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Benefits of Extracurricular Activities Support the Academic Mission of School. An extension of a good educational program Students who participate tend to: Have a higher GPA Better attendance records Lower dropout rates Fewer discipline problems Provides lessons for practical situations:
Benefits of Extracurricular Activities Support the Academic Mission of School • An extension of a good educational program • Students who participate tend to: • Have a higher GPA • Better attendance records • Lower dropout rates • Fewer discipline problems • Provides lessons for practical situations: • Teamwork • Sportsmanship • Winning & Losing • Hard work
UIL Orientation • Coaches must annually attend a UIL Orientation. • Discuss UIL Rules and Regulations • Athlete Eligibility • Athlete Requirements • Coaches Expectations/Requirements • Power Point will be made available to allCoaches through Athletic Coordinators.
Purpose and Philosophy of the UIL • To assist, advise, and aid schools • To devise and prepare eligibility rules • To regulate competition • To promote good sportsmanship • To forward the concept of accepting decisions of sports officials
Coordinated Communication with UIL • Always find an answer to UIL question to avoid violation of a rule • Our job is to know rules & their interpretation • Refer to UIL website or manuals • Refer to sport specific manual • Speak to Athletic Coordinator or Athletic Director before you call UIL office
UIL Web site www.uil.utexas.edu The purpose of the UIL web site is to provide school employees, parents, students and other interested parties access to information regarding extracurricular activities. Below is a partial list of documents/information that may be found on the web site: • TEA-UIL Side by Side • Constitution and Contest Rules (C & CR) • Athletic Manuals • Guidelines for Non-School Participation • UIL Sportsmanship Manual
Rules Compliance Program (RCP) • Required for all coaches 7th-12th grade PRIOR to their 1st contact with athletes. • Training available only via the UIL website. • Must have UT ID and password to access system. Fill out coaching assignment (s). • Print your certificate and turn it in to the Campus Athletic Coordinator who will then turn in a copy to the Athletic Department.
1st Aid, CPR, AED Training Senate Bill 7 • School Districts shall annually provide CPR and AED training to employees. • All coaches, PE teachers, and cheerleader coaches must maintain current certification in CPR and AED training. • Coaches must have a current certification before first contact with student athletes. ***New requirement – Concussion Training
COACHES PAPERWORK • PROFESSIONAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM • Must be completed by a coach their 1st year at a campus. Form must be notarized. • Another form must be completed if a coach changes campuses. • PAF Form acknowledges that coach is responsible for acknowledgement of UIL rules and regulations.
New Coaches Education Program • Fundamentals of Coaching Course. • Cost $35 – Paid for by the Coach • Register through UIL Website and take course online. • Print your certificate and turn it in to the Campus Athletic Coordinator. • All 1st year coaches must take course.
After School Coach • Must fulfill all coaches requirements which include RCP training, CPR certification, Fundamentals of Coaching, PAF, & Concussion Training • May not exceed a certified coaches stipend • Any one who assists in any other capacity and is not a MISD employee must have a background check and be cleared by HR
Non-School Participation • Coaches may not require athletes to participate in non-school activities. • Coaches may not instruct non-school coaches on skills,team strategies, or line-up. • It is a violation for a school coach to handle money for a non-school team involving students in their attendance zone. • Athletes may not help during a camp or club activity.
Athlete Safety Training • Coaches must conduct Safety Training for all their student athletes. • School must download Safety Training Power Point presentation and show to athletes. • Athletes must sign to prove that training that has occurred. • Safety training will be available to parents through Athletic Website. • Multisport athletes must attend the safety training session provided by each coach of sportsthey join.
Section 1478AGE REQUIREMENTS • For 7th Grade athletic competition an athlete may not be 14 on or before September 1st. • For 8th Grade competition an athlete may not be 15 on or before Sept. 1st. • There are other guidelines for overage athletes-please refer specific questions to Athletic Department. • 6th Grade students may not practice with or compete against junior high students.
General Regulations for Athletic Practice and Competition • No game, scrimmage, or tournament shall begin prior to the end of the academic school day for all participants. • A team may not practice for more than 8 hours outside the school day. • Maximum length of any single practice session is 3 hours • When more than one practice is held, there shall be at least one hour of rest in between. (Football requires a 2 hour rest). • Athletes shall not engage in more than 5 hours of practice a day. • School week begins at 12:01 AM on first day of instruction and ends at the end of school on last day of instruction. • No Sunday practice or participation.
No Pass, No Play • A student who receives a a grade below 70 at the end of any grading period in any class may not compete until all classes are passed the next grading period and grace period is fulfilled. • There is no point credit for advanced courses (Pre-AP) at MS. • All schools must check grades for all participants at the end of the 1st six weeks of the school year. • Students who pass all classes remain eligible until the end of the next grading period.
No Pass, No Play(con’t) • In regards to eligibility: make up work can not be completed after a grading period has ended, unless the student has received an incomplete. • An incomplete grade must be made up before an athlete may compete. • An athlete may regain eligibility if ineligibility was caused by a teacher error, mechanical error, or teacher not following district grading policy. • All students are eligible during a school holiday of a full calendar week or more.
Soccer, Baseball, Volleyball, Softball, Basketball & Football • One game or scrimmage may be played per calendar week. • Football: There must be a minimum of 5 days between contests. • Practices shall not begin prior to the first day of school. • Please download a copy of the UIL Junior High Coaches’ Manual. • All coaches must read and refer to the NFHS Rule Books for rules and regulations for each sport.
