MySuperhero Sven Semerak
Mr. Shotout Mr. Shotoutis a superherowhich live in themiddleages. He save thepeoplefromtheworldhungerandhisbiggestvillainiscalled Dr. JumJum. He havebeen a superheroif a arrowof a reci (littlefighterwhoareverygoodbowshooter) hithim in the neck.
Normal Identety Mr. Shoutout‘s real nameisKeenenMcConahay He‘sfamilyisverypoorandtheyhavn‘t a lotofmoney His fahteriscalled Mathew McConahayandhismotheriscalledLordeMcConahay
Super Forces He isthebest Bow Shooterofthe World He havethefoodlook The arrow he shootcomeback tohimlike a boomerang so he don‘tneed a arrowbag His Real nameis
Adventure Before a viewdays, thepeople in a littlevillagewereverypoorandthyhaven‘tgotanymoneyandfood, because Dr. JumJumtookolloftheirfood. When Mr. Shoutoutcame, thewerevery happy becausetheygotsomefoodfromhisfoodeyes. All the pople vere happy.
Dr. JumJum Dr. JumJumis a villainwhoeat all thefoodwhatthepeoplegot. He have a pair hornsandnoeyebrownsbecauseonce he was bitten from a Capricorn.
Place All the Adventures of Mr. SoutoutandDr.JumJumhappenedia a litte villageabouttheyear 1500. The people in thiscityareverypoorand not everybodyhave a ownhouse. Theyareveryoftenhungryandhavediseases.
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