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CEDR SG “Road Safety” 7 th Meeting. Arch. Giovanni Magarò (Italy) Copenhagen April 6, 2005. The Company (1).
CEDR SG “Road Safety”7th Meeting Arch. Giovanni Magarò (Italy) Copenhagen April 6, 2005
The Company (1) ANAS is the Italian Roads and Highway Agency. Its story began in 1928, with the creation of the A.A.S.S.- Azienda Autonoma Statale della Strade, Independent State Road Enterprise which took over 137 arteries of roads in bad state and which first commitment was the construction of 450 km of new roads. At the end of the Second World War, during the years of Italy’s reconstruction, ANAS was in the front line working on 21,146 km of roads that had been damaged or irreparably destroyed. During the years of the Italian economic boom, ANAS built 5,000 km of highways opening the Great St. Bernard Tunnel (in 1964) and the Mont Blanc Tunnel (in 1965). In 1974 the Salerno-Reggio Calabria highway, the largest work ever constructed by the Italian Government, was completed while in 1975 work started on the Frejus Tunnel, which opened five years later. In the 1980’s, ANAS revolutionized the organization of state roads introducing the system of maintenance sites and centres. In 1994 ANAS became a public corporation. Today ANAS is a joint-stock company owned exclusively by the Italian Finance Ministry, while the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, which supervises both technical and operational activities, controls the company. The company manages the Italian highway and road network which is of national interest: 27,000 km of roads and highways, 5,583 of which are contracted out to 24 private motorway companies supervised by ANAS.
The Company (2) Through its 22 peripheral offices and its 6.300 employees, ANAS is present throughout Italy. On 20 January 2004 ANAS was granted certification by the BVQI Certification Authority to confirm that the company’s programming, designing and work activities meet the UNI ISO 9001/2000 quality standards. ANAS guarantees mobility throughout the country, ensuring that the network it looks after is efficient, safe and practicable. The company also gives high priority to project quality and to the environment and landscape. At present time, ANAS, in particular, is: • managing national roads and highways, including both regular and special maintenance; • progressively improving and upgrading the network of state roads and highways and their signage system; • constructing new state roads and highways, either directly or through contractors; • overseeing construction work carried out by contractors and monitoring highway management; • implementing laws and regulations which look after state roads and highways as well as handling traffic and signage; • conducting and participating in studies, research and experimentation in the fields of roadways, traffic and circulation.
Introduction Italy also has a “National Road Safety Plan” implementing the European Road Safety Action Programme with the goal of reducing the fatalities by 40% and injuries by 20% by 2010. The NRS Plan was instituted by the Law 144 (17/5/1999) meeting the requirements highlighted by the First Essay on the state of Road Safety presented to the Parliament in 1998. The Plan, elaborated by MIT and approved by CIPE in November 2002 is finalized in creating a safe and sustainable mobility, reducing the unacceptable accident rate and the socio-economic damage. The objective refers to the European Programme on Road Safety. In Italy we had in the last period every year over 6.500 deaths and more than 290.000 injuries due to road accidents. The fundamental strategy of the Plan can be summarized in 3 points: • development of immediate actions on major risk situations and where technical and organizational conditions already exist; • enforcement of the technical structures and instruments necessary to efficiently control road safety; • encourage collaboration of private companies and both public and private organizations in the realization of the Plan and verification of results.
National Road Safety Plan The Plan defines 5 actions on a first level and 12 actions on a secondary level, for a total of 91 specific activities for improving road safety. In order to realize the activities previously mentioned in a 10 year period and to reach the objective of reducing the number of road fatalities by 40% the Plan evaluates a budget of M€ 19.500, in line with the investments on road safety by the main countries in the EU. The economic benefit (social cost of road accidents) deriving from such investment is over M€ 30.000 highly supersedes the costs. Road Safety has been and is one of the fundamental topics in the Government political and institutional action and on this basis in November 2002 the NRS Plan - Priority Actions were adopted. This action has been further strengthened during the Italian leadership semester of EU. As a matter of fact, the comparison with the experience of the other countries of the EU, in particular during the Informal Council of Ministers of Transport in Verona - October 2003, confirmed the importance of RS as an absolute priority of all EU governments.
