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A summary of the various activities and trips organized by Kulautuva Basic School in 2016, including an ecology camp, educational field trips, contests, and cultural outings.
A rest in ecology camp in Karklė On the28th ofJune a flockof Kulautuva forestloverswent to KarklėwheretheYoungForestPalsorganisedecologycamp. Studentshad a greattimeplayingvolleyball, competingforthefirst prize inindicativeracesand ‘brainbattle. Inthedaytimepupilswent to tripssuchasVentėornithologicalstation. In the daytime Kulautuva‘sstudentsvisited Juodkrantė, climbedtheHillofWitches, wentoverburntforestsandCuronianSpit. Finally, the students went sightseeing to Nida, a small resort.
Educationalchemists‘ trip Onthe 23rdofSeptember Kulautuva basicschoolteamofyoungchemists‘ went to Kėdainiai chemistryfactory ‘Lifosa‘. Theseniorengineertoldtheguestsabouttheenterprise, wentthroughshop-floors,mountedupthehillofindustrialwastesby bus to admirevicinityspectacles.
Thefifthformerswant to knowLithuania The fifth and tenth formers visitedhismothercountryandgrave, thelittlebarnof Antanas Baranauskas wherefamouspoem ‘Theforestof Anykščiai‘ waswritten. Anykščiai isfullofwonderfulsightseeingplaces, it‘simpossible to lookeverythingaroundin a day. There are plentyofextraordinarysculptors‘, artists‘ works. Weevenwroteletters to askforourdreamscometrue. A few days later we went cycling to Paštuva and crossed even 14 kilometres. Everybody were happy to meet the barefooted Carmelites’ sisters, to admire the new Paštuvachurchand at last to visit thegraveof Jonas VailokaitissignatoryofActofLithuanianIndependence. It’s great to travel, nice to associate, worth to know your country.
A successful performance in ‘The Golden Autumn’ contest On the 1st of October Lithuanian aerobic gymnastic contest ‘The Golden autumn’ was held in AleksandrasStulginskis University in Kaunas. More than 200 aerobic gymnastics representatives from Lithuania were hosted. Kaunas region Kulautuva basic school won even three medals in various aerobic gymnastic’s spheres.
Nationaldefenceday On the 8th of October 9th-10th formers and their teachers took part in event ‘National defence day‘. It washeldinMechanizedInfantryBrigade ‘IronWolf‘ unitswhich are sitedin Rukla, Jonava region.
Porridgeday Onthe 9th ofOctoberfirst - fourthformsstudentstookpartinaneducationalactiondevoted to commemorateWorldwidePorridgeday. Primarystudentsstartedtheirdaywithmorningexercises, afterwardspupilstastedoatmealporridge. Theenterprisegiftedsmallbookscalled ‘Porridgeday‘ sochildrennowknoweverythingabouttheuseofhealthybreakfastandgrainsfortheorganism.
A successfulperformanceininternationalfestival-contest ‘Dancesforeverybody 2015‘ On the 24th of October dancers of Kaunas region Kulautuva basic school modern dances‘ team ‘The movement‘ went to international festival-contest ‘Dances for everybody - 2015‘. Students‘ teamearnedmedalsforthedances‘ compositions ‘MiraclesofNature‘ and ‘Forgetabouteverything‘ .
‘A beautifulandmeaningfulactionbeforeAllSaints‘ day The 5th and 10th formersof Kulautuva basicschoolheld a socialactionandsetout to Kulautuva‘scemetary. Studentswished to tidyunattended, derelictgraves. Havingarrangedforgottengraveschildrenlitcandlesonthemandhonouredthosewhopassedaway. Suchactionsturneverybody‘sattention to thesurroundings, encouragecherishingnationalcustomsandtraditionsandstrengthenfriendlyintercommunion.
Learninglanguageandhistorywhileplaying The most interesting and welcome lessons are those which are in untraditional surroundings. Although it washolidaytimeeverybodywerewaitingforthetrip to Vilnius andknowmoreabouttheirlanguageandculturalheritage. Now students know how the language and script originated, they even became archeologists and had to find the oldest Indo-European mother–tongue words. Pretending real professionals everybody made letters’ impresses and was trying to make word puzzles. It was so exciting to discover the meaning and origin of their names, to look closer at the gestural language. Students were surprised about the beauty and richness of Lithuanian.
After having such a busy day our group of young travelers came back through Kernavė – the capital of pagan Lithuania which is whickered with legends and stories. We walked the paths that recall more than 10 thousand years history and were entranced with the beauty of hills and eager to search for the Bear in a dark sky. There were so many impressions but the most important thing it was really interesting to study and know.
