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Why Low Carb High Protein Diet is a Bad Idea

http://getyourbesthealth.com - If you are trying to lose weight and following a low carb high protein diet, then you need to stop and read this article. Even though many trainers recommend such diet, the truth is that a huge amount of protein is detrimental to health. Not only you have the chance of developing bad breath and digestive disorders, but may also suffer from kidney diseases. Fact is, there exist plenty of weight loss routes that are significantly healthier.

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Why Low Carb High Protein Diet is a Bad Idea

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  1. Why LowCarb HighProtein Dietis aBadIdea Ifyou aretrying to lose weightand following a lowcarbhighproteindiet,then you need to stop and read this article. Eventhoughmany trainers recommend such diet,the truth is thata huge amount of protein is detrimentalto health.Not only you have the chance ofdeveloping badbreath and digestive disorders,but may also sufferfrom kidney diseases. Fact is,there exist plenty of weightlossroutes that are significantlyhealthier. Found in diary,meat and many other foods,protein is certainly very important forthe body. However, even though weneed amino acids forbody repairand metabolicreaction regulation,a huge levelof protein intake is not good. The best wayto start the day is byfiling yourselfup witha breakfasthaving high fibre foods.Since energy getsdepleted during the night,fibreproves tobe helpful in refreshing thedigestion system as wellas preventing bloating. Consuming high quality proteins is important. Try to consumemeat a lot,and consume fresh fish too. Dairy products like cottage cheeseand skimmed milk are good. Beans have high fibre, low fat and high protein. Note that although beans help in feeling fullfor longer,yet thereare side effects involved if bean intakegets rapidly increased. Otherthan that,legumes are not onlygood forlongevityoflife but also forfighting cancer. Avoid the habit ofconsuming protein at once. Many people eat foods rich in protein during the evening only,and that is not good at all. Try to spread protein intake evenly throughout the day. Ifyou eat protein-rich foods duringthe morning,you willfeelmoreenergized and alert.Moreover,consuming protein throughout yourday will release energy in a slowerrate. Also, when you eat a low amountof food anumberoftimes perday,excess weight disappears fasterdue to metabolism rate increase. Chilli increases metabolism rate too. Ifyou have a low carb eating plan,donot drink caffeine. Lowering caffeine consumption is agreat idea, but complete elimination is best. Coffee hasa huge impact on insulin productionrate. In orderto keep fat production in check, lowering insulin production is important. Therefore,avoid the temptation to drink coffeemultiple times aday ifyou are serious about losing weight.Ifyou successfully do that,you willfind that yourweight lossresults becomemuch more exciting.

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