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Comparison of Airborne Sunphotometer and OMI Retrievals of Aerosol Optical Depth during MILAGRO/INTEX-B and ARCTAS

J. Livingston 1 , J. Redemann 2 , Y. Shinozuka 3 , P. Russell 3 , O. Torres 4 , B. Veheilmann 5 , R. Braak 5 , R. Johnson 3 , S. Ramachandran 3,6 , L. Remer 7 , R. Levy 7,8 , A. Smirnov 7,8 , B. Holben 7 , C. McNaughton 9 , Q. Zhang 2 , S. Ramirez 2.

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Comparison of Airborne Sunphotometer and OMI Retrievals of Aerosol Optical Depth during MILAGRO/INTEX-B and ARCTAS

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  1. J. Livingston1, J. Redemann2, Y. Shinozuka3, P. Russell3, O. Torres4, B. Veheilmann5, R. Braak5, R. Johnson3, S. Ramachandran3,6, L. Remer7, R. Levy7,8, A. Smirnov7,8, B. Holben7, C. McNaughton9, Q. Zhang2, S. Ramirez2 Comparison of Airborne Sunphotometer and OMI Retrievals of Aerosol Optical Depth during MILAGRO/INTEX-B and ARCTAS (1) SRI International, Menlo Park, CA USA (2) Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (BAERI), Sonoma, CA USA (3) NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA USA (4) Center for Atmospheric Sciences, Hampton University, Hampton, VA USA (5) Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), DeBilt, The Netherlands (6) Physical Research Laboratory, Amedhabad, India (7) NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, Greenbelt, MD USA (8) Science Systems and Applications, Inc., Lanham, MD USA (9) University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI USA email: john.livingston@sri.com

  2. NASA Ames Airborne Tracking Sunphotometer: AATS-14 • 1. Measures direct solar beam transmission: • 353.5 380.0 449.0 499.4 525.0 • 605.7 675.1 778.4 864.5 939.7 • 1019.1 1241.3 1557.8 2139.0 nm • Yields: • aerosol optical depth & columnar water vapor (ozone under certain conditions) • aerosol extinction & water vapor (ozone) concentration when aircraft flies profiles • Size: • Telescope dome 8" OD (hemisphere) atop 5" H pedestal. (Total H: 9" above A/C skin), Inside A/C: 12" D x 18" H cylinder. • Weight: • 131.6 lbs

  3. July 9 July 3 June 30 ARCTAS (2008) MILAGRO/INTEX-B (2006) Cold Lake AATS Jetstream 31 NASA P-3B

  4. AOD Comparisons, OMI - MODIS - AATS INTEX-B/MILAGRO, 2006 True Color Image (Aqua), 10 March, 19:55-20:00 UT OMI 13x24km2 MODIS MODIS 10x10 km2 J31 low altitude transect 19:40-20:01 UT J31 flight track color coded by altitude Aura/OMI overpass ~15 minutes after Aqua at 20:13 UT

  5. OMAERUV OMAERO MODIS J31 low altitude transect 19:40-20:01 UT AOD Comparisons, OMI - MODIS - AATS INTEX-B/MILAGRO, 10 March 2006

  6. MODIS % cloud >90 AOD Comparisons, OMI - MODIS - AATS INTEX-B/MILAGRO, 10 March 2006

  7. 10 March 2006 >90 biomass burning Aura overpass: 20.21 UT non-absorbing sulfate AOD gradient cloud contaminated?

  8. 10 March 2006 OMAERUV MODIS >90

  9. 10 March 2006 >90 MODIS uncertainty

  10. Aura overpass: 20.11 UT biomass burning non-absorbing sulfate 03 March 2006 low altitude transect

  11. MODIS %cloud Aura overpass: 20.32 UT cloud contaminated? biomass-burning weakly absorbing non-absorbing sulfate J31 low altitude transect 17 March 2006

  12. ARCTAS: 30 June 2008 P-3B Flight Track

  13. MODIS % cloud OMAERUV MODIS MODIS AOD (470 nm) OMAERO ARCTAS: 30 June 2008 Note: Google Map from July 1, 1545 UT P-3B flight track color-coded by AATS AOD (451 nm) AATS: 19.65-19.95 UT Aqua: 19.83 UT Aura: 20.01 UT

  14. OMAERUV and AATS AOD spectra OMAERO and AATS AOD spectra smoke weakly abs weakly abs smoke sulfate sulfate weakly abs smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke sulfate sulfate smoke smoke smoke Cloud-clearing turned off for OMAERO retrievals Retrievals produced with cloud-clearing on ARCTAS: 30 June 2008 OMI retrievals in highlighted cells likely cloud-contaminated

  15. AATS MODIS ARCTAS: 30 June 2008 AATS and MODIS AOD Spectra • AATS: Squares show mean and vertical bars give range of cloud-free AODs within MODIS grid cell. AOD uncertainties are smaller than the symbols. • MODIS: Vertical bars equal expected uncertainty in over-land AOD retrieval.


  17. smoke plume a2 -a1 a2 -a1 2.104 0.017 0.861 0.590 ARCTAS: 30 June 2008 log AOD = a0 + a1*log l + a2*log2l

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