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Ê TRE. Ê TRE. Ê TRE. Ê TRE. Ê TRE. Ê TRE. Ê TRE. Before we go any further…. What is an infinitive? Definition: It is the most basic form of a verb. In French, infinitives end in - e r , - i r , or -re .
Before we go any further…. What is an infinitive? Definition: It is the most basic form of a verb. In French, infinitives end in -er, -ir, or -re. Infinitives in English look like this: "to + verb" eg. to run / to eat / to listen The infinitive by itself does NOT have a tense. It is a bit like an “idea”. It can be helpful to think of the infinitive as a sort of “title” for a verb.
ETRE – to be ETRE is an infinitive. It is a bit like a title for the verb. To actually use the verb in a sentence, we need to know the present tense forms. We have already seen the subject pronouns. JE TU IL ELLE ON NOUS VOUS ILS ELLES Each subject pronoun needs its own particular form of the verb.
Bonne Nouvelle! There are nine subject pronouns but there are only SIX forms of the verb, so some double or even triple up! HOURRA! Let’s take a look – Si on regarde…..
je suis I am tues you are*singular / informal ilest he is / it is *can refer to a person or a thing elleest she is / it is *can refer to a person or a thing on est one is / we are nous sommes we are vousêtes you are *plural / formal ilssont they are *can refer to people or things ellessont they are *can refer to people or things bb( (
Of course, you can not get very far in a conversation with only the verb ÊTRE. Salut Marie-France. JE SUIS! Hein?
We need some adjectives to finish off the sentence.