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当代西方政治思潮(之三) 主讲人:黄岭峻. 第三讲 自由主义( 1 ) : 简介 Lecture 3, Liberalism ( 1 ). → 曹勇:自由(油画) ↓曹勇:东方之音(油画). 裴多菲 (1823-1849). 生命诚可贵, 爱情价更高。 若为自由故, 二者皆可抛。. 罗兰夫人( 1754-1793 ). 自由,自由,多少罪恶偕汝之名以行。. 一、什么是“自由”?. 《 庄子 · 内篇 · 逍遥游第一 》.
当代西方政治思潮(之三) 主讲人:黄岭峻 第三讲 自由主义(1):简介 Lecture 3, Liberalism(1)
裴多菲(1823-1849) • 生命诚可贵, • 爱情价更高。 • 若为自由故, • 二者皆可抛。
罗兰夫人(1754-1793) • 自由,自由,多少罪恶偕汝之名以行。
《庄子·内篇·逍遥游第一》 • 北冥有鱼,其名为鲲。鲲之大,不知其几千里也。化而为鸟,其名为鹏。鹏之背,不知其几千里也。怒而飞,其翼若垂天之云。是鸟也,海运则将徙于南冥。南冥者,天池也。
乞丐张二的故事 • 丐者张二,倭乱,郡守募使泅水探贼,屡获真耗,且时斩贼首以献。赐以银牌犒金,俱不肯受。贼平,论功应世袭百户。郡县给予章服,张摇手曰:“吾安用此角带皂袍?朔望进辕门逐队叩头,犹如贫优演剧,岂如往来乞食得以自由。吾已忘于辱,何羡乎荣?”或问其杀倭事,则笑而不答。
清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·巩仙》 • “野人之性,视宫殿如籓笼,不如秀才家得自由也。”
自由是一种个人有权根据他/她自己的意愿行动的状态,并且与个人免于外在压制或强迫有关。自由是一种个人有权根据他/她自己的意愿行动的状态,并且与个人免于外在压制或强迫有关。 • Liberty identifies the condition in which an individual has the right to act according to his or her own will,and it is related to the freedom of the individual from outside compulsion or coercion.
法律名词。公民在法律规定的范围内,其自己的意志活动有不受限制的权利。如言论自由,集会结社自由之类均属之。法律名词。公民在法律规定的范围内,其自己的意志活动有不受限制的权利。如言论自由,集会结社自由之类均属之。 哲学名词。人认识了事物发展的规律并有计划地把它运用到实践中去。哲学上所谓自由,是指对必然的认识和对客观世界的改造。 法律意义与哲学意义的区别
小密尔将自由分为两种:行动的自由+免于压制的自由。小密尔将自由分为两种:行动的自由+免于压制的自由。 • John Stuart Mill, in his work, On Liberty, was the first to recognize the difference between liberty as the freedom to act and liberty as the absence of coercion.
以赛亚·伯林将自由分为:消极自由+积极自由 • Negative Liberty designates a negative condition in which an individual is protected from tyranny and the arbitrary exercise of authority. • Positive Liberty refers to having the means or opportunity, rather than the lack of restraint, to do things.
Liberalism (from the Latin liberalis, suitable for a free man) is the belief in the importance of individual freedom. 自由主义是认同个人自由之重要性的一种思想。 二、什么是“自由主义”?
近代自由主义强调个人主义、公民权利、私有财产及多元主义。近代自由主义强调个人主义、公民权利、私有财产及多元主义。 • Liberalism’s basic credo—comprised of such familiar items as individualism, civil rights, private ownership, and pluralism—is inseparable from the modern Western political outlook.
严格地讲,美国的保守主义者与自由主义者都属于自由主义者。严格地讲,美国的保守主义者与自由主义者都属于自由主义者。 • Strictly speaking, American conservatives and liberals are both liberals—estranged (疏远的)members of a single ideological family.
古代人的自由:参与公共活动的权力 • In the ancient world, liberty was understood as a positive entitlement; it related to an individual’s right and civic duty to share in public deliberations(协议) and decisions.
现代人的自由:免于外在压制的状态 • The modern meaning, connotes an individual’s immunity from communitarian intervention, a guaranteed sphere of privacy and independence. As opposed to classical liberty that drew an individual into public life, modern liberty offers protection from it.
三、近代自由主义的奠基者——洛克 • John Locke ( 29 August 1632 – 28 October 1704) was an English philosopher.
(1)出生:1632年,英国布里斯托儿,父母为清教徒,父亲为乡村律师。(1)出生:1632年,英国布里斯托儿,父母为清教徒,父亲为乡村律师。 • Locke was born on 29 August 1632, in a small thatched cottage by the church in Wrington, Somerset, about twelve miles from Bristol.
