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Creating a Life That’s On Course For You and Your Students

Join us at the On Course National Conference Pre-Conference Workshop for an inspirational session focused on YOU! Discover your path, values, dreams, and strategies to create a vision for your life. Engage in meaningful activities to identify what drives you and make positive changes. Develop personal and professional ideas while forming connections with others. Morning and afternoon sessions include reflection videos, self-assessments, dream exploration, and action planning. Leave empowered and ready to commit to achieving your biggest dreams!

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Creating a Life That’s On Course For You and Your Students

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  1. Creating a Life That’s On Course For You and Your Students Bill Johnson University of North Carolina-Greensboro 2013 On Course National Conference Pre-Conference Workshop

  2. Introduction • Agenda for the day • A little about me  • Bottom line - this session is about… YOU!!!

  3. Inspirational Poem So Why Am I in College?

  4. Helpful Workshop Guidelines • Engage fully – allow yourself to be present for the day. • Be attentive to time, since we are on a set schedule for breaks, lunch, and the end. • Be mindful of equal sharing of time for self and for others. • Please turn off cell phones, tablets, laptops, etc. • Anything else?

  5. Your Reward • By the end of this session, you will: • Recognize your path and what’s true for you… • Identify your values and their impact... • Discover the things that drive your life... • Assess your life to make positive change… • Identify your most heartfelt dreams and strategies to achieve them… • Create a vision for your life… • Develop ideas on how to use these exercises and activities personally and professionally… • Establish meaningful connections with others...

  6. Morning Session timeline Break will be at 10:00am… (back at 10:15am) Lunch will be at 12:00pm… (back at 1:30pm)

  7. Before we start… 1. Why did you attend this session? 2. Set an intention of what you hope to learn, accomplish, and/or achieve by the end of the workshop. Write your answers on page 4 of your handbook.

  8. Paper Mingle(courtesy of my dear friend Marin Burton) • Exercise to connect with others. • Engage in meaningful dialogue. • Promotes genuine conversations. Rules: • Find a partner. • Each person share his or her question. • When both have shared, exchange questions. • Raise hand to find next partner. (List of Paper Mingle questions on pages 5 and 6)

  9. Video Bring on the Learning Revolution Sir Ken Robinson (Space for reflection and notes on page 4)

  10. Personal Lifeline (Pages 7 and 8 of your workbook)

  11. Video The Rick and Dick Hoyt Story (Space for reflection and notes on page 9)

  12. Value Assessment • Value Tags (Tags can be found on pages 10-12)

  13. Self-Reflection Exercise • “I Am” Poem • A poem about you. • Provides you an opportunity to reflect on your life. • Challenges you to think about the important things in your life. • The goal is to complete as much of the poem as you desire in 15 minutes. Poem instructions and worksheet on pages 13-15.

  14. This is the end of morning session! We’re half-way done! Time for lunch! Afternoon session begins at 1:30pm.

  15. Afternoon Session Timeline Break will be at 3:00pm… (back at 3:15pm) Session will end at 4:45pm

  16. Morning Reflection

  17. Video How to Live Your Life Dr. Randy Pausch on Oprah (Space for reflection and notes on page 16)

  18. My Life Self- Assessment (Self-assessment on page 16-17)

  19. Video Try Something New For 30 Days… Matt Cutts (Ideas to add, subtract, or change written on page 18)

  20. The Challenge What will you commit to – for the next 28 days? (Ideas for challenge on page 18, worksheet/log on page 20)

  21. Video Bucket List

  22. Vision Map • Vision for your future • 5-year or 10 year map – you choose (Vision maps are on pages 25 and 26)

  23. “Dream Big” Philosophy What do you want? (Dream) What’s stopping you? (Obstacles) How do I make it happen? (Action) Who can I get to help me? (Support)

  24. The Dream Killers • “The Obstacles” • Undesirable Habits (procrastinator, indecisive)… • Negative Beliefs (I can’t, I’m too)… • Unhealthy Relationships (family, friends)… • External Distractions (economy, weather)… • Fears (failure, rejection, change)… • Lack (time, money resources)…

