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Strategic Initiatives . Eliminating Tiers Of School Probationary Measures: Purposeful planning through the principal performance scorecard. Camilla Covington, Ed. D. Academic achievement Growth for 9 th – 12 th Grades. Progress in this area is conducted:.
Strategic Initiatives Eliminating Tiers Of School Probationary Measures: Purposeful planning through the principal performance scorecard Camilla Covington, Ed. D
Academic achievement Growth for 9th – 12th Grades Progress in this area is conducted: Double student performance trend from previous year of 1.3pt.s, on pre- and post- Assessments, to 2pts. Meeting expected growth • Administer Interim Assessment tests every five weekslooking for 75% mastery from the 13 – 19 skill range students. As student skill levels increase, so too will the percentage of students needed to score at the highest levels. These mini pre- and post- tests will be in addition to the ones required by the state assessment. Mini data-dives are conducted every five weeksto determine where growth is occurring and where re-teaching strategies are needed. • Teachers focus on targeting skills across a content areas. Teachers identify the skill(s) strongest and collaborate to ensure all students in a given data driven skills instruction. • On-site teacher support is provided using an Principal & AP Coaching Model. In this, each assistant principal is held accountable for coaching teachers in their content areas of expertise. Teachers get regular one-on-ones with their AP to improve teacher quality while supporting student academic growth. • All classes compete for incentivesbased growth shown when assessments taken in January and again in March. • Purchase Princeton Review provides ACT course for students across all core classes. Explicit content and test taking skills provided with a proven success rate has not only double EPAS test scores, but also built teacher capacity with administering targeted skills needed within instruction. • Students receive One-on-One Consultationswith core course teachers to better understand how attendance and academic performance impacts grading. Students are shown n Dunbar’s monthly town hall meetings on how to access their assessment scores.
Student one-on-one consultations Easy method for students to understanding their status in a course based on their overall Attendance, Performance and Behavior (APB) A student is flagged Red that is failing the course. A student is flagged Yellow that is passing the course with a “C” or “D” grade. A student is flagged Green that is passing the course with an “A” or “B” grade.
Academic achievementGrowth for 11th Grade Progress in this area is conducted : • Purchase Princeton Review provides an ACT course for students in core classes twice a week. Explicit content and test taking skills provided with a proven success rate has not only double EPAS test scores, but also built teacher capacity with administering targeted skills within instruction. • Target students that earned a 16 or better composite score on the practice ACT test administered this fall (20+ students) participate in Dual Enrollment program with CommunityCollegewhere they receive a mentor to help maintain high scholastic motivation, a college level course to boost academic skills, and an additional ACT prep course to further strengthen their test taking skills. Double student performance trend from previous year (1pt gain) on ACT test to average of 2pt gain meeting expected growth
Academic achievement12th Grade & graduates • Administer Interim Assessment tests every five weekslooking for 75% mastery from the 19 – 23 skill range. As student skill levels increase, so too will the percentage of students needed to score at the highest levels. These mini pre- and post- tests are in addition to the state assessments. Mini data-dives are conducted every five weeksto determine where growth is occurring and where re-teaching strategies are needed. • Teachers focus on targeted skills across a content areas. Teachers identify the skills, provide targeted instruction, and collaborate to ensure all students are given rich data driven instruction. • On-site teacher support is provided using Principal and AP Coaching Model. In this, each assistant principal is held accountable for coaching teachers in their content areas of expertise. Teachers get regular one-on-ones with their AP to improve teacher quality while supporting student academic growth. • Students receive One-on-One Consultationswith core course teachers to better understand how attendance and academic performance impacts grading and assessment. Students are also shown in the monthly Dunbar Town hall meetings on how to access their assessment scores. • Seniors compete for incentivesbased growth shown when assessments are taken in January and March. • Purchase Princeton Review provides an ACT course for students in core classes twice a week. Explicit content and test taking skills provided with a proven success rate has not only double EPAS test scores, but also built teacher capacity with administering targeted skills within instruction. School-wide academic achievement initiatives • Additional goals for 12th graders require more targeted supports in addition to these school-wide efforts.
Academic achievement12th Grade & graduates College Eligibility Meeting District Wide Expectation College Enrollment GOAL: Increase from 68% to 100% 5-Year Graduation Rate Increasing from 72% to 100% • Students with the most promising assessment composites are Dually Enrolled into classes with City Colleges of Chicagowhere they receive AP high school credit and also college credits. • Continue the works of Princeton Review providing College prep course offerings for students in core classes. • Eliminate “demote” divisions.Students clearly understand their grade level status based on credits earned, monthly transcript analysis motivating improvement. • Multiple opportunities for credit recovery including evening school, Saturday school intersession and 9th period credit recovery classes. • All students have access to multiple post-secondary options. Each classvisits at least one college or university and/or attend at least one college fair hosted either by the school or off-site. • Require all seniors to complete at least five college admissions applicationsand complete their FAFSA applications in a timely manner.
School climate & culturefreshman and sophomore on-track Freshman On-Track GOAL: Given ALL freshmen enter high school with a clean slate, we anticipate having an 85- 90% FOT rate • Core content area teachers offer lunchtime and 9th period tutoring for students in danger of failing a course. • Sophomores are enrolled in a 9th period class for credit recovery in lieu of credit deficiencies (if needed), and skills development course work if no freshman level courses were failed. Additionally, access to Saturday school intercession is granted at this level; hence, keeping our 10th graders on-track. Sophomore On-Track GOAL: Given theirfreshman on-track rate from previous year, we anticipate having an 85- 90% SOT rate
School climate & culturestudent attendance, misconducts, parent perception: engagement and student perception: safety Student Attendance GOAL: Last year, the average daily student attendance was 80%. This year, we anticipate the overall school-wide average will be at least 90%. • Daily phone callsby parent volunteers to students absent the previous day. Also, a cadre of case managers are available to do home visitsto students with chronic attendance concerns or inaccurate contact information. • Culture of Calmis collaborating with both the counseling department and the deans’ office to provide individualized mentoring and case managementfor students with the most severe behavior concerns. Additionally, they have started a suspension re-entry program that gives student-run workshops during lunch periodsaddressing social and behavior modifications to minimize the number of previously suspended students from becoming repeat offenders. Misconducts GOAL: Last year, the rate of levels 4 – 6 misconducts was 33 per 100 students. This year, we anticipate that rate to go down to no more than 17. Parent Perception: Engagement GOAL: Provide at least one activity per month for parents to be engaged • Monthly activities where the building is open to parentsto be an active part of the school community. Also, opportunities are available for parent to receive professional certifications directly from the school through corporate and community partnerships to better financially support their family. Student Perception: Safety GOAL: Last year, the school scored 70 on a scale of 1 to 99. This year, we anticipate raising that score to at least 85. • Increased number of deanswith a focus on building-wide safety. Also, a cadre of parent patrolershave been hired to monitor the halls and support safety efforts led by deans.