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29. Nordiske Kommunale Chefrevisorkonference

29. Nordiske Kommunale Chefrevisorkonference. Internationale revisions­standarder - udstedt af IFAC og INTOSAI. Reykjavik, den 14.-16. august 2010 Island. Jan Christensen, Deloitte. Indhold. Den nationale revisionslovgivning Generelt om internationale revisionsstandarder

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29. Nordiske Kommunale Chefrevisorkonference

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  1. 29. Nordiske Kommunale Chefrevisorkonference • Internationale revisions­standarder - udstedt af IFAC og INTOSAI Reykjavik, den 14.-16. august 2010 Island Jan Christensen, Deloitte

  2. Indhold Den nationale revisionslovgivning Generelt om internationale revisionsstandarder IFAC (International Federation of Accountants) IAASBs (International Auditing And Assurance Standards Board) Clarity Project Samarbejdet mellem IFAC og INTOSAI INTOSAI PSC (Professional Standards Committee

  3. Den nationale revisionslovgivning Revisionen i den private sektor • EU-Direktiverne (4., 7. og 8 direktiv) "Statutory audits of annual accounts and consolidated accounts" samt Årsregnskabsloven • Revisorloven og Erklæringsbekendtgørelsen • Finansiel revision/regnskabsrevision/redovisningsrevision, det vil sige Financial Audit

  4. Den nationale revisionslovgivning Revisionen i den offentlige sektor • Lovgivningen er forskelligt udformet • Danmark - revisionen omfatter ifølge lovgivningen • Financial Audit • Compliance Audit • Performance Audit normalt opdelt i 4 perspektiver og benævnes i den kommunale revision • Economy • Efficiency • Effectiveness • Management Audit

  5. Generelt om internationale revisionsstandarder Globaliseringens betydning - fra nationale standarder til internationale standarder Implementeres i revisionsfirmaernes revisionsmetodikker Indgår hermed i ekstern og intern kvalitetskontrol Indgår i domstolenes vurdering af god revisorskik

  6. IFAC (International Federation of Accountants IFAC - etableret i 1977 med sekretariat i New York - har 140 medlemmer og 19 associerede foreninger. Nordiske medlemmer: Sverige FAR Norge DnR Finland GRM og CGR Island FLE Danmark FSR og FRR

  7. IFAC (International Federation of Accountants IAASB (International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board) udsteder på vegne af IFAC internationale standarder og har 18 medlemmer: fra de enkelte medlemslande 5 fra de store revisionsfirmaer 3 fra "Public Members", herunder Gerd Jönsson, Sverige, udpeget fra januar 2010 af INTOSAI. Før en afdelingschef i den danske Rigsrevision. Desuden er der 4 med observatørstatus, herunder en repræsentant fra EU-Kommissionen.

  8. IFAC’s standarder

  9. Nærmere om standarderne: ISA (International Standards on Auditing) anvendes for revision af historiske finansielle oplysninger - høj grad af sikkerhed. Nummerserien 100-999 ISRE (International Standards on Review Engagements) anvendes for review af historiske finansielle oplysninger - begrænset grad af sikkerhed. Nummerserie 2000-2699

  10. Nærmere om standarderne: ISAE (International Standards on Assurance Engagements) anvendes for andre erklæringsopgaver med sikkerhed end historiske finansielle oplysninger. Enten høj grad af sikkerhed eller begrænset sikkerhed. Nummerserien 3000-3699 ISRS (International Standards on Related Services) anvendes for assistance med regnskabsopstilling, opgaver om at udføre aftalte arbejdshandlinger på oplysninger og andre beslægtede opgaver - ingen sikkerhed. Nummerserien 4000-4699

  11. IAASBs (International Auditing And Assurance Standards Board) Clarity Project I 2004 begyndte IAASB på et projekt med at tyde­lig­gøre og gøre alle ISA'erne mere læsevenlige. Projektet omfattede alene revisionsstandarderne (ISAerne). Dette resulterede i, at 19 ISAer fik den nye fælles struktur for alle standarder: Introduction Objective Definitions Requirements ("Loven") Application and Other Explanatory Material ("Lovbemærkningerne")

