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Finale?. IOP HEPP 2009 Oxford April 8, 2009 Sergio Bertolucci CERN. LHC. 2009-2012: deciding years. Experimental data will take the floor to drive the field to the next steps: LHC results q 13 (T2K, DChooz, etc..) n masses (Cuore, Gerda, Nemo…) Dark Matter searches …….
Finale? IOP HEPP 2009 Oxford April 8, 2009 Sergio Bertolucci CERN LHC
2009-2012: deciding years Experimental data will take the floor to drive the field to the next steps: • LHC results • q13 (T2K, DChooz, etc..) • n masses (Cuore, Gerda, Nemo…) • Dark Matter searches • ……. HEPP 2009, Oxford
Preparing the next steps • More globalization • More (coordinated) R&D on accelerators and detectors • More synergies between Particle and Astroparticle Physics • More space for diversity HEPP 2009, Oxford
Repairs: Present Status — warm — cold Repair for all magnets completed By Eastern: last magnet into tunnel LHC cool down status The LHC is an unprecedented adventure Imperative to progress with care HEPP 2009, Oxford
LHC Status (Allegro ma non troppo) • Understanding of the incident satisfactory • Huge improvements on the QPS • Damage mitigation measures implemented • Repairs proceeding well • Substantial collaboration from experiments and/or external laboratories helps keeping the schedule under control HEPP 2009, Oxford
Repairs and Restart • Enhanced quench protection system (QPS): More precise system to monitor (and protect) anomalously high resistance in a joint (splice) near the magnets. • A QPS threshold of 0.3mV is needed • The QPS will be upgraded everywhere to cover all busbar splices • Improve pressure relief devices: • The four warm sectors will be equipped with extra pressure relief valves (PRVs) on all dipole cryostats • The four cold sectors will get extra PRVs on all short straight section cryostats. This can be done with the sectors cold and is adequate for 5 TeV operation • The whole machine will be cold by mid August, ready for first injected beam in late September • The machine will run at 5 TeV until autumn 2010after which the remaining 4 sectors will be equipped with PRVs and will be prepared for high energy operation HEPP 2009, Oxford
Latest schedule for getting ready for beam DRAFT Action taken to recuperate 3 wks Full Machine Checkout and Global Machine Protection System tests Beam Commissioning
Present Status of Experiments Use time in most efficient way: Installation of some detector components, some repairs, commissioning using cosmics Gain operation experience in situ before collisions start CMS: 300 million cosmic events ATLAS: 216 million cosmic events CMS HEPP 2009, Oxford
Beam Conditions for Physics • Machine protection will be tested with beam (at 0.45 TeV energy levels) • Beam energy limit in 2010: 5 TeV • Estimated integrated luminosity • The during first 100 days of operation.. ≈ 50pb-1 Peak L of 5.1031η (overall) = 10% gives 0.5pb-1/day Peak L of 2.1032η (overall) = 10% gives 2.0pb-1/day • During next 100 days of operation ≈ 200pb-1? • Towards end of year (2010)heavy ion run HEPP 2009, Oxford
30 pb-1 Background for new physics Need to understand very well > 200 pb-1 LHC Physics in 2009/2010 First beams: very early physics - rediscover SM physics Detector synchronization, in-situ alignment and calibration 10 pb-1:Standard Model processes measure jet and lepton rates, observe W, Z bosons first look at possible extraordinary signatures… Measure Standard Model Processes(at 10TeV need ~ 30pb-1): ~ 104 Z e+e- (golden Z’s for detector studies (1%)) ~ 105 W e ~ 103 ttbar (measure to 10%) Initial Higgs searches and searches for physics beyond the SM Entering Higgs discovery era and explore large part of SUSY and new resonances at ~ few TeV HEPP 2009, Oxford
Integrated luminosity s vs energy What do we need to match the Tevatron, which aims for 9 fb-1 by 2010 ? What is the minimum amount of data at given energy that is needed to make the 2009 physics run useful ? (assuming CM energy 8 < s1/2 < 10 TeV) W (MW=80 GeV) Z (MZ=91 GeV)
Top quark HEPP 2009, Oxford
Z’ HEPP 2009, Oxford
SUSY, an example HEPP 2009, Oxford
Not only LHC….. • A workshop on “New Opportunities in the Physics Landscape at CERN” will take place at Cern on May 10-13, as a starting point to assess new ideas for unique experiments, which can be performed at Cern, outside the LHC programme. http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=51128 Large interest in the community, more than 100 abstract received HEPP 2009, Oxford
Not only LHC, (cont…) • A neutrino workshop, coorganized with the SPC Study Group, will be held at the beginning of October 2009, to focus the discussion on the European strategy on n physics • A stronger connection among the CLIC and ILC accelerator and detector R&D is being realized. • A technical review of the LHC new injection chain (LINAC4,SPL,PS2) is underway HEPP 2009, Oxford
Making CERN more global • Council group for CERN enlargement has been setup and has started to organize its actions. • Cern has intensified bilateral meeting with the other regions (labs, agencies) • More proactive role of Cern in improving networking among the European Labs HEPP 2009, Oxford
In summary • By year 2012, experimental results will be dictating the agenda of the field. • Early discoveries will greatly accelerate the case for the construction of the next facilities (Linear Collider, n-factory, SLHC…) • No time to idle: a lot of work has to be done in the meantime HEPP 2009, Oxford
In summary We will need • Flexibility • Preparedness • Visionary global policies HEPP 2009, Oxford
! CMS LHCb ALICE LHC ring: 27 km circumference ATLAS Very exciting years are ahead of us HEPP 2009, Oxford