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Arene Ruthenium Compounds as Anticancer Drugs

Arene Ruthenium Compounds as Anticancer Drugs. Arene Ruthenium Complexes as Anticancer Drugs. Current used drug - Platinum based complexes Ruthenium complexes ( Ru ) - Arene Ruthenium Complexes. Platinum based drugs .

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Arene Ruthenium Compounds as Anticancer Drugs

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  1. Arene Ruthenium Compounds as Anticancer Drugs

  2. Arene Ruthenium Complexes as Anticancer Drugs • Current used drug - Platinum based complexes • Ruthenium complexes (Ru) - Arene Ruthenium Complexes

  3. Platinum based drugs

  4. Drawbacks of Platinum complexes • Limited range of activity - testicular and ovarian cancer cells • High toxicity - side effects (e.g. alopecia) • Drug resistance

  5. Other Transition Metals

  6. Ruthenium Complexes Based on Platinum Drugs • Same cytotoxicity • More selectivity - similar property as Iron (Fe) - overexpression of transferrin receptors in cancer cells

  7. Ruthenium Complexes Based on Platinum Drugs

  8. Active against secondary tumour cells Active against primary tumour cells

  9. Arene Ruthenium Complexes (ARC)

  10. Attractive Properties of ARC • Right ligand exchange kinetics (10-3 to 10-2 s-1) • High selectivity - Ru can mimic Fe - the reactivity depends on pH

  11. Attractive Properties of ARC - adjustable ligands • Low general toxicity • Lessdrugresistance

  12. Attractive Properties of ARC • Amphiphilic properties - high cellular uptake - good water solubility • Synthetic diversity of areneligandtargetedtherapy

  13. Generalised Pathway of action of ARC

  14. Further Applications: Synergistic Effect

  15. Further Applications: Photodynamic Therapy release of NO

  16. Conclusion • Arene Ruthenium Complexes- PROMISING ANTICANCER DRUGS • FURTHER STUDY IS NEEDED - X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy - X-Ray Fluorescence Mapping DESIGN ENHANCED ANTICANCER DRUGS

  17. References 1. Suss-Fink G., 2010. Arene Ruthenium Complexes as Anticancer Agents.The Royal Society of Chemistry. 39, 1673-88 2. Levina, et al., 2009. Recent Developments in Ruthenium Anticancer Agents. The Royal Society of Chemistry. 1, 458-470.

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