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نتايج التحاليل القياسية لبعض التحاليل الطبية

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نتايج التحاليل القياسية لبعض التحاليل الطبية

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  1. ةيبطلا ليلاحتلا ضعبل ةيسايقلا ليلاحتلا جياتن راطيبلا متاح د ميدقت Test Unit Ref.Ranges Alert Values ALT (SGPT) U/l Up to 40 >400 AMYLASE IU/l 25 – 125 >200 AST (SGOT) U/L Up to 40 >400 BILIRUBIN mg/dl Up to 1.0 >12 BUN mg/dl 5 -23 >50 CALCIUM mg/dl 8.6 – 10.2 <6.0: >14.0 CALCIUM (IONIZED) mg/dl 4.8 – 5.5 <3.0 : >7.5 CARBAMAZEPINE Ug/ml 4 – 10 >20 CHLORIDE mmol/l 98 – 108 <80: >120 CK U/l <195 >1950 CLONAZEPAM ng/ml 25 – 75 >80 CREATININE mg/dl 0.6-1.2 >7.5

  2. CYCLOSPORINE ng/ml 100 – 400 <25 or >400 D-DIMER Negative Positive FIBRINOGEN Mg% 160 – 360 <100 GLUCOSE (Random) mg/dl 60-160 <40 >450 Male: 13.5–18.0 <7 : >20 HEMOGLOBIN gm/dL Female:11.5– 15 <7 : >20 IRON Ug/dl 25 – 170 >308 LIPASE U/l 10 – 150 >700 LITHIUM SERUM mEq/l 0.5-1.5 >1.5 MAGNESIUM SERUM mg/dl 1.7- 2.8 <1.2: >3.2 MANGANESE SERUM Ug/L 0.5-2.0 >10 MANGANESE W.B Ug/L 7 – 16 >30 PHOSPHORUS mg/dl 2.5 – 5.0 <1.0: >10.0 PLATELET COUNT X109L 150 – 450 <40 : >1000 POTASSIUM mmol/l 3.5 – 5.3 <2.8: >6.2 PT Sec 12.0 – 14.8 >60 PTT Sec 25.0 – 34.0 >120 SODIUM mmol/l 135 – 145 <125:>160 TOTAL BILIRUBIN mg/dl <1.4 >12 TROPONIN I ng/dl <2.0 >3.0 Male: 3.4-7.2 >12.5 URIC ACID mg/dl Female: 2.4-6.0 >12.5 WBC X109L 4000 -11000 <1.500

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