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Radioactive comets. Scout 55. Event potential heads up. From 8:04 am 29 th of July, 2013 Eastern Australian time. There is a possibility of a seaward event on the east coast of Australia. Further there is a potential for incoming bolide fragments across the continent.
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... Radioactive comets Scout 55
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... Event potential heads up • From 8:04 am 29th of July, 2013 Eastern Australian time. • There is a possibility of a seaward event on the east coast of Australia. • Further there is a potential for incoming bolide fragments across the continent. • If in Oz and the time is after 11:00 CST and nothing has happened then read on.
Waiver and declaration of lack of Qualifications. Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... The blind leading the blind Describes my attempt at translating and filtering that which may be important – to you. The reality is that even a blind man using all of his other senses eventually finds that which he seeks.
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... But First - Mea culpa (an Apology) • Folks, I was entrapped by the disinformation service. • This led me to some incorrect steps along the way. • Whilst the sun does give off harmful radiation, and our Magnetosphere, Ionospohere and slowly our Troposphere are all cactus… there is another reason for all the radiation that we are receiving. • It means we lost valuable time with me leading you down the wrong path. • What follows is an update and correction to the concept that the sun is the root of all our problems.
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... Putting it all together. Dust Rings coming to a cosmological bear constellation near you….
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... PremiseKeeping in mind that I am not an astronomer or physicist… • Most readers are familiar with the photographs I have taken from the darwin river dam area of a number of exo planets (planets that don’t belong to our solar system. • Their arrival in our solar system in 2003 heralded an increase in solar wind activity – specifically helium3 (ionising), • The ensuing atoms have attacked our magnetosphere, ionosphere and troposphere (in that order) and shanghaied loosely bonded electrons causing our atmosphere to literally vent itself into space. • The lowered atmospherics and decreased Van Allen belt (magnetosphere) shielding has resulted in easy access for Solar flares during the current solar maximum. • The flaring as excited our core with additional neutrons thereby causing a superheating effect on the centre of our earth. • As the core heats up, the magma increases and creates additional salt water. • The salt water melts the poles and causes the planet to go into a wobble effect. • The wobble effect as well as the additional magma pressure on the underside of our tectonic plates has increased the unseal thermal updrafts and jet stream moving oxygen molecules higher to be bombarded by incoming ionising particles (not a good result for the oxygen [which gives up an electron occasionally], nor us – that need that oxygen to not be alchemised into something unbreathable.
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... Eden has been calculated as having most likely been situate in the region known as Sumer.
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... The Sumerians.. • Were knowledgeable about the solar system identifying planets that weren’t found again until the 1800’s. • Knew our planet was ‘round”. • …and were the first known civilisation to have professional meteorologists… although in those days they only watched for Meteors… (Up to approximately 2350 B.C.) A Sumerian map of the world with solar system
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... And then ‘they” arrived… • Important things happened at 2350 BC. All advanced cultures were terminated for hundreds of years, possibly changing the course of history. Religions were formed earth wide, essentially providing the preponderance of our known mythologies. The causal source was the Earth’s encounter with a dense meteoroid stream circling the Sun.
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... The Taurid meteor stream… • In 1940, Harvard Astronomer Fred L. Whipple had adduced comet Encke as a remnant of larger parent body which had been in a short period (around 3.3 years) low inclination (3.6 - 16 degree) orbit for between five and twenty thousand years; a long present spectacle for our ancestors as the comet progressively broke up creating the still active Taurid meteor streams(F.L. Whipple 1940). The very word DISASTER comes from the obsolete meaning of the malevolent force of a star or planet. Dis- (evil) aster (star). Thus, the fallen star or comet is the root of disasters, the mother of all disasters. Unlike meteorite falls which are detectable only instants before impact, comets can be viewed throughout their cyclic approaches to the Sun. The Earth passes through cometary debris, sweeping it up from its orbit. An occurrence inflicting widespread destruction and distress: calamity, cataclysm, catastrophe, tragedy. http://trianglebook.50megs.com/whats_new_16.html
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... According to wikipedia… • The Taurid stream has a cycle of activity that peaks roughly every 2500 to 3000 years,[2] when the core of the stream passes nearer to Earth and produces more intense showers. In fact, because of the separate "branches" (night-time in one part of the year and daytime in another; and Northern/Southern in each case) there are two (possibly overlapping) peaks separated by a few centuries, every 3000 years. Some astronomers note that dates for megalith structures such as Stonehenge are associated with these peaks.[citation needed] The next peak is expected around 3000 AD.[2] • We agree with everything they’ve said except for the peak bit – we think that is much closer…
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... …and as I said in Scout 51 – they’re heeere…. And playing dodgems on their way to visit us…
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... In a nutshell… • Taurid meteor shower is with us for a long time. (See time line slides*. Approx. 22,000 days). • It will return every three years and three months and pepper us with radiation, rocks and very unfriendly gases. • You will need to bunker in for the duration. • The biggest challenge will be clean water. • (Forget your Cable TV…. Take some books…) *In the Referecne section at end…
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... Events Today the 29th of July • Asteroid 2003 DZ15 flyby – official JPL miss distance 7.6 LD, size = 153 metres • Asteroid 2003 DZ15 - Near-Earth Flyby (0.020 AU) • Mercuryat its greatest WesternElongation (20 Degrees) • *LD = lunar distances, au = Distance to the sun. 2003 DZ15 crossing the sun coming our way.
