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Ladies and gentelmen , I have the great honour of beeing your guide today . My name is Archibad , and I am the last living dodo. In fact , I am the ghost , because I died almost 350 years ago.
Ladies and gentelmen, I havethe great honour of beeingyourguidetoday. My nameisArchibad, and I amthelastliving dodo. In fact, I amtheghost, because I diedalmost 350 years ago.
I was the flightless bird endemic to the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius. My specieswas first mentioned by Dutch sailors in 1598. By 1681, all dodos had been killed by hungry sailors or their domesticated animals. In England, theyoftensay ‘dead as dodo’.
Today I will tell youhow to protecttheEarth. Youcan not letspecieslikepandas and siberiantigersdie. This planet isyourhome, and inthewholeuniversethereis not better place for you. I amgoing to show youprojectmade by group of youngladies. Theprojectcalls
NO MORE DODOS Isitpossible?
Theyoungladiesprepared a weatherforecast for you. Itistheweather for a dayinthefuture. Let’stake a look.
I will show you 30 simpleways to make our live better, to make our planet healthier to foilthedisaster.
Walk up the stairs instead of using the elevator (it will make you healthy too).
Recycle your clothes. Donate them or use their fabric to make something else. The more you use, the less everyone needs to produce.
Do not print things you do not have to. Learn to adjust your computer applications to make text easy to read.
Pay your bills online (and choose to receive email statements) to save tons of paper waste.
Find ways to save water in your shower, toilet, garden and sink.
Borrow equipment from people to avoid buying something you rarely use.
Burn calories, not oil Earth allows you to stand. Let it stand the way it is.
But thereis a hope for bettertomorrow. Ifyouchangeyourhabitsfollowing my advices, yourfuturemaylooklikethat: