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Information and communication technology in medicine
Kofi Annan, speaking at theWorld Summit on the Information Society • “A technological revolution is transforming society in a profound way. If harnessed and directed properly information and communication technologies(ICT) have the potential to improve all aspects of our social, economic and cultural life.”
Information and Informatics • Information Technology is the use of hardware, software, services, and supporting infrastructure to manage information. deliver • Informatics is the scientific field that deals with biomedical information, data and knowledge - their storage, retrieval and optimal use for problem-solving and decision-making
Innovative Use of Learning Technologies • An IT-enabled educational environment • Easy, ubiquitous technology support • Investment in simulation technologies • Balance innovation and current successful practice • Continuous evaluation and improvement • Training educators to use IT successfully • Inquiry-based education • Life-long learning and knowledge access skills
Research Education Clinical Stanford Biomedicine Community Applications and Services Support, Training, Advocacy & Planning Information Acquisition, Hosting, Management & Access Knowledge Access and Delivery INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT INFORMATICS Infrastructure Expertise Network Data Center Security Knowledge Resources Planning Development Model
ICT changing the future of Health • The key developments in health care in last 25 years is the incursion of information and communications technologies (Heath, Luff,& Svensson, 2003). ICT have changed the ways in which medicine is practiced and taught
Internet changing the future What is the Internet? • The largest network of networks in the world. • Uses TCP/IP protocols and packet switching . • Runs on any communications substrate.
Power of Internet • A network of networks, joining many government, university and private computers together and providing an infrastructure for the use of E-mail, bulletin boards, file archives, hypertext documents, databases and other computational resources • The vast collection of computer networks which form and act as a single huge network for transport of data and messages across distances which can be anywhere from the same office to anywhere in the world. y
The Creation of the Internet • The creation of the Internet solved the following challenges: • Basically inventing digital networking as we know it • Survivability of an infrastructure to send / receive high-speed electronic messages • Reliability of computer messaging
Internet and Digital divide • The digital divide is the gap between people with effective access to digital and information technology, and those with very limited or no access at all. It includes the imbalance both in physical access to technology and the resources and skills needed to effectively participate as a digital citizen
Internet Strategy • The Web is our major point of contact with the World • Internet strategy should support our strategic plan • IRT Web design task force report • The School needs a new Web site with: • Better navigational model • More consistent “branding” across the School • Tighter coordination with Hospital Web sites • Separation of public and private Web services
Information takes over many human activities • In the 21st Century, information is at the very core of many human activities and to be a significant player in the information society of today, will depend on the speed at which information can be accessed and shared cost-effectively
Information and Communication Technology rapidly changing the world • Information and Communication Technology or ICTs[allow users to participate in a rapidly changing world in which work and other activities are increasingly transformed by access to varied and developing technologies.
ICT is a high technology oriented • With an increasing prevalence of computers in and out of the classroom and the development of more sophisticated web-based tools, knowledge transfer is increasing going high-tech
The importance of information literacy • Given the vast amount of resources available on the Internet, the concept of information literacy has received much attention, particularly in the medical field. Information literacy is defined as knowledge and mastery of a variety of technical tools that facilitate access to information (websites, databases, etc.) in order to find solutions to problems that arise (Spitzer, Eisenberg, & Lowe, 1998)
Communication tools guide learning • CT tools can be used to find, explore, analyze, exchange and present information responsibly and without discrimination. ICT can be employed to give users quick access to ideas and experiences from a wide range of people, communities and cultures.
ICT created economic and social impact • The growth and development of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has led to their wide diffusion and application, thus increasing their economic and social impact
Web-based support/diagnosis On the internet you can find a wide variety of medical information, including: Symptom diagnosis, for people who wish to identify their problem without consulting a GP Information about available treatments/alternative therapies Support groups for people suffering from particular conditions Access to medical research/journals Information about side effects
Helps the Medical Professionals and Patients too.. • As medical professionals become more specialized, diagnosis and treatment occur in cooperation between different physicians that may be distributed. They have to use computers to exchange their medical data, in particular images. However, data transfer alone is not sufficient. they must also be able to communicate about their patients, to talk freely about medical data and refer to that data during their discussion.
Helps the Physicians to cope up with knowledge explosion • The medical knowledge increases at an amazing pace. Physicians are required to keep up with new knowledge for their whole life. To ensure the quality of diagnosis and treatment, special emphasis on continuous education is needed. Computer-based techniques can help with this task, in particular if they provide training on the job, assisting in the analysis of images and teleconsultation.
Telemedicine • The development of mobile communications, teleconferencing • facilities, multi-media capabilities of telecommunications and the • internet, has been of immense benefit in healthcare delivery. By this • revolution, spatial differences between medical specialists, medical • centers and patients have been eliminated. ICTs permit valuable • professional expertise to be made available to remote areas
Contuning Medical Education supported by E-learning • one of the key challenges facing medical faculties is to introduce e-learning into initial and continuous training programs. The literature reports on the many inherent advantages of e-learning, with flexibility the most often cited. Users of e-learning can proceed at their own pace, wherever they happen to be, and usually in the way that best suits them.
E-medicine • Medical equipment is becoming increasingly more sophisticated principally as a result of advances in ICTs. However, while these systems offer powerful tools for diagnosis; they require certain economies of scale for their effective usage. Tele-radiology offers an effective means for achieving this by giving wider access todiagnostic equipment.
E-learning is Multidimensional • E-learning adds many dimensions to the educational process and if utilized well, has the potential to enhance both the students and instructors educational experience. • One benefit of e-learning allows students to access the lectures and other material when they are most attentive. In addition, students have the ability to review the material to the degree they feel necessary
Challenges to Medical Professionals • Better prepare future physicians for the changing behaviours of patients, who are increasingly Internet-savvy and who sometimes appear to know more about their diseases than their physicians
Medical Professionals to be well communicated • Which is closely linked to the first, is to raise awareness among physicians in training of the many benefits of using ICT to improve not only the quality of interventions and health care delivery but, from a broader perspective
The Third challenge • To motivate medical students and practitioners to use ICT to find information, learn and develop. It is proposed that information literacy should be a mandatory skill for all medical students
3 D animations helps faster learning Although underemployed in most medical faculties, it represents the future of initial and continuous medical training. Virtual resources and communities, simulations and 3D animations
Final challenge • The fourth and final challenges to change medical teaching practices
E-learning to Medical Professionals • Information literacy should be considered a mandatory skill in the training of all physicians. • E-learning, although not yet very widespread in medical faculties, represents the future of initial and continuous medical training
Institutes and colleges should be equipped with • Tools such as virtual simulators, 3D animations, and virtual communities and e-portfolios are important innovations that will have a growing impact on medical education and practice
On line learning in Medical Education • The use of online learning provides solutions that can overcome some problems with traditional education, especially in the area of medicine. We are just beginning to harness the power of the internet for the delivery and management of medical education.
Ubiquitous Access to Information • The future of computing rests on a wireless “always on” network connection. • Wireless networking is progressing rapidly • Mobile computing devices are becoming smaller, cheaper, more powerful and better integrated
Creates tools for Education and Research • Biomedical workers are often nomadic • Major transforming potential in the clinical, research and educational environments
New technologies helps in.. • To optimize Patient care • To establish a true longitudinal Patient record • To maximize the amount of medical data available for medical health surveillance
Helps in early decision making • To develop a Point of Care hand-held device and support architecture to improve military health care by improving medical decision making and reducing errors beginning at the first responder level
Information Technology has legal and ethical concerns ??? • These developments offer significant benefits to patients and healthcare providers, but they give rise to ethical and legal challenges in the protection of patient privacy and confidentiality.
Information technology limits the Patient Doctor Relationship • The traditional and humanistic concept of doctor-patient relationship is also under threat as IT is used to bypass the need for personal consultations
Harms of Information technology in Medicine • One of the potential harms caused by indiscriminate use of IT is information overload and worse, misinformation. Both can paralyse and impair the patients’ decision-making capacity. The flood of readily accessible but unverified and unregulated information on the world-wide-web is a cause for concern.
Information technology should not deprive the Human touch • The debate on the safe and appropriate use of IT in medicine will continue to evolve as the capabilities of the technology are progressively being updated at a hurried pace. Only by returning to the fundamental precepts of medical ethics can we continue to meet new challenges posed by new inventions in order to preserve the ideals and aspirations of the profession, and society at large.
Created by Dr.T.V.Rao MD for “e” learning in Medicine Email • doctortvrao@gmail.com