A stayin Vilnius In the end of October a pile of10th and 11th formers visited Vilnius – the capital of Lithuania. Russian teacher who organised the trip, wanted to encourage students spend one day especially remarkably and fraught with meaning. Students were glad being able to walk in the narrow streets of the old town drown in the dusk and admire the landmarks decorating the capital. This way the guests approached National Opera and ballet theatre where they wished to see the play of PyotrIlyich Tchaikovsky ‘Eugene Onegin’ Teenagers were fascinated with unfulfilled love story, the richness of Russian language and remarkably sophisticated artists. Everybody believes that evening they improved foreign language skills and gained long-term impressions.
Worldwide Aids day On the 2nd of December worldwide fight against Aids day was held in Kulautuva basic school. The day of fighting against Aids is commemorated since 1988 all around the world. In 2015 the ministers of Health from all around the world was organized to refer the 1st of December as day of fighting against Aids. Also there was decided to exchange the information related with this disease between worldwide medics. The 11th graders organized a competition including the lecture for 7th-10th formers’ teams. The pupils had some fun and acquired plenty of new facts.
National Olympiad of Environmental Protection It was held on the 25th of November, where all our school’s 8th graders took part. The aim of this project was not only to check students’ knowledge in spheres of environmental protection and ecology but also encourage wondering these issues wider. Nowadays it requires lots of precautions to be taken. We are proud we didn’t boggle at the idea of trying our luck and became the winners of the 2nd prize in Kaunas district. We won the tickets to the film in ‘Forum Cinemas’.
Day of anticorruption On the 11th of December Kulautuva basic school commemorated the day of anticorruption. The principal of Kaunas department anticorruption subdivision Daina Paštuolienėvisitedtheevent. STT officerpresentedthephenomenonofcorruption, explaineditsharm, toldaboutthecommonestcasesofcorruption. The students acted in various situations, where different manifestations of corruption highlighted. The guest commented pupils’ acting. The officer was happy about students’ ingenuity, intelligence and friendly communication.
The action “Let’s warm the hearts” Advent is the great expectation of Christ and it invites everyone to pause, listen to oneself. Students’ council invited to join the action “Let’s warm the hearts’ and do kindness. The teenagers urged to buy ‘Caritas’ candles, the acquired funds were devoted for families growing many children. On the 15th of December Students’ council and other Kulautuva basic school students went to Čekiškė nursinghome. WerejoicedgrandparentswithChristmascarols, poems. It was a greatpleasure to seetheirbrightenedfaces. We also sharedourgoodwillwithneighbours – Kulautuva children‘shospitaloftuberculosis. Thelittlepatientswereingreathappinesswithourwarmwordsandwonderfulcarols.
Studentsdayin Vytautas Magnusuniversity A group of 10th and 11th formers and their teacher Kolomba Bulotienė went to Vytautas Magnus university. TheinstitutionisvitallyimportantsourceofcultureandscienceinLithuaniaandeveryyearopensitsdoorsforpupils. Besidesthisuniversityistheonlyonesuggestingstudiesbasedonartes liberales priciple. Themodelemphasizes a universalpersonalitytraining, helps to revealeveryone‘sindividualityandformyoungpeople‘sindependantviewpoint. Wewereoffered to familiarizewithstudyprogrammes, universityandcareerinvariousbraches – wewerehavinganextraordinarycheerfulandsignificantday. Studentsheardforeignlanguages‘ primers, compelledinformativelectures, experiments.interactivegames, fairoffacultieswherestudentsconsultedpassionatelyabouttheissuesthey are interestedin.
Untraditionalindependenceday Kulautuva basic school teachers wished to commemorate the day of restoration of an independent State of Lithuania. History teacher MykolasFedaravičiusorganisedanaction‘Forcleanandbeautiful Kulautuva‘ andinvitedschoolandtowncommunity to visit localhistoricalmonuments. TheteamsweregatheredfromlocaldwellersandcheckedtheirknowledgeinLithuaniahistory, geography, Lithuanianandliterature. Kulautuva citizenslikedtheidea to celebrateindependencedaydifferently. Thiskindofshowisremarkableas it lets to become a memberofhistoryandcreator.
Educationalprogramme‘Interestingchemistry‘ On the 18 of February 10th formers and chemistry teacher Kolomba Bulotienė took part in educational programme ‘Interesting chemistry‘. Studentsparticipatedvariouschemicaltests: madeartificialblood, goldenliquid, identifiedliquids‘ phandcreatedpolygraph. It wasaninteresting, unusualchemistrylessoninwhichweknewplentyofnewthingsandcheckedtheacquiredones.