SME + innovation support allocations vs. spending Business & SME allocations in € Cohesion Policy
Future of Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 • Thematic concentration to maximise the impact of investment: 80% ERDF earmarking for R&I + SME competitiveness + low carbon economy (in less advanced regions: 50%) »» 60% (44%) for SMEs specifically • Conditionalities to ensure effective implementation, e.g. research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation (RIS3) ; SBA implementation ; Comprehensive strategy for inclusive start-up support ... • Common Strategic Framework: coherence across funds (ERDF, ESF, CF, EAFRD, EMFF); clarify synergies with Horizon 2020, COSME etc. Cohesion Policy
Common Strategic Framework: Suggested key actions • R&I: • ►Staircase to excellence: R&I Infrastructures, equipment, centres of competence … • ►Innovation in enterprises: tech-transfer, take-up & pilots on KETs, demand stimulation … • ►Exploit new ideas: clusters, advisory services, new business models, university-business links, … • ICT: • ►Broadband roll-out: Next Generation Access • ►eGovernment • ►Developing ICT products and services • ►Large-scale uptake of ICT-based innovations • SME competitiveness: • ►Entrepreneurship, financial instruments, incubation … • ►New business models: exploit new ideas, value chains … • ►Business advisory services: SME needs oriented … • ►Web-tools to facilitate regulatory procedures for SMEs • Promoting employment and supporting labour mobility: • ► Development of business incubators and investment support for self-employment and business creation (green economy, sustainable tourism, silver economy, health and social services) Cohesion Policy
July 2012: Europe 2020: national reform programmes "investments in R&D"? Draft position papers per country (negotiating mandates) Early 2013: adoption of the Structural Funds regulations, Common Strategic Framework + 3 months (2nd trimester 2013): Partnership contracts: needs analysis; conditionalitiesOperational Programmes including actions for implementing elements of research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation (RIS3), SME support etc. Common Strategic Framework Partnership Contract Time-line + process for preparation of OP Operational Programmes Cohesion Policy
Energy efficiency and renewable energy Research and Innovation SMEs competitiveness Concentration of ERDF investment resources to maximise the impact Less developed regions Developed regions and transition regions Flexibility (different regions present different needs)Special arrangements for the previously convergence regions Cohesion Policy
Good practice • O4O project, (Older people for Older people) - Mobilising older people to help older people • Partner regions across the Northern Periphery – Finland, Greenland, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Sweden • Objective: to research and develop alternative ways of providing support and services for their older citizens • Measures:community transport scheme, community-managed centres for older people, help and friendship schemes, a luncheon club for older people using local produce from older people’s gardens, volunteering to support older people, and history and culture projects • Policy briefings:social enterprise creation within communities, the influence of culture and policy context on social enterprise creation; the future for older people’s service delivery; and specific policy objectives for each of the O4O partner countries’ national and regional governments(www.O4Os.eu). • Total cost: 2,1 M EUR, ERDF: ,1,18 M EUR
For more information InfoRegio:ec.europa.eu/inforegio RegioNetwork:www.regionetwork2020.eu