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Commodity owners and their commodities

Commodity owners and their commodities. But my commodity should also be a general equivalent of all others. My commodity should be a a general equivalent for all others so that I can exchange it for everything. use value. use value. commodity. commodity. =. value. value.

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Commodity owners and their commodities

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  1. Commodity owners and their commodities But my commodity should also be a general equivalent of all others. My commodity should be a a general equivalent for all others so that I can exchange it for everything. use value use value commodity commodity = value value

  2. The commodity owner’s ponder … But it is not possible for all commodities to be the general equivalent at the same time. There can only be one. What should I do? … and me? use value use value commodity commodity = value value

  3. … and find a solution Great, money! It is directly exchangeable;I can exchange every-thing for it. Hey, great; there’s already a solution! Yay! Without even thinking. Commodity Commodity money money Commodity Commodity Commodity Commodity general equivalent «In their difficulties our commodity-owners think like Faust: ‹In the beginning was the deed.› They have therefore already acted before thinking».(p. 180)

  4. The money fetish Man, you’ve totally succumbed to the money fetish. The reverse is the case: Because we represent the value of all our commodities in an exclusive commodity, that commodity becomes money. Look, because we have money, we can relate all of our commo-dities to it as values. Practical, no? Commodity Commodity Commodity Commodity money Commodity Commodity Commodity Commodity

  5. Historical process: the development of money The historical broadening and deepening of the phenomenon of exchange develops the opposition between use-value and value which is latent in the nature of the commodity. […] At the same rate, then, as the transformation of the products of labour into commodities is accomplished, one particular commodity is transformed into money. (p. 181)

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