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ESOL Overview 2006 By Yanira Alfonso, ESOL Teacher. Presentation Objectives. ESOL Program Mission Students’ rights and our responsibilities Brief information about ESOL ESOL Modification Plans. State Rule 160- 4-5-02 Language Assistance. For funding purposes
Presentation Objectives • ESOL Program Mission • Students’ rights and our responsibilities • Brief information about ESOL • ESOL Modification Plans
State Rule 160- 4-5-02 Language Assistance • For funding purposes • K - 3 students are counted for a maximum of one daily segment • 4 - 8 students are counted for a maximum of two daily segments daily
Aligning English Language Performance Standards to English Language Arts and Content Standards Making Connections: WIDA and ACCESS and AKS Student Achievement
Exit criteria is determined by: • LAB score • readiness for regular classroom instruction is determined by performance on norm-referenced achievement tests, criterion-referenced tests and classroom functioning • One year follow-up & grace period
Testing of ESOL students • ESOL students shall participate in all state assessments unless the school, parents, or guardians agree it is not in the best interest of the student to participate at the time. • Decision must be stated in writing with justification.
Grading Policy • Uniformity in the assignment of grades must be maintained for all courses/subjects taught in grades 4 - 12, including art, music, PE and health. • The grading system does not have to be applied to limited English proficient students until the system is a meaningful measure of their learning.
Based on Research by Krashen: • Students in the Intermediate fluency stage of language development acquire language best by participating in learner centered, project based instruction and activities.
READING • If you have a struggling reader, who is or was ESOL, tell parents to read or have child read in his/her native language. • The stronger the first language, the stronger the second language can become.
MODIFICATIONS HELP ALL STUDENTS • ESOL students • Struggling Students • All students • Sample modifications (Overheads)
Based on Schumann’s Acculturation Model of L2 Acquisition • The most critical factors affecting L2 acquisition are the social factors. • Social distance, permeability, sharing of social facilities, attitude, size, social equality, length of stay, contact between L1 & L2 groups (Ellis 39). • Plant Illustration
What can you do? • Set the tone for your class. • Continually validate who students are and what they know. • Recognize student progress and achievements, even if with just a smile. • You can make a BIG difference!