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國際網路組織與我國網路外交 TWNIC 陳文生、左玉苓、李曉陽、王昱文 {wschen, joanna, anthony, albert}@twnic.tw 2002.02.26

外交事務協會演講活動. 國際網路組織與我國網路外交 TWNIC 陳文生、左玉苓、李曉陽、王昱文 {wschen, joanna, anthony, albert}@twnic.net.tw 2002.02.26. Agenda. Introduction and Internet History How does Internet work? What is TWNIC ? What is ICANN ? (1) ICANN-ccTLDs (2) ICANN-GAC (3) ICANN-IETF 5. APNIC/APRICOT

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國際網路組織與我國網路外交 TWNIC 陳文生、左玉苓、李曉陽、王昱文 {wschen, joanna, anthony, albert}@twnic.tw 2002.02.26

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  1. 外交事務協會演講活動 國際網路組織與我國網路外交 TWNIC 陳文生、左玉苓、李曉陽、王昱文 {wschen, joanna, anthony, albert}@twnic.net.tw 2002.02.26

  2. Agenda • Introduction and Internet History • How does Internet work? • What is TWNIC ? • What is ICANN ? (1) ICANN-ccTLDs (2) ICANN-GAC (3) ICANN-IETF 5. APNIC/APRICOT • ICANN At Large and ISOC • AP Related Internet Organizations 8. Q&A

  3. Introduction and Internet History

  4. Population :22.4 million (12/ 2001) Size :13,969 square miles GNP 2000 :US$ 314.4 billion GNP per capita 2000 :US$ 14,216 Telephone lines : 12.85 million (12/2001) Penetration : 57.3 lines/100 pop Cellular phone :21.63 million (12/2001) Penetration : 96.6 users/100 pop CATV penetration : 82.2 home passed /100 hh (12/2001) Internet : 7.82 million (12/2001) Penetration : 35.0 users/100 pop Taipei City Kaohsiung City Taiwan’s Profile East China Sea Pacific Ocean

  5. Growth of Internet users in Taiwan Source: FIND, ECRC, III / sponsored by DOIT, MOEA

  6. Internet to overseas areas Singapore U. S. 5,072M 99M Hong Kong Australia 987M 20M China 495M Macao 10M 424M Japan 14.6M Others 106M S.Korea The total bandwidth for international network connection in Taiwan has reached 7,228 Mbps as of December 2001 Source : TWNIC & FIND, ECRC, III & NCA (2001/12)

  7. Internet users worldwide Unit: million Taiwan ranks No.11 in terms of weekly net-users worldwide, No. 5 in Asia Pacific Source: Computer Industry Almanac (2001/03) Compiled by : FIND, ECRC, III / sponsored by DOIT, MOEA

  8. Major Development of Internet in Taiwan Population: 10,000 In Q4 of 2001, the total bandwidth of overseas connection in Taiwan reached7228.42Mbps NICI IPv6 team was officially formed, and IPv6 was listed as one major item for the NII program The Executive Yuan passed a resolution to accomplish the 4 major objectives of e-government, e-industry, e-community and the NII program in five years with a budget of 40 billion NTD and administered by NICI. Deregulate 3G mobile communication and accept application for licensing The Legislative Yuan passed the “Law on Electronic Signature” in the 3rd reading Up to 7.5 million Internet users with user rate at 34% Deregulate the ISR licensing Deregulate the leasing of International Submarine Cable Service Deregulate fixed network communication service Deregulate the leasing of land cable for local and domestic long distance call service Up to 5 million Internet Users TWNIC turned to be a corporation Deregulate satellite fixed communication service Deregulate satellite mobile communication service Deregulate Intranet Service TWNIC and CHT jointly formed the national network exchange center Up to 3 million Internet Users Advocate the NII Project in full fledge TANet,HiNet,Seednet Multiple points connection Deregulate mobile data communication service Deregulate mobile phone service Up to 1 million Internet Users The NII team of the Executive Yuan set the objective of 3 million Internet users in three years 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 1996 Note 1:TANet is the first institution that connected the Internet worldwide in July 1990. Seednet and HiNet followed in June 1992 and March 1994 respectively. Note 2: The Directorate General of Telecommunications deregulated the 【Internet Service 】and 【Videoconferencing Service】in December 1995.