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... NEO’s over the next 2 Weeks The orbits of the major planets are shown in light blue: the current location of the major planets is indicated by large colored dots. The locations of the minor planets, including numbered and multiple-apparition/long-arc unnumbered objects, are indicated by green circles. Objects with perihelia within 1.3 AU are shown by red circles. Objects observed at more than one opposition are indicated by filled circles, objects seen at only one opposition are indicated by outline circles. Numbered periodic comets are shown as filled light-blue squares. Other comets are shown as unfilled light-blue squares. In this view, objects in direct orbits (most of the objects in this plot) move counterclockwise and the vernal equinox is towards the right. (The equinox directions are the direction of the sun as seen from the earth.) The plot is correct for the date given at the bottom of the plot.
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... Our inner solar System The orbits of the major planets are shown in light blue: the current location of the major planets is indicated by large colored dots. The locations of the minor planets, including numbered and multiple-apparition/long-arc unnumbered objects, are indicated by green circles. Objects with perihelia within 1.3 AU are shown by red circles. Objects observed at more than one opposition are indicated by filled circles, objects seen at only one opposition are indicated by outline circles. The two "clouds" of objects 60° ahead and behind Jupiter (and at or near Jupiter's distance from the sun) are the Jupiter Trojans, here colored deep blue. Numbered periodic comets are shown as filled light-blue squares. Other comets are shown as unfilled light-blue squares. In this view, objects in direct orbits (most of the objects in this plot) move counterclockwise and the vernal equinox is towards the right. (The equinox directions are the direction of the sun as seen from the earth.)
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... Comet Encke’s path
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... Three year Three month orbit http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=2P;orb=1;cov=0;log=0;cad=1#orb
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... Brightness (Radiation levels)
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... Terrestrial impacts over 4565 years B.P. Kara-Kul CraterTajikistan, Central Asia Wolfe Creek CraterAustralia Barringer's Meteor CraterArizona, USA Gosses Bluff, Australia Kara-Kul Lake, Tajikistan
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... But it’s not as bad as it looks at first glance… To look up your own area, click here…: http://blog.cartodb.com/post/43491512651/every-recorded-meteorite-strike-on-earth-mapped
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... But we have learnt that… • NEO’s and Exo’s reflect radiation. • Occasionally collide with earth… • May ignite Methane gas clouds • Tend to break satellites… • And sometimes exude gases including (poisonous) and radioactive heavy metals.