  25. How to Accomplish Your Dreams (from Cheryl Richardson) Friends (Supportive, Positive People) Facts (Relevant Information) Faith (Belief in the Process)

  26. Dream Digging • For the first part of this exercise, you will be asked to come up with three different dreams to work on. These three dreams must: • get you excited about pursuing them. • would challenge you more than you ever imagined. • are really big! • Make sure that your dreams: • are specific. • have deadlines. • have ways to help you measure your progress. • is something you can really do. • Think of dreams that could change your life!

  27. Dream #1: Professions • Your first dream needs to be related to work, career education, money or finances. • Examples: • Complete a masters or doctorate degree by… • Pursue/create a job that’s your calling by… • Run your own business by... • Save ‘x’ amount of money for retirement by…

  28. Dream #2: Associations • Your second dream needs to be related to health, well-being, family, friends, relationships, spirituality, religion, personal growth, lifestyle, social, or self-management.. • Focus on the relations with yourself and/or with others. • Examples: • Spend ‘x’ time with children by doing ‘y’… • Be at ‘x’ weight by ‘y’... • Volunteer ‘x’ hours of time with ‘y’ company… • Find a loving partner by ‘x’… • Reduce stress through meditation starting ‘x’...

  29. Dream #3: Fun • Your third dream needs to recreation, travel, and adventure – doing something FUN! • Examples: • Read ‘x’ books in ‘x’ amount of time... • Take an ‘x’ amount of vacation time in Hawaii by ‘x’… • Hike along the Appalachian Trail by ‘x’… • Play tennis at least ‘x’ times a week… • Go skydiving by ‘x’…

  30. Idea Exchange

  31. Idea Exchange Process • You will share your dream with another person. • Each of you will take turns to try to come up with as many ideas as possible for the other person. • Don’t discuss the value or how realistic the idea might be – just give ideas! Think outside the box! • Write down all of the ideas that come from your partner.

  32. Brainstorming Example… One of my dreams… I would like to create an “unschool” program in school for potential college students (NOT age dependent) where they can take a series of classes (between 8 and 12 credits) – either during the summer or over the course of the year - in order to create structure for self-directed learning. Classes would provide opportunity to learn about self, connect with others within and outside of program, and engage in activities that are purposeful and passionate to their own lives. I need your help…could you give me a few ideas? (You will have 1 minute to write down at least one idea on index card at your table.)

  33. The Dream Continued… • After you’ve gotten ideas for your dreams, you will need to do two additional tasks: • Come up with three ideas that you are willing to commit to within one week to get started on one of your dreams. • List one or two people (preferably from this workshop) that you would be willing to have as your accountability partner to make sure you are taking steps to get it done. • Better yet…create a “Dream Team” where you help each other fulfill your dreams on a regular basis.

  34. Success increases… • Find people who will encourage/support you as you pursue your dreams. • Stay away from (or eliminate) negative people! • If you need help…ASK! • Don’t let your dreams die – or kill the dreams of others! • Establish meaningful connections and build positive relationships with others.

  35. Video Everyday Leadership/ Lollipop Moments Drew Dudley

  36. Your thoughts… • Based on what you’ve learned about yourself in the workshop today, what can you do to creating meaningful experiences for your students? • And what about creating meaningful experiences for yourself? • Take 10-15 minutes to write down any thoughts/ideas you might have to create meaningful experiences in all aspects of your life. (Write your thoughts/ideas on page 29)

  37. Questions???

  38. Contact Information Bill Johnson Student Success Coordinator/ Personal Development Coach/Instructor Office of Life Planning & Personal Development School of Health and Human Sciences E-mail: whjohnso@uncg.edu Phone: 336-207-6795 (work) Web site: http://www.uncg.edu/hhp/ssc/index.html Blog: http://thedreamdean.wordpress.com

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