(2)1647年,先后进入伦敦的威斯特敏斯特学校与牛津大学学习,对笛卡尔哲学产生兴趣。(2)1647年,先后进入伦敦的威斯特敏斯特学校与牛津大学学习,对笛卡尔哲学产生兴趣。 • In 1647, Locke was sent to the prestigious Westminster School in London under the sponsorship of Alexander Popham, a member of Parliament and former commander of the younger Locke's father.
(3)1656年与1658年,先后获得学士与硕士学位,1674年还曾在牛津大学获得医学学士学位。(3)1656年与1658年,先后获得学士与硕士学位,1674年还曾在牛津大学获得医学学士学位。 • Locke was awarded a bachelor's degree in 1656 and a master's degree in 1658. He obtained a bachelor of medicine in 1674, having studied medicine extensively during his time at Oxford .
(4)1666年,他遇见沙夫茨伯里伯爵,并成为其私人医生。(4)1666年,他遇见沙夫茨伯里伯爵,并成为其私人医生。 • 1666, he met Lord Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury, who had come to Oxford seeking treatment for a liver infection.
(5)1679年,开始写作《政府论》。 • The Two Treatises of Government is a work of political philosophy published anonymously in 1689 by John Locke. The First Treatise attacks patriarchalism and the Second Treatise outlines a theory of political or civil society based on natural rights and contract theory.
(6)1689年,随奥兰治亲王从荷兰回到英国,1704年去世,终身未婚。(6)1689年,随奥兰治亲王从荷兰回到英国,1704年去世,终身未婚。 • He died in 28 October 1704, and is buried in the churchyard of the village of High Laver, east of Harlow in Essex, where he had lived in the household of Sir Francis Masham since 1691. Locke never married nor had children.
(1)洛克思考的出发点:自由和理性的个人为什么要建立国家?(1)洛克思考的出发点:自由和理性的个人为什么要建立国家? • Why would free and rational individuals choose to empower a state if state irresistibly mean police, executioners(检察官), conscription(兵役), and taxes?
(2)自然状态:我们对于身体与自由的权力是绝对的。(2)自然状态:我们对于身体与自由的权力是绝对的。 • By nature, individuals are free, equal, and self-governing. • Most fundamentally, we each have a right to our bodies and our lives: they constitute the most inalienable form of property. • Our rights to life and liberty are absolute.
(3)个人的财产权也是绝对的。 • When an individual changes a natural object into a human artifact by investing labor into it—say by transforming a wooden log into a table—more has happen than an objective changes in the wood’s form. • 付出劳动。
Prior to the creation of public authority, the normal state of affairs is one in which property, created by individuals investing their labor into unowned objects, is broadly recognized as belonging to specific persons. • 劳动的对象是无主的。
(4)国家的作用是什么? • Whether because of genuine conflict over ownership, or as the result of willful misappropriation, or out of simple negligence, individuals will at times feel that their property has been wrongfully taken from them. • 自然状态中,个人财产权发生冲突。
Public authority comes into being in order to deal with this latent, ever-present peril. Much like a referee at a sporting match, the state is charged with guaranteeing that the rules of the game are honored. • 公共权力扮演游戏仲裁者的角色。
(5)国家的权力是有限的。 • When individuals enter a political community, they do not surrender their natural rights to life, liberty, and property. Legitimate government is limited —limited by the individual rights of those it has been created to serve. • 组建国家时,个人并未将权力完全交出。
Rights are always individual rights. Because rights derive from the property we each have in our own lives and bodies, they must always inhere in specific persons. • 权力永远是个人的权力,因为财产来自于个人的生命与身体。
(1)人是理性的、自利的动物,他们天然享有生命、自由与财产的权力。(1)人是理性的、自利的动物,他们天然享有生命、自由与财产的权力。 • (1)A view of human as rational, self-interested creatures who naturally possess the rights to life, liberty, and property.
(2)尽管人们一般会尊重他人的权力,但如果没有一个仲裁权威,个人之间的冲突会威胁和平。(2)尽管人们一般会尊重他人的权力,但如果没有一个仲裁权威,个人之间的冲突会威胁和平。 • (2)Although humans normally respect the rights of others, without an arbitrating authority clashes between individuals can endanger the peace.
(3)建立国家是为了保卫我们的自然权利。通过仲裁冲突,它使我们和平地享有权力。(3)建立国家是为了保卫我们的自然权利。通过仲裁冲突,它使我们和平地享有权力。 • (3)The state is established to safeguard our natural entitlements. By arbitrating conflicts, it allows us to enjoy our rights in peace.