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PENGANTAR ILMU EKONOMI. Dr. Djoko Poernomo, M.Si Pengantar Ilmu Ekonomi FISIP UNEJ 3 September 2014 (2). Capaian Pembelajaran. Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan pengertian ilmu ekonomi Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan persoalan pokok yang dibahas pada ilmu ekonomi
PENGANTAR ILMU EKONOMI Dr. Djoko Poernomo, M.Si Pengantar Ilmu Ekonomi FISIP UNEJ 3 September 2014 (2)
Capaian Pembelajaran Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan pengertian ilmu ekonomi Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan persoalan pokok yang dibahas pada ilmu ekonomi Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan pemecahan persoalan pokok ekonomi.
Asal Usul Ekonomi (1) • Istilah “Ekonomi” berasal Xenophon, seorangfilosofYunanikuno yang hiduppadatahun 430-354 SM, dengankaryanya OIKONOMOS yang berarti TATA KELOLA RUMAH TANGGA. • Padamasaitu, matapencaharianrakyat di ladang, jaditentu yang dimaksudadalahtatakelolarumahtanggaterhadaphasilladang. Iniberartimenyangkutefisiensimanajemenhasilladangnamunbukanefisiensisepertitransaksiperdagangankomersialsebabsaatitubelumlajim. • Untukmewujudkanefisiensi, Xenophon mengusulkan “pembagiankerja” dan “spesialisasi” perludilakukan. Duahalinilah yang kelakmenjadiperhatiankhususpadaekonomi modern.
Asal Usul Ekonomi (2) Penyair Yunani Kuno Hesiodus (700 SM) mempunyai puisi sangat terkenal berjudul KERJA dan HARI yang mempersoalkan masalah SCARCITY untuk pemenuhan hidup, oleh karenanya orang harus bekerja. Ia menulis: “Lantaran dewa-dewa membuat makanan tetap tersembunyi; karena jika tidak, dengan mudah kamu akan memperolehnya dalam sehari apa yang kamu butuhkan untuk setahun”. Adam Smith-lah yang kemudian menyusun sebuah karya yang sangat fenomenal, berpengaruh, dan mendunia. Karya Smith: 1) The Theory of Moral Sentimens (1759) dan 2) An inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations The Wealth of Nations (9 Maret 1776).
Ilmu Ekonomi (Economics) Suatu studi tentang bagaimana kelompok-kelompok masyarakat (societies) mendaya gunakan sumber-sumber daya yang terbatas (scarce resources) untuk memproduksi komoditas-komoditas yang bernilai/ bermanfaat (valuable commodities) dan mendistribusikannya (distribute) diantara anggota masyarakatnya. Ilmu pengetahuan sosial yang menguraikan/ menjelaskan tentang bagaimana orang (societies) menetapkan pilihan penggunaan sumber-sumber daya (limited) dalam upaya untuk memuaskan kebutuhannya (unlimited).
Scarcity, refers to the tension between our limited resources and our unlimited wants and needs. It limits us both as individuals and as a society As individuals, limited income (and time and ability) keep us from doing and having all that we might like. As a society, limited resources (such as manpower, machinery, and natural resources) fix a maximum on the amount of goods and services that can be produced. When we, either as individuals or as a society, choose more of something, scarcity forces us to take less of something else
So because of scarcity, people and economies must make decisions over how to allocate their resources. Economics, in turn, aims to study why we make these decisions and how we allocate our resources most efficiently. The ultimate goal of economic science is to improve the living conditions of people in their everyday lives
Ilmu Ekonomi (Economics) Ilmu Ekonomi Mikro (Microeconomics) Ilmu Ekonomi Makro (Macroeconomics) The branch of economics which is concerned with the behavior of individual entities such as markets, firms, and households The branch of economics which is concerned with the overall performance of the economy
Fallacies in the logic of economics • The post hoc fallacyoccurs when we assume that, because one event occurred before another event, the first event causedthe second event • Failure to hold other things constant (ceteris paribus) • Hold other things constant when you are analyzing the impact of a variable on the economic system • The fallacy of composition. When you assume that what is true for the part is also true for the whole, you are committing the fallacy of composition
What commodities are produces and in what quantities ? How are goods produced ? For whom are goods produced ? Positive economics Normative economics
Opportunity cost • Scarcity implies that choices need to be made • Costs are incurred in making choices • Economists refer to this as an opportunity cost • The opportunity cost of an action is the next best alternative foregone in choosing the given action • The opportunity cost of a good, is the quantity of other goods which must be sacrificed to obtain another unit of that good
Market-based systems (Market economy) • The price system is the “automatic” social control mechanism, which co-ordinates the decentralized decisions of individuals • Prices perform three functions: • they provide information • they provide incentives • they determine who gets how much of what • For this reason Adam Smith described the price-system as the ‘invisible hand’
Centrally planned systems (Command economy) • Central planner decides what is produced, how, and for whom • Problems with data requirements, bad incentives, etc. The government answers the major economic questions through its ownership of resources and its power to enforce decisions
Market based or centrally planned? • Mixed economy, where the government and the private sector jointly solve the economic problems • Governments pass laws that regulate economic life, produce educational and police services, and control pollution.