From the National Road Safety Plan to the Programme The strategy of the NRS Plan as clearly indicated before is developed through annual programmes carried out by specific institutions working together on common objectives with the proper know how defining the co-ordination and monitoring of results. The programmes are developed on two levels, the first finalized at eliminating maximum road risks and the second finalized in structuring local authorities for a rational RS policy. During the Italian semester of leadership of the EU, ANAS SpA has activated the “Programme of improvement of Road Safety on the national network”. The Programme that refers to the NRS Plan is aimed at identifying the most effective actions to eliminate the maximum risk situation on the roads. Particular attention has been paid to the timing of the activities in order to reduce in a timely manner mortality and injuries rates at present registered. ANAS SpA has arranged, in the field of infrastructural interventions, in accordance with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (MIT), a Programme to identify a first series of Black Spots characterized by the highest number of victims of road accidents, planning specific structural actions. The Programme counts 209 interventions with a budget of M€483 co-financed ANAS-MIT. All projects are based on a risk assessment.
National Road Safety Programme The First Programme approved and co-financed by the Government on 29/11/2002 budgets € 12.911.420 per year for 15 years (L 488/99 “Finanziaria 2000” art.56) this totals a global investment of about M€ 250 with the participation of Local Authorities. This programme is currently being undertaken by the Regions. The projects in the Programme are distributed on the entire road network and include: improvement of road intersections, of road geometry, of road signs, lighting, safety barriers, etc. The Programme also includes the completion of the local road network (leggi n.341-549-641) on the basis of these laws and M€ 400 have been allocated from 1995 to 2003 through the CIPE approval for a total of 422 projects concerning 133 provinces. • During 2003 M€ 9 were transferred for 62 projects to 27 provinces; • In 2004 M€ 10 were transferred to the provinces to complete the interventions defined and financed by the last law (legge n.641/96). The Law 166/2002 art. 19 has authorized €63.325.000 for the years 2002-2004 that will be spent by municipality - provinces - regions and ANAS SpA for the improvement of roads. This activity is regulated by specific administrative agreements between the State and the receiving authorities. • During 2003 € 3.567.000 have already been transferred; • In 2004 has taken place the completion of the protocols provided for the transfer of the funds of aprox M€ 14.
Other Facts • Norme per la realizzazione di un programma per il miglioramento della sicurezza stradale sulla rete nazionale - Legge 1 agosto 2002, n.166, art.15 provides for the realization of the Programme. • "Disciplinare per le scorte tecniche alle competizioni ciclistiche su strada", in attuazione del Decreto legislativo 30 aprile 1992, n.285, art.9 escorts for cycling competitions on public roads. • Sicurezza veicoli stradali e protezione dell'ambiente dall'inquinamento atmosferico e acustico: recepimento (con atto amministrativo ai sensi dell'art.229 del Decreto legislativo n.285 del 1992) di 27 direttive comunitarie relative alla omologazione dei veicoli a motore, motoveicoli, macchine agricole, al controllo tecnico del parco circolante ed al trasporto merci pericolose. Implementation of EC Directives • Decree 9.6.2004 of the Minister of Transport of approval of the list of projects in favour of road safety proposed for public cofinancing by Regions, Provinces and Municipality. Total budget M€ 86 (M€ 51 public), among them the realization of Regional Monitoring Centers on Road Safety a fundamental link between the territorial needs and the initiative assumed centrally. With the same Decree the Minister has approved and financed 13 projects of particular complexity proposed by provinces and municipality as well as the development of strategic plan and programmes for road safety. Such initiative strengthen the effort to improve both local and central structures and instruments involved in road safety in order to increase the safety rates.
