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Government of Jammu and Kashmir Directorate of Agriculture Kashmir. NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURE FOR RABI CAMPAIGN 2008 HELD AT NEW DELHI FROM 24 TH & 25 TH SEPTEMBER, 2008. Agriculture Statistics of Kashmir Division. Details of Panchayat / Blocks in Kashmir Division .
Government of Jammu and KashmirDirectorate of AgricultureKashmir NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURE FOR RABI CAMPAIGN 2008 HELD AT NEW DELHI FROM 24TH & 25TH SEPTEMBER, 2008
Details of Panchayat / Blocks in Kashmir Division National Rabi Conference 2008
Agro-Climatic Zones , J & K State National Rabi Conference 2008
Achievements in Crop Production, 2007-08 & Targets for 2008-09 National Rabi Conference 2008
Production Scenario in Kashmir Division 2007-08 Production / Requirement = Lac Tonnes National Rabi Conference 2008
Export of Off-Season Vegetables National Rabi Conference 2008
Export of Off-Season Vegetables VISION : to achieve a surplus of 3.0 Lac Tonnes by end of the 11th FYP.
Assessment, Kharif 2008 • The precipitation during the months from October 2007 to March 2008 in terms of snow and rains remained satisfactory. • The On-season rainfall in all the districts of the Kashmir Valley was more or less invariably frequent and timely. • The Area coverage targets were achieved in full. • The Crop situation has remained by and large satisfactory during most part of Kharif 2008. • The incidence of Blast disease of paddy was reported from some pockets of Kupwara, Anantnag and Srinagar Districts in the month of August. • The emergent spraying of the crop in the affected areas was undertaken departmentally. • The disease spread to healthy adjacent fields was prevented by timely spraying with recommended pesticides. National Rabi Conference 2008
Kharif Seed Requirement actual and at 10% Replacement National Rabi Conference 2008
Seed Distribution (Kharif 2008) National Rabi Conference 2008
Seed Village Programme on Paddy during Kharif 2008 Likely production of 48,000 Qtls of Certified seed for procurement of 50 % seed produced to achieve 33 % SRR.
Development and Strengthening of infrastructural facilities for production and distribution of paddy seeds-Implementation of Centrally Sponsored Seed Village Scheme during Kharif, 2008 (QTLS)
Introduction of New Varieties of Maize Hybrid Mini-Kits during Kharief 2008
Rabi 2008-09 : Prospects • Kashmir Division has double cropped (Rabi) area of nearly 1.4 Lac Hectares. • The major crop paddy is nearing harvest in all the districts. • 100% targeted area coverage under different Rabi crops is likely to be achieved. National Rabi Conference 2008
Arrangements of Seeds for Rabi -2008-09 National Rabi Conference 2008
Seed Testing at Analytical Laboratory -Lalmandi, Srinagar. National Rabi Conference 2008
Seed Treatment • 1500 Qtls of Mancozeb have been utilized for the seed treatment of 5000 Qtls of paddy seed. • The Department launched massive campaigns through awareness camps, print & Electronic media, distribution of brochures, etc for the mandatory nature of the seed treatment for the own preserved seed of the contemporary paddy varieties, particularly K-448 which is highly susceptible to the Blast disease. • The Extension Agency, besides organizing awareness camps launched door to door campaign for educating the farmers while the Farmers training and Education Centre(FTEAC) Ganderbal also organized Training Camps for hammering the point hame.
National Food Security Mission & RKVY Mission upto 2011-12 The National Development Council (NDC) in its 53rd Meeting held on 29th May, 2007 adopted a resolution to launch a Food Security Mission comprising Rice, Wheat and Pulses to increase the production by the end of the 11th FYP by : • Rice 10 Million Tonnes • Wheat 08 Million Tonnes • Pulses 02 Million Tonnes Objective • Increase in production through area expansion and productivity enhancements in a sustainable manner. • Restoring soil fertility and productivity at the individual farm level. • Creation of Employment opportunities • Enhancing farm level economy i.e. . Farm profits to restore confidence amongst the farmers The RKVY and the NFSM have not yet been implemented in the State. National Rabi Conference 2008
Bottle Necks in achieving Desired levels of Production in Kashmir Division • Low Seed Replacement Rate of High Yielding Varieties. • Limitation in area expansion on account of geographical conditions / difficult terrain. • In spite of increase in the productivity of Food crops, their production does not increase to the desired level due to shift in farming from food crops to cash crops. • Shrinkage of productive area through rapid and rampant urbanization. National Rabi Conference 2008
Inability to adopt paddy-wheat rotation due to non availability of suitable varieties. • Low consumption of chemical fertilizers as against recommended doses. • Improper crop management , particularly in respect of INM, IPM and Water Management. • Non-availability of Hybrid varieties of Food crops suitable for Kashmir conditions. • Inadequacy in the availability of location specific, disease resistant High Yielding Varieties. • Inadequate infrastructure development at the departmental Farms for the production of adequate quantities of HYV seeds and Disaster Management. National Rabi Conference 2008
Poor response of the farming community in appreciating the significance of application of Soil Amendments and micro-nutrients for quality and higher productivity per unit area. • Prolonged dry spells affecting prospects of Rain-Fed Maize and crops. • Low productivity of Rain-Fed crops. • The impact of the increase in the productivity in the irrigated belts is not felt due to the low productivity in the Rain-Fed Belt, which constitutes more than 35 % of the net cultivable area. • The role of Bio-Fertilizers in supplementing plant nutrition and increasing the productivity of crops is still in infancy in Kashmir Division. National Rabi Conference 2008
Bottle Necks in Seed Production (Public Sector) • Inadequacy of Infrastructure Development at the Seed Multiplication Farms. • Need for Land Development Programme to bring the entire farm land under the Seed Multiplication programme. • Lack of Irrigation facilities at the major farms. • The biggest S. M. Farms of the Department located at Padgampora in district Pulwama lacks drainage facilities and the precious seed crops get submerged under water if heavy rain-fall persists for three to four days. • Lack of modern seed processing plant facilities for the processing of huge quantities of seeds for timely distribution. • Non-availability of disease resistant/ drought resistant High Yielding Varieties of Cereals. • Non-availability of Hybrid Rice Varieties suited for Kashmir conditions.