  12. IAASBs (International Auditing And Assurance Standards Board) Clarity Project 16 ISAer fik både den nye struktur og et nyt ind­hold. Desuden blev der udstedt en standard om et helt nyt emne - I alt 36 ISAer, der er trådt i kraft for regn­skaber begyndende efter den 15. december 2009

  13. IAASBs Clarity Project ISA 200 Overall objectives of the independent auditor and the conduct of an audit in accordance with international standards on auditing. Consideration Specific to Audits in the Public Sector. A57. The ISA's are relevant to engagements in the public sector.

  14. IAASBs Clarity Project The public sector auditor's responsibilities, however, may be affected by the audit mandate, or by obligations on public sector entities arising from law, regulation or other authority (such as ministerial directives, government policy requirements, or resolutions of the legislature), which may encompass a broader scope than an audit of financial statements in accordance with the ISA's. These additional responsibilities are not dealt with in the ISA's.

  15. IAASBs Clarity Project They may be dealt with in the pronouncements of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) or national standard setters, or in guidance developed by government audit agencies.

  16. Samarbejdet mellem IFAC og INTOSAI How do the clarified standards affect the audits of public sector entities? IAASB Clarity Center har besvaret dette spørgsmål således: "The International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Financial Audit Guidelines Subcommittee (FAS) has been charged with developing INTOSAI guidelines based on the ISAs. An INTOSAI guideline consists of a Practice Note and the ISA it refers to, or of a newly written INTOSAI guideline and general guidance on public sector issues.

  17. Samarbejdet mellem IFAC OG INTOSAI IASSBS Clarity Project The task of the Subcommittee is to produce proposals for guidance on public sector auditing, which includes Practice Note to ISAs, bridging documents between the INTOSAI Auditing Standards and the ISAs as issued by IAASB and other necessary documents that together will form the INTOSAI Financial Audit Guidelines. Bridging documents explain the unique character of audits in the public sector compared to the private sector, and create a structure for linking each guideline to the relevant part of the INTOSAI Auditing Standards. Exposure drafts of Practice Notes currently under development can be found here (www.issai.org)

  18. Samarbejdet mellem IFAC OG INTOSAI IASSBs Clarity Project Where appropriate, additional considerations specific to audits of public sector entities are included within the application and other explanatory material of the ISA."

  19. IASSB’s meeting in June 2009 På Agendaen: Presentation from INTOSAI's representatives Steen Bernt Jensen: Presentation to the IAASB on the role and auditing functions of SAIs and the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) Explained INTOSAI's strategy to draw on standards from other standard setters such as the IAASB to the extent possible and develop supplementary guidance for SAIs in areas where this I needed.

  20. IASSB’s meeting in June 2009 His experience from the SAI of Denmark and address the advantages as well as the challenges and quality problems involved when SAIs are using the work of private auditing firms that are using the IAASBs standards to conduct audits within the public sector.

  21. IASSB’s meeting in June 2009 Jonas Hällström, the PSC's Financial Auditing guidelines Subcommittee, gave a status on the development of ISSAI financial auditing guidelines which provides practice notes to IAASB's International standards on auditing (ISA) Præsentationen blev vel modtaget. Samarbejdet mellem IFAC og INTOSAI er åbent og ligger i faste og klare rammer byggende på en gensidig anerkendelse af de to organisationers forskellige roller og opgaver.

  22. INTOSAI INTOSAI blev etableret i 1953 som en uafhængig ikke-politisk organisation bestående af de enkelte landes SAIer. "The highest national auditing authority within the constitutional system." I Danmark benævnt Rigsrevisionen. INTOSAI har over 180 medlemmer. Revisionsretten i EU er også medlem af INTOSAI.