Laws modifying the Road Code • Decreto legislativo 15 gennaio 2002, n. 9 recante "Disposizioni integrative e correttive del nuovo Codice della Strada, a norma dell'art. 1, comma 1, della Legge 22 marzo 2001, n. 85“ (G.U. n.36 12/2/2002). La L. 22/3/2001 n. 85 ha delegato il Governo ad emanare entro nove mesi dalla sua entrata in vigore, uno o più decreti legislativi recanti le disposizioni integrative del vigente codice della strada, nonché quelle dirette a coordinare ed armonizzare tale codice con altre norme legislative comunque rilevanti in materia. The main aspects are: • the “Point System” for the car driving licence; • In effect the introduction of the “Point System” in terms of reduction of deaths and injuries has obtained optimal results therefore enhancing the impulse of the country in reducing road accidents in line with the objective of the EU. From its introduction to June 2004, if we compare the same period 2002/2003 it results a reduction 18.8% in road fatalities (data from Polizia Stradale and Carabinieri). • Driving licence for motorbikes enabling over 14 years old. • Decreto legge 27 giugno 2003, n.151 “modifiche ed integrazioni al Codice della Strada” convertito nella Legge del 1 agosto 2002, n.214The D.L. modifies and integrates the D. Lgvo 9/2002 in some aspects such as: • Activation of the Point System; • Higher penalties; • Procedures for the detection of alcohol and drugs; • Driving licence for motorbikes - attainable at school with no charge from 14 to 18 years old. From 2005 for adults with no driving licence too; • Criminal penalties for illegal speed competitions; • Review of the procedure in the control of road violations and administrative discipline for vehicle impounding.
Communication campaign The Ministry of Transport has realized a communication campaign aimed at sensibilizing road users, divided by target, on laws and recent initiatives adopted for road safety. In addition other activities are devoted to enforcing the good driving behaviour. The communication activity increases with the peaks of traffic i.e. summer holidays. Such activities include: • Messages and recommendation “in pill form” on various TV and Radio programs (Onda Verde, ISORADIO, RAI News); • The presence of qualified personell by CCISS (Centro Coordinamento Informazioni Sicurezza Stradale – Road Safety Information Coordination Centre) to ensure up to date traffic information on both freeway and local roads; • The diffusion of an institutional campaign on safety by TV commercials; • Operation “Buon Viaggio” undertaken with Dipartimento della Pubblica Sicurezza – Polizia di Stato. It consists in the distribution of 800.000 leaflets containing important recommendations (text both in Italian and English) for safe driving, the driving licence point system and a list of phone numbers for emergency and traffic news. • World Day of Road Safety, 7th April 2004, Poste Italiane has released two new stamps celebrating the campaign for Road Safety.
Studies and Research on Road Safety Activities monitoring the behaviour of youth related to RS have been performed (indagine DATIS, studio CENSIS-LE MONNIER). In the field of infrastructural actions also some “Pilot Projects” are being performed regionally in order to reduce accidents linked to specific risk factors such as: • winter road maintenance – integrated automatic stocking of salt and continuos monitoring of the environmental conditions and snow and ice removal machines position; • safety devices – with particular attention to horizontal and vertical signals in terms of innovative technologies, efficiency and correct installation. These “Pilot Projects” are in advanced planning stage and the results will be known within 12-24 months. A particular study has been dedicated to the fog factor (which in Italy represents a frequent and serious danger), the Fog Alert Project (Infonebbia) is a collaboration between ANAS and FIAT Research Centre. The project foresees the use in case of fog of special vehicles “Safety cars” that reduce speed of traffic circulation and the development of new technologies like luminous signals, sensors and on-board information for drivers.
Road Education The activity is finalized at developing the basic Road Safety issues in schools. This includes: • collaboration with the Ministry of Education in the definition of educational programs preparing high school students for their First Driving Licence (Motorcycles) and road behaviour; • training courses for local government authorities and lower grade schools with the Provincial Branches del Dipartimento dei Trasporti Terrestri.