Faktor-faktor produksi • Land • Labor • Capital Proses produksi (teknologi) Consumed Employed
PPF Production Possibilities Frontier (PPF) Suatu gambaran, biasanya dlm bentuk kurva, yang menunjukkan jumlah maksimum produksi yang dapat dihasilkan oleh suatu perekonomian sesuai dengan technological knowledge dan kuantitas input yang tersedia/ dimiliki.
PPF 16 14 12 10 8 Jalan Raya (Public goods) 6 4 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Makanan (Private goods)
PPF 16 14 12 I 10 8 Jalan Raya (Public goods) U 6 4 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Makanan (Private goods)
PPF 16 14 12 10 8 Jalan Raya (Public goods) 6 4 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Makanan (Private goods)
Market A set of arrangements through which buyers and sellers exchange goods and services The interaction between buyers and sellers determines: the quantity of the good or service produced and the price at which these are bought and sold A mechanism through which buyers and sellers interact to determine prices and exchange goods and services
The behavior of buyers(consumers) is captured by the concept of demand The behavior of sellers(producers) is captured by the concept of supply
Demand • Demand describes the the quantity of a good buyers wish to purchase at every possible price • It is important to distinguish between demand and the quantity demanded • The quantity demanded is only meaningful in the context of a particular price • The market demand is an aggregated representation of all buying agents in the market
Kurva Permintaan (Demand curve) 25 20 15 Harga 10 5 0 0 2 4 6 Jumlah Law of demand:There is an inverse relationship between price and the quantity buyers are willing to purchase in a defined time period, ceteris paribus.
A change in the price of a good lead to a movement up or down the demand curve - ceteris paribus • The other factors held constant are called non-price determinants • Changes in these factors shift the demand curve.
Other factors affecting demand • A buyer’s disposable income • Consumer tastes • Prices of related goods and services • Number of buyers in the market • Expectations about changes in prices, income and the availability of goods
Supply • Supply describes the quantity of a good sellers wish to provide at every possible price • It is important to distinguish between supply and the quantity supplied • The market supply is an aggregated representation of all selling agents in the market
Kurva Penawaran (Supply curve) 25 20 15 Harga 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jumlah Law of supply:There is a direct relationship between the price of a good and the quantity of that good offered for sale in a defined time period, ceteris paribus.
A change in the price of a good lead to a movementup or down the supply curve - ceteris paribus • Other factors held constant are called non-price determinants • Changes in these factors shiftthe supply curve
Other factors affecting supply • Technology • Resource or input prices • Taxes and subsidies • The number of sellers • Expectations of producers
Demand 25 Supply 20 Surplus 15 Harga Equilibrium point 10 Shortage 5 0 0 2 4 6 Jumlah The market equilibrium comes at that price and quantity where the forces of supply demand are in balance. At the price, the amount that buyers want to buy is just equal to the amount that sellers want to sell
25 D-2 Supply 20 D-1 D-3 15 E-2 Harga E-1 10 E-3 5 0 0 2 4 6 Jumlah
Product markets Demand Supply • Shoes • Housing • Pizzas • Shoes • Housing • Pizzas Price on Product markets What $ Costs of production Consumer $ votes How Consumer Businesses Productivity of factors Ownership of inputs For whom • Labor • Land • Capital goods • Labor • Land • Capital goods Price on Factor markets Supply Demand Factor markets