  23. INTOSAI Arbejdet med de internationale standarder er organiseret med en steering committee og 5 subcommittees således: The INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee (PSC) - Chair Danmark: Financial Audit - Chair Sverige Compliance Audit - Chair Norge Performance Audit - Chair Brasilien Internal control - Chair xx Accounting and Reporting - Chair Canada

  24. Overview of the ISSAI framework Level 1 - Founding Principles ISSAI 1 The Lima Declaration Level 2 - Prerequisites for the Functioning of SAIs ISSAI 10 The Mexico Declaration on SAI Independence ISSAI 11 Guidelines and Good Practices related to SAI Independence ISSAI 20 Principles of Transparency and Accountability (planned for 2010) ISSAI 30 Code of Ethics ISSAI 40 Quality Control for SAIs (planned for 2010)

  25. Overview of the ISSAI framework Level 3 - Fundamental Auditing Principles ISSAI 100 Basic Principles ISSAI 200 General Standards ISSAI 300 Field Standards ISSAI 400 Reporting Standards

  26. Overview of the ISSAI framework Level 4 - Auditing Guidelines Implementation guidelines ISSAI 1000-2999 Financial Auditing (Including guidelines based on International Standards on Auditing) ISSAI 3000-3999 Performance Audit guidelines ISSAI 4000-4999 Compliance Audit guidelines (Planned for 2010)

  27. Overview of the ISSAI framework Level 4 - Auditing Guidelines Specific guidelines ISSAI 5000-5099 International Institutions ISSAI 5100-5199 Environmental Audit ISSAI 5200-5299 Privatisation ISSAI 5300-5399 IT-audit ISSAI 5400-5499 Audit of Public Debt ISSAI 5500-5599 Audit of Disaster-related Aid (Planned for 2010)

  28. Overview of the ISSAI framework INTOSAI GOV - Guidance for Good governance INTOSAI GOV 9100-9199 Internal Control Standards INTOSAI GOV 9200-9299 Accounting and Reporting Standards Der erindres om, at der under IFAC er etableret IPSASB (International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board), der har udsendt 31 IPSAS'er med basis i omkostningsbaserede regnskaber (accrual basis of accounting) og 1 standard med basis i Cash Basis of Accounting.

  29. Godkendte ISSAIer

  30. Godkendte ISSAIer

  31. Godkendte ISSAIer

  32. Godkendte ISSAIer

  33. Oversigt over ISSAIs and INTOSAI GOVs that will be presented for approval at INCOSAI xx in November 2010 - Sydafrika ISSAI 20 Principles of Transparency and Accountability ISSAI 21 Principles of Transparency and Accountability Good Practices ISSAI 40 Quality Control for SAIs (exposure draft - the endorsement version is due in late July 2010) ISSAI 1000 General Introduction to the INTOSAI Financial Audit Guide-lines ISSAI 1003 Glossary to Financial Audit Guidelines

  34. Oversigt over ISSAIs and INTOSAI GOVs that will be presented for approval at INCOSAI xx in November 2010 - Sydafrika ISSAI 1200 Overall Objectives of the Independent Auditor and the Conduct of an Audit in Accordance with International Standards of Auditing ISSAI 1210 Agreeing the Terms of Audit Engagements ISSAI 1240 The Auditor's Responsibilities Relating to Fraud in An Audit of Financial Statements ISSAI 1250 Considerations of Laws and Regulations in Audit of Financial Statements ISSAI 1265 Communicating Deficiencies in Internal Control to Those Charged with Governance and Management

  35. Oversigt over ISSAIs and INTOSAI GOVs that will be presented for approval at INCOSAI xx in November 2010 - Sydafrika ISSAI 1320 Materiality in Planning and Performing an Audit ISSAI 1402 Audit Considerations Relating to an Entity Using a Service Organization ISSAI 1500 Considering the Relevance and Reliability of Audit Evidence ISSAI 1510 Initial Audit Engagements - Opening Balances ISSAI 1520 Analytical Procedures ISSAI 1530 Audit Sampling ISSAI 1540 Auditing Accounting Estimates, Including Fair Value Ac-counting Estimates and Related Disclosures

