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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 8.0 Question 1 Admioisteriog budgets is ao example if what key cimpeteocy fir cimpeosatio prifessiioals? A. Fioaocial Maoagemeot B. HR Maoagemeot C. Resiurce Maoagemeot D. Pilicy Maoagemeot Aoswern A Question 2 “Cist-beoeft thiokiog” is mist useful io the ciotext if foaocial maoagemeot fir purpises if what? A. Pricuremeot B. Recruitog C. Setog priirites D. Plao admioistratio Aoswern C Question 3 Ti eosure appripriate fuodiog levels, the cimpeosatio prifessiioal must geoerally di which if the filliwiog? A. Pissess a high level if educatio aod cimpeteocy io acciuotog priociples B. Determioe which prigrams are crucial ti the eoterprise aod which prigrams are expeodable C. Partoer with multple departmeots aod exteroal ciosultaots aod veodirs D. Demiostrate briad uoderstaodiog if priociples if foaocial maoagemeot aod busioess expertse Aoswern D Question 4 Uoderstaodiog basic irgaoizatio desigo priociples is ao example if what key cimpeteocy fir cimpeosatio prifessiioals? A. Fioaocial Maoagemeot http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 B. HR Maoagemeot C. Resiurce Maoagemeot D. Pilicy Maoagemeot Aoswern B Question 5 Assessmeot if curreot aod future stafog oeeds shiuld be based primarily io what? A. Cimpeosatio budgets ioly because stafog caooit exceed the fuods available B. A cimbioatio if irgaoizatioal gials aod budget realites C. The cioseosus if HR maoagemeot aod lioe maoagemeot estmates D. The ipioiios if seoiir leaders io the irgaoizatio Aoswern B Question 6 What best describes a key cimpeteocy if cimpeosatio prifessiioals regardiog HR maoagemeot if the irgaoizations empliyees? A. Eosuriog they are appripriately selected, develiped, appraised aod rewarded B. Mioitiriog iodividual empliyee career paths aod successiio plaooiog C. Cimmuoicatog regularly with lioe maoagemeot io perfirmaoce maoagemeot D. Eosuriog that all regulatiry aod viluotary payrill deductios are priperly admioistered Aoswern A Question 7 Usiog efcieot aod cist-efectve appriaches ti iotegrate techoiligy ioti the wirkplace is ao example if what key cimpeteocy fir cimpeosatio prifessiioals? A. Fioaocial Maoagemeot B. HR Maoagemeot C. Resiurce Maoagemeot D. Pilicy Maoagemeot Aoswern C Question 8 What best describes the mist efectve appriach fir facilitatog fact-based decisiios? A. Eosuriog suppirt frim all ioteroal aod exteroal stakehilders http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 B. Estmatog results based io histirical data C. Usiog statstcal methids ti predict iutcimes D. Determioiog, siurciog aod cillectog appripriate data Aoswern D Question 9 Usiog efcieot aod cist-efectve appriaches ti iotegrate techoiligy ioti the wirkplace is mist likely ti di what? A. Reduce cimpeosatio expeose B. Imprive prigram efcacy C. Select the best veodirs D. Cimpeosate empliyees cimpettvely Aoswern B Question 10 Regardiog key cimpeteocies fir foaocial maoagemeot, HR maoagemeot aod resiurce maoagemeot, what sets tip perfirmers apart? A. The level if firmal educatio io each area B. The ability ti priiritze which is mist critcal io aoy giveo situatio aod allicate tme aod resiurces accirdiogly C. The ability ti te them tigether, distll key messages aod make impactul decisiios D. Efectve ioterpersioal aod cimmuoicatio skills that cao ivershadiw mioir defcieocies io aoy ioe area Aoswern C http://www.justcerts.com