My Ideal Reader • My ideal reader would be Tim. He is a young boy who still lives at home with his parents near the city. Tim’s age ranges between 15 and 25, Tim studies either music or media at either college or sixth form. Tim lives in a reasonably urban environment where his friends and him write their own music: he wants to produce his own music when he’s older. He loves hip hop and is passionate on becoming a Rapper so not only does he love reading about the modern day stars but, also cares about upcoming artists and how they reach the top. Tim also loves listening to American Hip hop as well as British Hip hop. He doesn’t have much money however, is comfortable spending up to £2 on a weekly music magazine.
Silhouette is a modern day hip hop magazine which features American and British hip hop. The magazine has many offers and aim to keep people buying the magazine over a sustainable amount of time. The magazine includes upcoming artists as well to keep readers ahead of the game.
Unique Selling Points • A unique selling point of my magazine is that we offer a unique offer that when you buy the magazine for three consecutive weeks, you get the forth week free which means there would be a price of six pounds a month. • Another USP would be that we offer free music downloads. This means every copy of Silhouette magazine you buy, we buy you a song of your choice on either Itunes or Google market with our special redeem codes.
My Targets • I aim to produce a magazine the is sleek and stylish that consist of a large header, and many callouts. • The Price will be £1.99, this means anyone anywhere can afford to buy one.