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Repaso: Indefinite expressions

Preview Indefinite expressions. Repaso: Indefinite expressions. Indefinite expressions. Indefinite words can be used in affirmative or negative expressions. You will often see no paired with a negative expression. Indefinite expressions. NEGATIVE. AFFIRMATIVE. some. algo. nada.

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Repaso: Indefinite expressions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Preview Indefinite expressions Repaso: Indefinite expressions

  2. Indefinite expressions • Indefinite words can be used in affirmativeor negativeexpressions. • You will often see nopaired with a negative expression.

  3. Indefinite expressions NEGATIVE AFFIRMATIVE some algo nada nothing, not . . . anything someone alguien no one, not . . . anyone nadie algún, alguna some, any ningún, none, (not . . .) any ninguna some, any ninguno(a), none, (not . . .) alguno(a), any algunos(as) ningunos(as) also tampoco not . . . either también nunca, jamás always never siempre or ni nor o

  4. Indefinite expressions • The words o(or) and ni(nor) can be used in pairs to express either . . . or and neither . . . nor. Ome pasas esa sección ome voy. Esta locutora noes nifiable niimparcial.

  5. Indefinite expressions • Indefinite adjectives and pronouns must agree with the nouns they modify or represent. When a negative word precedes the verb, nois left out. Alguno and ninguno shorten to algún and ningún before a masculine singular noun. Plural forms are not used in the negative. ¿Tienes algunasideas? Notengo ningunaidea. ¿Nosabe nadiela respuesta? Ningúnestudiante sabe la respuesta.

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