Road Safety Analysis - The standards The new Italian Standards for the construction of new roads and for the upgrade of existing roads assigns to “ROAD SAFETY ANALYSIS” a special important role. Road safety analysis are called for in the following standards: • DM LL.PP. n. 223, del 18 febbraio 1992 “Regolamento recante istruzioni tecniche per la progettazione, omologazione e l’impiego delle barriere stradali “ and following modifications • D.M. 5.11.2001 “Norme funzionali e geometriche per la costruzione delle strade” • D.M. 67_S – 22.04.2004 on the design of upgrades of existing roads • Direttiva del Parlamento Europeo e del Consiglio della UE del Febbraio 2004 riguardante i “Requisiti minimi di sicurezza per le gallerie della rete stradale transeuropea”. • “Norme per la classificazione funzionale delle strade esistenti”, redatte dalla Commissione Strade del CNR nel 1996 ed approvate dal Consiglio Superiore dei LL. PP. nell’adunanza di AG del 13/12/2002 • Circolare del Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti n. 3699 del 8 Giugno 2001 “Linee guida per le analisi di sicurezza delle strade”; • Circolare del Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti n. 3698 del 8 Giugno 2001 “Linee guida per la redazione dei piani urbani della sicurezza stradale”.
Road Safety Audits/Reviews - The standard • Circolare del Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti n. 3699 del 8 Giugno 2001 “Linee guida per le analisi di sicurezza delle strade”; http://www.infrastrutturetrasporti.it/page/standard/site.php?p=normativa&o=vd&id=724&id_cat=&id_dett=0
Road Safety Audits/Reviews - The standard • Circolare del Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti n. 3699 del 8 Giugno 2001 “Linee guida per le analisi di sicurezza delle strade”; Contents (1/2) • Introduction • Preventive road safety assessment at the design stage (SAFETY AUDIT) • Preventive road safety assessment of an in service road (SAFETY REVIEW) • CHECK LISTS
Road Safety Audits/Reviews - The standard • Circolare del Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti n. 3699 del 8 Giugno 2001 “Linee guida per le analisi di sicurezza delle strade”; Contents (2/2) • Examples of application of the procedure • safety audit at the pre-opening stage; • safety review of an urban network; • safety review of a secondary rural road; • safety review of a motorway
Road Safety Audits/Reviews - The standard • Circolare del Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti n. 3699 del 8 Giugno 2001 “Linee guida per le analisi di sicurezza delle strade”; WHAT IS A RSA/RSR ACCORDING TO THE ITALIAN GUIDELINE? A RSA/RSR is a formal and systematic procedure that enables to integrate in the planning, design and management of roads the culture of road safety aiming at preventing accidents and reducing their severity. A safety audit/safety review has to be conducted by an independent and qualified Audit Team that has to report to the Road Authority about the issues in the road project or element that could potentially lead to an accident. The Team has to consider all the different users and al the different conditions of use of the road.
Road Safety Audits - The standard A Safety Audit can be performed for different projects and road types • For any a type of projects related to the construction of new roads or upgrade of existing ones; • Small and big projects (the minimum number of Auditors may vary); • Urban and rural roads • Management and maintenance projects.
Road Safety Audits - The standard A Safety Audit can be performed at different design stages DESIGN STAGE WHEN RSA SHOULD BE PERFORMED Project type Preliminary Definitive Final Pre-opening Construction of a major road n n n n Construction of a minor road n n n Maintenance works n n Road safety improvement projects n n n Upgrade or existing riads n n n Development plans n Traffic calming projects n n n Interventions on the traffic Management plans n n n
Road Safety Audits - The standard CHECK LISTS ASPECTS CONSIDERED FOR RSA Preliminary Definitive Final Pre- opening design design Design stage a a a a General aspects a a a a Geometry a a a Interchanges a a a At grade intersections a a Signs and ligthing a a Roadside elements a a Pavements a a a a Pedestrians and cyclists a a a a Parking and rest areas a a Traffic calming interventions