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求主差派收割者 The Call of Reaper 生命聖詩 255

求主差派收割者 The Call of Reaper 生命聖詩 255. 遠近田野莊稼成熟, 金穀穗如浪起伏; 日光照耀平原山崗, 閃耀著一片金黃。 Far and near the fields are teeming With the waves of ripened grain; Far and near their gold is gleaming O'er the sunny slope and plain. 莊稼主,求你差工人, 趕快去收割莊稼; 懇求垂聽我眾呼求, 早收禾捆歸天家。

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求主差派收割者 The Call of Reaper 生命聖詩 255

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  1. 求主差派收割者The Call of Reaper生命聖詩 255

  2. 遠近田野莊稼成熟,金穀穗如浪起伏;日光照耀平原山崗,閃耀著一片金黃。遠近田野莊稼成熟,金穀穗如浪起伏;日光照耀平原山崗,閃耀著一片金黃。 Far and near the fields are teemingWith the waves of ripened grain;Far and near their gold is gleamingO'er the sunny slope and plain.

  3. 莊稼主,求你差工人,趕快去收割莊稼;懇求垂聽我眾呼求,早收禾捆歸天家。莊稼主,求你差工人,趕快去收割莊稼;懇求垂聽我眾呼求,早收禾捆歸天家。 Lord of harvest, send forth reapers!Hear us, Lord, to Thee we cry;Send them now the sheaves to gather,Ere the harvesttime pass by.

  4. 不論正午,不論清晨,求主差遣眾僕人,甚至黃昏夕陽西落,仍派人四處收割。不論正午,不論清晨,求主差遣眾僕人,甚至黃昏夕陽西落,仍派人四處收割。 Send them forth with morn's first beaming,Send them in the noontide's glare;When the sun's last rays are gleaming,Bid them gather ev'rywhere.

  5. 莊稼主,求你差工人,趕快去收割莊稼;懇求垂聽我眾呼求,早收禾捆歸天家。莊稼主,求你差工人,趕快去收割莊稼;懇求垂聽我眾呼求,早收禾捆歸天家。 Lord of harvest, send forth reapers!Hear us, Lord, to Thee we cry;Send them now the sheaves to gather,Ere the harvesttime pass by.

  6. 奉主差派所有工人,趕快收聚金禾捆;工作完畢天家直奔,見主榮面心歡欣。奉主差派所有工人,趕快收聚金禾捆;工作完畢天家直奔,見主榮面心歡欣。 O thou, whom thy Lord is sending,Gather now the sheaves of gold;Heav'nward then at evening wending,Thou shalt come with joy untold.

  7. 莊稼主,求你差工人,趕快去收割莊稼;懇求垂聽我眾呼求,早收禾捆歸天家。莊稼主,求你差工人,趕快去收割莊稼;懇求垂聽我眾呼求,早收禾捆歸天家。 Lord of harvest, send forth reapers!Hear us, Lord, to Thee we cry;Send them now the sheaves to gather,Ere the harvesttime pass by.

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