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Outline. Introduction Tools and Technologies Technical EMF GEF ViPER Conceptual UML2 Specification for Interaction Diagrams Communication Diagram Sequence Diagram Current Status and Future Work Software Demonstration For Communication Diagram Editor. Introduction.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Outline • Introduction • Tools and Technologies • Technical • EMF • GEF • ViPER • Conceptual • UML2 Specification for Interaction Diagrams • Communication Diagram • Sequence Diagram • Current Status and Future Work • Software Demonstration For Communication Diagram Editor

  2. Introduction • Based on enhancement of ViPER platform • Adding visual modeling capabilities for UML2 interaction (communication and sequence) diagrams • Main tasks are: • In depth understanding of tools and technologies involved. • GEF, EMF, ViPER. • Specification of UML2 Interaction Diagrams • Design and development of editors as a plugin to ViPER for the following diagrams: • Communication Diagram • Sequence Diagram • A detailed Thesis report comprising of the study conducted and results achieved.

  3. Tools And Technologies: EMF • EMF stands for Eclipse Modeling Framework. • A java framework providing code generation facility for structured models. • Uses XMI(XML Metadata Interchange) as model definition from • Models need to be translated to XMI. • Consists of two frameworks: • The core EMF framework • EMF.Edit framework • EMF.Codegen

  4. Tools and Technologies: EMF • EMF Core Framework: • Provides basic support for creating Java Classes corresponding to a model. • Meta Model to describe Models • Change Notification • Persisitance Support • API to manipulate EMF Objects • EMF.Edit Framework: • Built on and extends core framework. • Generate adapter classes to create editors for EMF Models. • Content and Label provider classes • Desktop viewers(JFace) • Property Sheets • Command Framework • Undo • Eidt • Redo

  5. Tools and Technologies: GEF • GEF stands for Graphical Editing Framework. • Provides the facility to display and edit a model graphically. • Provides GEF viewers for this purpose. • Based on Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. Figure 1: MVC Architecture

  6. Tools and Technologies: ViPER

  7. Eclipse Platform ViPER IDE Workbench UML2 VME ViPER VMF GEF EMF UML2 Team Help Draw2D Workspace Platform Runtime SWT JFace Tools and Technologies: ViPER • ViPER builds upon Eclipse, EMF, UML2, and GEF

  8. Tools and Technologies: ViPER • ViPER UML2 VME (Visual Modeling Environment) supports visual modeling of followinf diagrams • Structure diagrams (ViPER UML2 VME Structure) • ViPER UML2 VME Class • ViPER UML2 VME Object • ViPER UML2 VME Package • ViPER UML2 VME CompositeStructure • ViPER UML2 VME Component • Behavior diagrams (ViPER UML2 VME Behavior) • ViPER UML2 VME UseCase • ViPER UML2 VME StateMachine • ViPER UML2 VME Communication • ViPER UML2 VME Sequence

  9. UML2 Specification • For a better grip of an interactive situation. • Produced at a detailed design phase. • Suitable to design precise inter-process communication. • Interactions can be designed using the following diagrams: • Sequence Diagram • Communication Diagram

  10. UML2 Specification

  11. UML2 Specification • There are some basic components of an interaction diagram: • Interaction • Lifeline • Message • OccurrenceSpecification • Events • Behavior Executions

  12. UML2 : Interaction

  13. UML2: Lifeline Class Description • Description • A specialization of NamedElement • Represents an individual participant in the interaction • Associations • selector : ValueSpecification[0..1] • interaction: Interaction[1] • represents: ConnectableElement[0..1] • decomposedAs : PartDecomposition[0..1] • coveredBy : InteractionFragment [0..1] • Notation • <lifelineident> ::= ([<connectable-element-name>[‘[‘ <selector> ‘]’]] [: <class_name>] [decomposition]) | ‘self’ <selector> ::= <expression> <decomposition> ::= ‘ref’ <interactionident> strict • Changes From Previous UML • Same as UML 1.x

  14. UML2: Lifeline

  15. UML2: Message Class Description • Description • A particular communication between Lifelines of an interaction • Specifies kind of communication, sender and reciever. • Attributes • messageKind: MessageKind • messageSort: MessageSort • Associations • interaction:Interaction[1] • sendEvent : MessageEnd[0..1] • receiveEvent: MessageEnd[0..1] • connector: Connector[0..1] • argument:ValueSpecification[*] • /signature:NamedElement[0..1] • Notation • <messageident> ::= ([<attribute> ‘=’] <signal-or-operation-name> [‘(‘ [<argument> [‘,’<argument>]* ‘)’] [‘:’ <return-value>]) | ‘*’ <argument> ::= ([<parameter-name> '='] <argument-value>) | (<attribute> '=' <out-parameter-name> [':' <argument-value>] ) | ' -' • Changes From Previos UML • May have gates on either end

  16. UML2: Message

  17. UML2: Event

  18. UML2: OccurenceSpecification Class Description • Description • Basic semantic unit of an interaction • Ordered along a lifeline • Associations • event : Event [1] • covered: Lifeline[1] • toBefore:GeneralOrdering[*] • toAfter: GeneralOrdering[*] • Has 2 specializations • MessageOccurenceSpecification • ExecutionOccurenceSpecification

  19. UML2: OccurenceSpecification

  20. UML2: MessageOccurenceSpecification Class Description • Description • Specifies occurence of events like, • Sending and recieving of signals • Invoking or recieving of operation calls • Is a kind of message end. • Associations • event : Event [1] • Changes from Previous UML • Now in UML 2.0

  21. UML2: ExecutionOccurenceSpecification Class Description • Description • represents moments in time at which actions or behaviors start or finish. • Associations • event : ExecutionEvent [1] • execution : ExecutionSpecification [1] • Changes from Previous UML • Now in UML 2.0

  22. UML2: BehaviorExecutionSpecification Class Description • Description • Specialization of ExecutionSpecification • represents execution of behavior • Associations • behavior : Behavior [0..1] • Rationale • introduced to support interactions specifying messages that result from behaviors

  23. Current Status and Future Work • Current Status • Communication Diagram Editor implemented • Future Work • Implementation of Sequence Diagram Editor • Report Writing

  24. Thank You Questions are welcome !

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