  36. Oversigt over ISSAIs and INTOSAI GOVs that will be presented for approval at INCOSAI xx in November 2010 - Sydafrika ISSAI 1550 Related Parties ISSAI 1560 Subsequent Events ISSAI 1570 Going Concern ISSAI 1580 Written Representations ISSAI 1600 Special Considerations - Audits of Group Financial Statements (Including the Work of Component Auditors) ISSAI 1610 Using the Work of Internal Auditors ISSAI 1620 Using the Work of an Auditor's Expert

  37. Oversigt over ISSAIs and INTOSAI GOVs that will be presented for approval at INCOSAI xx in November 2010 - Sydafrika ISSAI 1700 Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements ISSAI 1705 Modifications to the Opinion in the Independent Auditor's Report ISSAI 1706 Emphasis of Matter Paragraphs and Other Matter Paragraphs in the Independent Auditor's Report ISSAI 1710 Comparative Information - Corresponding Figures and Comparative Financial Statements ISSAI 1720 The Auditor's Responsibilities Relating to Other Information in Documents Containing Audited Financial Statements

  38. Oversigt over ISSAIs and INTOSAI GOVs that will be presented for approval at INCOSAI xx in November 2010 - Sydafrika ISSAI 1810 Engagements to Report on Summary Financial Statements ISSAI 3100 Performance Auditing Standards and appendix ISSAI 4000 General Introduction to Guidelines on Compliance Audit ISSAI 4100 Compliance Audit Guidelines for Audits Performed Separately from the Audit of Financial Statements ISSAI 4200 Compliance Audit Guidelines Related to Audit of Financial Statements

  39. Oversigt over ISSAIs and INTOSAI GOVs that will be presented for approval at INCOSAI xx in November 2010 - Sydafrika INTOSAI GOV 9140 Internal Auditor Independence in the Public Sector INTOSAI GOV 9150 Co-operation and Co-ordination between SAIs and Internal Auditors in the Public Sector

  40. 2 praktiske problemstillinger Der tages udgangspunkt i ISSAI 4200, jf. følgende ISSAI 4200 Compliance Audit Guidelines Compliance Audit Related to the Audit of Financial Statements These guidelines are written in the context of reasonable assurance.

  41. 2 praktiske problemstillinger Der tages udgangspunkt i ISSAI 4200, jf. følgende ISSAI 4200 Compliance Audit Guidelines Compliance Audit Related to the Audit of Financial Statements These guidelines are written in the context of reasonable assurance.

  42. 2 praktiske problemstillinger For compliance audit performed together with the audit of financial statements, these guidelines provide guidance for public sector auditors reporting in the form of reasonable assurance opinion on an entity's compliance with authorities. Limited assurance work is not considered an audit, but rather a review-level engagement.

  43. Appendix 7 - Example of a compliance audit opinion as part of the auditors report on the financial statements: Audit Report by the SAI of xxx Report on the financial Statements. Sædvanlig revisionspåtegning i en årsrapport.

  44. Report on Compliance In addition … our responsibility includes expressing an opinion whether activities, financial transactions and information reflected in the financial statements are, in all material respects, in compliance with the authorities which govern them. Opinion on compliance In our opinion, in all material respects, the activities, financial transactions and information reflected in the financial statements are in compliance with the authorities which govern them.

  45. Væsentlighed Financial Audit - IFAC ISA 320 og ISA 450, jf. ISSAI 1320 og 1450, herunder Practice Notes Compliance Audit - IFAC ingen. ISSAI 4200 - compliance audit related to the audit of financial statements

  46. Rapportering - revisors erklæring FSR - den danske private revisorforening - har en 2-ledet standardformulering for erklæringen på en årsrapport: 1) Revisorpåtegning angående Financial Audit og Compliance Audit, det vil sige med høj grad af sikkerhed, jf. ISA 700 2) Erklæring om udført Performance Audit med begrænset sikkerhed, jf. ISAE 3000. ISSAI 4200 lægger op til en 2-ledet påtegning for Financial Audit og Compliance Audit og begge med høj grad af sikkerhed. Den praktiske konsekvens heraf?

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