Measures proposed to be taken to remove Bottle Necks • Need for fencing and land development works at the S. M. Farms. • Need for creating irrigation facilities and other infrastructure development in the farms. • Need for creation of better storage facilities at the Farms. • SKUAST-K must evolve and release High Yielding / Hybrid Varieties of major crops and it should become a regular feature with the institution. • Rake facilities need to be created in all the districts for timely and even distribution of fertilizers. • The Manufacturing Companies must establish primary stock points in all the districts.
Technology MissionMini Mission Mode (I-IV) Schemes Implemented by The Department of Agriculture
Technology Mission- Progress ReportFunds Utilization Rs. in Lacs
Impact of TM(MM-II) on Vegetable Development Programme National Rabi Conference 2007-08
Export of Off-Season Vegetables VISION : to achieve a surplus of 3.0 Lac Tonnes by end of the 11th FYP.
VISION 2010( Vegetable Development) • Area Expansion under vegetables Development Programme . • To Significantly increase the Production & Productivity of Vegetables in Kashmir Division. • Increase Cropping Intensity for higher returns per unit area. • Increase the Export of Off-Season Vegetables to exploit the short arrivals situation in the markets outside the State. • To facilitate marketing of the produce. • Promote Value Addition.
Major Physical Targets 2009-10 • Increase net area under Vegetable Development to 21000 hectares from 19390 hectares during 2008-09. • To increase the gross cultivated area to 33000 hectares from 30250 hectares during 2008-09. • Increase Vegetable Production to 8.90 lac M. Tonnes compared to the targeted production of 7.70 lac M. Tonnes during the current year. • To increase the export of Off-season vegetables from the targeted 1.50 Lac M. Tonnes during the current financial year to 2.00 Lac MT during the year 2009-10. • To facilitate round the year vegetable production and overcome the Off-Season production barrier for crop production through promotion of Protected Cultivation.
To facilitate the marketing of vegetable produce locally by way of establishment of vegetable markets and Satellite Mundies throughout Kashmir Division. • To help the Farmers Cooperatives / Self Help Groups to obtain Vehicles / Regenerated Vans for the transport of their produce to the adjacent markets and markets outside the State, respectively. • Help the growers to explore markets ONLINE for the export of vegetables outside the State. • Establish Micro processing units for value addition of the seasonal surplus and encourage Contract Farming with existing unit holders to promote forward and backward linkage.
Road Map • Area Expansion: Diversification of area under conventional crops towards cash crop production. • Increase in Production : By area expansion , increase in cropping intensity and productivity. • Increase in productivity : Use of Hybrid seeds/ Improved HYV seeds, Use of Organic Manures &Bio-fertilizers, Judicious use of Chemical fertilizers, On-Farm Water Management, micro irrigation, timely Plant Protection, Better/Improved Management Practices. • Protected Cultivation : Popularize low cost poly Green House Technology for year round vegetable production.
Marketing : • -Invite the attention of the concerned agency for the creation of market outlets in cluster areas ignored so far. • -Facilitate Load Carriers and/or refrigerated Vans for export of vegetables to markets outside the State to Cooperatives, SHG’s and progressive individual farmers as per their need, for which purpose assistance is being provided by the National Horticulture Board. • Provide Internet facility to the Grower’s Cooperatives, SHG’s for online access to markets in the country.
Physical Achievements Vegetable Development Programme • Area expansion of nearly 1532 Hectares achieved by the end of August, 2008 while the targeted figure by the end of the current financial year is 2496 hectares. • 2276 Irrigation Diesel Engine Sets have been distributed among the vegetable growers upto 2007-08. • 82 Vermi-Compost units have been established.
Organic farming was effected on 248 Hectares upto 2007-08 and 100 ha Expansion is targeted for the current year in Kashmir Division. • 12 No’s of Community water Tanks have been constructed in Kashmir Region. • 40 low cost Poly-Green houses have been set up in the Public and Private Sector.
331 farmers have been trained upto 2007-08 within the State and 115 farmers taken on exposure visits outside the State. • 47 Power Tillers have been distributed upto 2007-08.