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April Fool’s Day in Mass Media

April Fool’s Day in Mass Media. Are the origins of April Fool’s Day clear? What place does the tradition come from? In what ancient countries was the April Fool’s Day celebrated? What was it closely related?. Look through some new words, try to remember them.

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April Fool’s Day in Mass Media

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  1. April Fool’s Day in Mass Media • Are the origins of April Fool’s Day clear? • What place does the tradition come from? • In what ancient countries was the April Fool’s Day celebrated? • What was it closely related?

  2. Look through some new words, try to remember them. • anxious – беспокойныйcarryout -осуществить • crop, harvest – урожайtremendous, огромный vast - impair – ухудшать bumper -обильный • flavour– вкусweevil - долгоносик • obtain – получить depredation – хищничество endeavor - усилия

  3. The last two weeks in -----1(March) are an anxious time for the spaghetti-----2 (farmer). There’s always the----- 3(chance) of a late frost, which while not entirely ruining the----- 4(crop), generally impairs the flavour and makes it difficult for him to obtain top----- 5(prices) in world markets. But now these------6(dangers) are over and the harvest spaghetti goes forward.

  4. Spaghetti cultivationhereinSwitzerlandisnot,ofcourse,-------7(carriedout)on anything like the tremendous scale of the Italian industry. • Many of you, I’m sure, will have seen -------8(pictures) of the vast spaghetti plantations in the Po Valley. For the Swiss, however, it tends to be more of a family ------9(affair). Another reason why this may be a bumper year lies in the virtual -----------10(disappearance) of the spaghetti weevil – the tiny--------11(creature) whose depredations have caused much concern in the past.

  5. After picking, the spaghetti is ------12(laid out) to dry in the warm Alpine sun. • Many people are often ------13(puzzled) by the fact that spaghetti is produced at such -------14(uniform) length. But this is the ------15(result) of many years of patience and endeavor by plant breeders who have --------16(succeeded) in producing the perfect spaghetti.

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