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... Pick the odd man out…. Noctilucent Clouds • Sorry, that was a trick. • There is no odd man out. • They’re all Radioactive. (So don’t stand outside gawking at the pretty colours….) Florida http://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-blogs/weathermatrix/fl-photos-nocti/10767
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... Meteor dust helps form eerie blue clouds, methane may make them brighter • A team of meteorologists has published a study revealing that the soaring, electric blue noctilucent clouds that appear above the North and South Poles are caused by water vapour freezing and clinging to meteor smoke to form tiny crystals. The study also suggests that the fact the clouds are appearing brighter, more frequently and at lower latitudes, could be due to an increase in methane, which pumps excess water vapour into the atmosphere. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1364682612001162
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... Noctilucent clouds over Florida Actually I would describe it as a form of plasma fluorescence, rather than a bunch of electrons trying to escape. But regardless, it is extremely unfriendly to earthlings. "You need three things to make [noctilucent clouds] very cold temperatures, water vapour, and a particle for water to stick to and freeze," continues Russell. "We've finally identified the particle -- the meteor smoke -- and the methane seems to be adding extra water vapor." …When the electric blue filaments start appearing everyday over southern Europe, start panicking. "Noctilucent clouds might look alien, but they're telling us something very important about our own planet," says Russell. (What about Florida ? Does that Count ?) http://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-blogs/weathermatrix/fl-photos-nocti/10767 http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2012-08/21/noctilucent-clouds
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... Noctilucent clouds over northern Hemisphere The CIPS instrument [McClintock et al., 2009] consists of four wide-angle cameras that measure 265-nm radiation scattered by the atmosphere over a wide range of scattering angles. The fundamental measurement is an albedo, which is the measured radiance divided by the input solar irradiance. On each orbit, ~27 images are acquired with each camera over the summer pole, between the terminator and about 40° latitude on the sunlit side, with overlapping successive images. About: http://lasp.colorado.edu/aim/data-overview.html http://lasp.colorado.edu/aim/browse-images.php
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... Space weather This weekThe past few days and the next few days If you can believe anything that we’re told…. It seems that when anything serious happens they turn off all the really important stuff so no-one can see anything. The first time it happened it may have been a genuine coincidental accident that the the three most important tools – all independently run at different locations went down at the same time (withhin minutews of each other), was an accident; but four times now this year …. That’s no longer a coincidence.
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... Official warning We all know that as I can feel the stuff – I can promise you they’re lying about the 60 degrees poleward rubbish. (I’m at 15 degrees south…).
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... LMSAL and Bartol Stop collecting data They appear to do this every time we have a large “Event”. Making it imperative that you equip yourselves with a reliable radiation monitor (Xray is better as an early warning device – they arrive in advance of the radiation – but both is best (just expensive).
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... DRap showed almost nothing occurring on the D-layer in the morning,
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... Neutrons Sex lies & VideoTape This shows a decrease in neutrons at the very time when we had one of the highest neutrons counts of the decade.
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... Proton levels were UP… http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ace/SWEPAM_7d.html
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... Plasma density was UP…
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... Even down in lil’ ol’ Oz – things were not exactly rosy…
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... Real time electrons exceeded maximum potential
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... Neutrons and Muons …BUT… the muons disagree… for the future I suggest you check the muons… Clusters of larger sizes.
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... Amazingly we now get the <1 Particle addendum to the SWEPAM Yes – That’s right Folks – Less than is now the exception rather than the rule…. Are you awake yet ? Less Than 1 Particle per Cubic centimetre
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... Amazing we now get the <1 Particle addendum to the SWEPAM Yes – That’s right Folks – Less than is now the exception rather than the rule…. Are you awake yet ? Less Than 1 Particle per Cubic centimetre
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... One particle ? Huh… nothing!
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... One particle ? Err… something
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... One particle ? OK – I was wrong.
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... Time for a Radiation recap… • Radiation is invisible • Radiation is bad • Radiation will attack organs, bones and immune system. (Other diseases apart from just the Big “C” • Summary: You should not be outside during a radiation event.
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... How many cubic centimetres Constitute your mass ? How many thousand particles are ionising cells in your body every day (under the sun)?
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... Recapping – ingestion of heavy metal* particulate matter… • Hydroponic gardening is getting to be an excellent idea… • (Actually – it’s the only idea…) • Flouride in the water attracts ionising particles as it passes through the body. • Please don’t tell me how bad flouride is – Radiation is much much worse. Problem Solution *Heavy metals are generally those elements in the periodic table that give off radiation.
Necessary Geeky Stuff Scout 55 - Radioactive comets...
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... Bartol neutron Monitors ... No longer reliable for publicus use… Publicus – that’s a latin word so you don’t know its about you and I
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... Although some of their stuff still works. http://neutronm.bartol.udel.edu/~pyle/DIRplot.gif
Scout 55 - Radioactive comets... Space Weather Status Compass all over the dial… Magnetometer is a bit err, ”wobbly” – like the planet. Techtonic plates likely to be rubbing vigourously… Density dropped down but spiked sharply today Speedandtemperature – who cares as long as the speed stays under 700… Alhough we are getting more and more plasma.