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TEMA: Playing with ‘ jugar ’ and other sports-related verbs. PREGUNTA ESENCIAL: How do I use the verbs in Lesson 6.1 to talk about sports? Español 2 – Unidad 6.1. REPASO:. There is more than one way to say the English verb to play in Spanish.
TEMA: Playing with ‘jugar’ and other sports-related verbs PREGUNTA ESENCIAL: How do I use the verbs in Lesson 6.1 to talk about sports? Español 2 – Unidad 6.1
REPASO: • There is more than one way to say the English verb to play in Spanish. • Jugaris used when referring to playing a sport or a game Tocar is used when you mean playing an instrument or music
Jugar – to play • Jugar is a stem-changing verb in which the u changes to ue in all forms except ‘nosotros’ and ‘vosotros’ • Therefore it’s one of the “boot verbs”
Here’s how you conjugate it: jugar juego jugamos juegas jugáis juega juegan
Translate: Juego – Juegas – Juega – – – Jugamos – Juegan – – – Juego – I play Juegas – You play (faml.) Juega – He plays – She plays – You play (frml.) Jugamos – We play Juegan – They play – They play – You(plrl.) play
¿Quéhace…? (Describe what is he is doing in the picture) • ELKjlkjdfgdflkj
Perder – to lose • Perder is a stem-changing verb in which the e changes to ie in all forms except ‘nosotros’ and ‘vosotros’ • Therefore it’s also one of the “boot verbs”
Try and conjugate perder:*OJO: Remember, it is an –ER verb! perder pierdo perdemos pierdes perdéis pierde pierden
Translate: They are losing points. The team is losing the game. We lose equipment. They are losing points. Ellospierdenpuntos. The team is losing the game. El equipopierde el partido. We lose the equipment. Perdimos el equipo.
Competir – to compete • Competir is a stem-changing verb in which the e changes to i in all forms except ‘nosotros’ and ‘vosotros’ • Therefore… • Yup… Boot verb!
Conjugate competir: competir compito competimos compites competís compite compiten
Translate: I compete on the basketball court. Do you compete with the other players? I compete on the basketball court. Compito en la cancha de básquetbol. Do you compete with other players? ¿Compites con otrosjugadores?
Ganar – to win • Ganar does NOT have a stem-change and is conjugated like a regular –ar verb
Conjugate ganar: ganar gano ganamos ganas ganáis gana ganan