Cross Country & Track • No team or student shall compete in more that 6 meets including the District meet. • Meets are limited to one per calendar week. • Practice shall not begin prior to the first day of school. • Please download a copy of the UIL Junior High Coaches’ Manual and refer to the NFHS Track & Field and Cross Country Rule Book for any rules and regulations.
Inclement Weather • Campus Administration and Athletic Department will make decision in regard to cancellation of games due to weather. • Contests which have to be canceled due to weather or other circumstances shall not be rescheduled unless there is an open week within the season.
Sportsmanship and Behavior • As coaches, we are responsible for the behavior of our athletes. • Positive behavior is expected from our fans- paying to get into a game does not give them a right to be negative. • A positive relationship between coaches and officials is always important. Please think twice before you react in a negative manner. • Any coach who is ejected for unsportsmanlike conduct, or a Football coach who is given 2 or more 15-yard unsportsmanlike penalties during a contest, is required to appear before the State Executive Committee at the coaches expense. • Schools must notify UIL within 3 school days if a coach has been ejected or received two 15 yard unsportsmanlike penalties. Please follow chain of command.
Game Procedures • Cannot protest the results of a game after the officials have declared a winner. • Officials decisions must be honored. • Make sure that you speak to officials before they leave game site if there is an item of discussion (not if it involves a judgment call). • A game cannot be terminated by a coach. Each contest must be played in full. • Administrator in charge must introduce themselves to the officials and be present during the contest.
Coaches Expectations • Emphasize that a student’s first responsibility is to be a student. • Coaches must focus on instilling good values and building character through sports opportunities • Cut as few kids as possible. (Maximum Participation) • All athletes that suit out must play. • Structure practices so that they are a positive experience for athletes. • Always treat players with respect. • Always offer assistance for improvement and words of encouragement.
Emphasize that all athletes, regardless of playing ability, follow all regulations. • Emphasize improvement (not just winning) as a sign of success. • Remember that you are part of the teaching faculty and coaching staff – please follow all rules and regulations.
Player Participation • Participation: A player suited out will participate in game. The amount of playing time is at the discretion of the coach. • All reports, concerns and problems must go through your Campus Athletic Coordinator and Principal and then Athletic Department. • Team managers must be eligible and must fill out paperwork.
Hazing: • Hazing is any act that causes or is likely to cause bodily danger, physical harm, or personal degradation resulting in physical or mental harm for the purposes of pledging, initiation into, holding office in, or maintaining membership in an organization.
Hazing Components • Humiliating, degrading, emotionally and / or physical harmful activities. • Behavior expected to join or maintain full status in a group. • Hazing can occur regardless of a person’s willingness to participate
Typical Arguments Asserted for Hazing Traditions /Rituals: • Team building and character building • Create unity, loyalty, discipline, and team spirit • Reassure senior group members that newcomers value membership
Most Common Defenses To Allegations Of Hazing • Victims gave “consent” • It was just “horseplay” • It is tradition – Something that has “always” had been done • Peer Pressure
Texas Education Code 37.152 Personal Hazing Offense • (a) A person commits an offense if the person: • Engages in hazing; • Solicits, encourages, directs, aids, or attempts to aid another in engaging in hazing; • Recklessly permits hazing to occur; or • Has firsthand knowledge of the planning of a specific hazing incident involving a student in an educational institution, or has first hand knowledge that a specific hazing incident has occurred, and knowing fails to report that knowledge in writing to the dean of students of other appropriate official of the institution. • (b) The offense of failing to report is a Class B misdemeanor. • (c) Any other offense under this section that does not cause serious bodily injury to another is a Class B misdemeanor. • (d) any other offense under this section that causes serious bodily injury to another is a Class A misdemeanor. • (e) Any other offense under this section that causes death of another is a state jail felony.
Texas Education Code 37.153 Organization Hazing Offense • (a) An organization commits an offense if the organization condones or encourages hazing or if an officer or any combination of members, pledges, or alumni of the organization commits or assists in the commission of hazing. • (b) An offense under this section is a misdemeanor punishable by: • A fine of not less than $5,000 nor more than $10,000; or • If the court finds that the offense caused personal injury, property damage, or other loss, a fine of not less than $5000 not more than double the amount lost or expenses incurred because of the injury, damage, or loss.
Texas Education Code 37.154 Consent Not a Defense • It is not a defense to prosecution of an offense under this subchapter that the person against whom the hazing was directed consented to or acquiesced in the hazing activity. Texas Education Code 37.156 Offenses in Addition to Other Penal Provisions • This subchapter does not affect or repeal any law of this state. This subchapter does not limit or affect the right of an educational institution to enforce it’s own penalties against hazing.
Coaches Responsibility • Address It • Supervise • Put a STOP to it • Report it
Contact Information • DISTRICT ATHLETIC DIRECTOR • PAULA GONZALEZ: 618-6089 • ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT SECRETARIES • Vanessa Castaneda – Secretary 618-6089 • Norma Mancha – Bookkeeper 618-6091 • OFFICE FAX: 972-5840
MS CAMPUS ATHLETIC COORDINATORS • Brown: Christopher Loya/Olympia Luna • Cathey : Luis Vela • De Leon : Juan Garza • Fossum: Rene Saenz • Lincoln : Rick Romero • Morris : Bill Cameron • Travis: Ralph Rodriguez
THANK YOU! BEST OF LUCK! Have a Great Season and A Great Year!!!