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公共藝術現代美學探索. 第八單元 立體主義 (Cubism) 衍生之公共藝術. 本著作除另有註明外,採取 創用 CC 「姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣 2.5 版 授權釋出. 單元目標. 藉由分析畢卡索創作歷程的演變,說明立體主義的創作觀點與理念。 分析 立體主義創作觀點影響下的公共雕塑作品。. 畢卡索 (Pablo Picasso,1881~1973). Pablo Picasso 1962. 畢卡索藝術創作風格演變. Self-Portrait. Paris, spring 1907 Oil on canvas, 50 × 46cm
公共藝術現代美學探索 第八單元 立體主義(Cubism) 衍生之公共藝術 本著作除另有註明外,採取創用CC「姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣2.5版授權釋出
單元目標 藉由分析畢卡索創作歷程的演變,說明立體主義的創作觀點與理念。 分析立體主義創作觀點影響下的公共雕塑作品。
畢卡索 (Pablo Picasso,1881~1973) Pablo Picasso 1962
畢卡索藝術創作風格演變 Self-Portrait. Paris, spring 1907 Oil on canvas, 50×46cm Narodni Gallery, Prague, Czechia.
Self-Portrait 1938 Charcoal and pencil on canvas.
First Communion. 1895/96. Oil on canvas. Museo Picasso, Barcelona, Spain
La Vie (Life). 1903. Oil on canvas. 196.5x129.2 cm The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, USA.
The Old Guitarist. Player Barcelona, autumn1903 Oil on panel, 121.3×82.5 cm Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA.
The Family of Saltimbanques. 1905. Oil on canvas. The National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, USA.
拿著煙斗的男孩 ,1905,油畫, 100x81.3cm
Portrait of Gertrude Stein. 1906. Oil on canvas. , 99.6×81.3 cm The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA.
畢卡索立體派的三個時期 • 初期立體派(1906-1910)~受塞尚影響,又稱塞尚時期 • 分析立體派(1910-1912) • 綜合立體派(1912-1914)~運用不同素材的組合,如拼貼(collage)手法,來創造一個主題意念。
Les Demoiselles d'Avignon. 1907. Oil on canvas. 243.9x233.7cm The Museum of Modern Arts, New York, NY, USA.
塞尚(Paul Cézanne, 1839-1906)的影響 ~自然界的物象皆可由球形、圓錐形、圓筒形等表現出來
Les Grandes Baigneuses 1906 oil on canvas, 208 × 249 cm Philadelphia Museum of Art
Mont Sainte-Victoire, 1885-1887, oil on canvas,67 × 92 cm, Courtauld Institute Galleries, London
Mont Sainte-Victoire • 1904-1906 • Oil on canvas, 65×81 cm • Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA, USA
分析立體派 (1910-1912) ~由不同的視點觀察對象,再將不同角度所見到的造形整合於同一畫面上
Portrait of Ambroise Vollard. Paris, spring to autumn 1910 Oil on canvas, 93×66 cm The Pushkin Museum of Fine Art, Moscow, Russia.
坎維勒畫像 Portrait of Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler, 1910, Oil on canvas, 100.6x72.8cm, In the collection of the Art Institute of Chicago.
綜合立體派 (1912-1914) ~利用“拼貼法”(Collage),使畫面呈現多元的素材和文字
三位音樂家 Three Musicians (1921), Oil on canvas, 200.7 x 222.9 cm Museum of Modern Art.
Olga Picasso in the Studio(1917) Portrait of Olga in the Armchair. 1917. Oil on canvas. Musée Picasso, Paris, France
Paulo, Picasso's Son, as Harlequin. 1924. Oil on canvas. 130 x 97.5 cm Musée Picasso, Paris, France
母與子 Mother and Child. 1921-22. Oil on canvas. 143.5x162.6cm, The Alex L. Hillman Family Foundation, New York, NY, USA.
Flickr Trinity • Woman and Child on the Seahore • 1921 • Oil on canvas, 143×162 cm • Chicago(IL), The Art Institute of Chicago
海邊奔跑的兩個女人 Women Running on the Beach. 1922. 不透明水彩 三夾板 Oil on plywood. 32.5 x 41.1 cm, Musée Picasso, Paris, France
舞蹈Three Dancers Monte Carlo, June1925 Oil on canvas, 215 x 142 cm Tate Gallery, London, UK.
Marie-Therese Walter. 1937. Oil on canvas.
Dora Maar. 1937. Pencil on canvas.
格爾尼卡 Guernica. 1937. Oil on canvas. 349 cm × 776 cm, Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain
Guernica. Detail. 1937. Oil on canvas. Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain
Guernica. Detail. 1937. Oil on canvas. Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain.
The Bull. State I. 1945. Lithography. The Museum of Modern Arts, New York, NY, USA The Bull. State II. 1945. Lithography. The Museum of Modern Arts, New York, NY, USA
The Bull. State III. 1945. Lithography. The Museum of Modern Arts, New York, NY, USA. The Bull. State IV. 1945. Lithography. The Museum of Modern Arts, New York, NY, USA
The Bull. State V. 1945. Lithography. The Museum of Modern Arts, New York, NY, USA. The Bull. State VI. 1945. Lithography. The Museum of Modern Arts, New York, NY, USA.
The Bull. State VII. 1945. Lithography. The Museum of Modern Arts, New York, NY, USA. The Bull. State VIII. 1945. Lithography. The Museum of Modern Arts, New York, NY, USA.
The Bull. State IX. 1945. Lithography. The Museum of Modern Arts, New York, NY, USA. The Bull. State X. 1945. Lithography. The Museum of Modern Arts, New York, NY, USA.