  9. 1969 - 1985 Basic Packet Net Research 1974 - Internet design first published 1983 - first major deployment 1986 - first router companies 19XX – FIX East, FIX West 1989 - WWW; MCI Mail/Internet link 1989 - first comm’l services (UUNet, PSINet, CERFNet and CIX) 1990 - ARPANET retired 1994 - Commercial WWW (Netscape) 1995 - NSFNet retired, competitive backbone 1998 - New IANA/ICANN Internet History : Major Milestones

  10. Internet History

  11. Internet History

  12. How does Internet work?

  13. Circuit (telephony) like reserving bicycle lanes from LA to NY! Packet (Internet) like sharing of the highway among high speed cars. Packet vs Circuit Switching Internet Packet Formats Version number CONTENTS “from” address “to” address “4” “hello” An Internet Packet

  14. From: eop.gov To: wcom.com 01101110 11100111 The Internet Bucket Brigade An electronic postcard (“packet”) Another router A router A bucket of packets

  15. ISP’s Aggregation Internet Architecture Transport Control Protocol (TCP) Internet Protocol (IP) Cable Internet Backbone Enterprise xDSL, FTTH, Dial Residential Telecommuter Enterprise

  16. IPv4 - 32 bits initially, 256 networks … then mix of: Class A (128 with 16 M hosts) Class B (16,384 with 65K hosts) Class C (2M with 256 hosts) Now, Classless Inter-domain addresses up to 4.3 Billion hosts, hundreds of thousands of networks For example: is an Internet address this is really just a way to represent a 32 bit number that is how Internet Protocol version 4 represents locations in the Internet, like telephone numbers in the telephone network Internet Protocol (IP) Addressing

  17. Protocols are procedures and formats that are used to enable computer to computer communication. To support this, computers share common knowledge of identifiers to make clear which protocols are being used. For example, Internet Protocol version 4 is in use today; IPv6 is coming IP address and Domain Name Standford.edu, ntu.edu.tw ……. Domain Name Service to map Name to IP address cc.ntu.edu.tw ----- Protocols and Identifiers

  18. Global Domain Name Hierarchy . root servers gov, mil . . . INT tw Arpa com, org, net (gTLD) cn, hk,.. NSAP gov, mil, idv ….. IP6 in-addr net edu org com 203 192 . .. 140 acer ncku nctu 113 hc 127 ee 114 cc nehs cis ... ns1 6 hchs 250 bbs ... mail www .. www 2 www.cc.nctu.edu.tw <=>

  19. Domain Name Hierarchy Top Level Domain (TLD) Name(1st Level): .tw .cn .jp .tv …….. .gov .edu .mil .int .net .com .org .biz .info .name .museum…… 2nd Level: com.tw net.tw org.tw .idv.tw 政府.tw 教育.tw XXXX.tw (ex. 宏碁.tw) ……. co.jp .ae.jp .or.jp .ne.jp ……. com.cn org.cn net.cn ……….. 3rd Level: acer.com.tw tba.org.tw ntu.edu.tw 台大.教育.tw 研發.宏碁.tw ………..

  20. DNS Root Server

  21. gTLD: Generic Top Level Domain (TLD) Name .edu, .com, .org, .net, .mil, .gov, .int .biz, .info., .name, .museum, . aero., .coop., .pro ccTLD: country codes TLD .us, .de, .jp, .tw, .cn, ………. The system is hierarchical and each name is unique: www.cisco.com, www.yahoo.com.tw……… Top level (e.g. .com, .tw) managed by a person/Org. assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority Root <--DN Registry DN Registrar  DN Registrant Domain Names Terms

  22. Asia MAP Source: http://www.apnic.net/map APNIC’s Definition: AP Region Comprising 62 economies In Asia and Oceania (ISO-3166)

  23. Oceania MAP Source: http://www.apnic.net/map

  24. Internet Governance: How to manage Cyberspace? • Who are using the Internet ? ccTLD Registry gTLD Registry Commercial/Business ISP Non-Commercial Intellectual Property Registrar At large/Individuals Is that all ? Who else ? • Who is listening our opinions for using the Internet ? Domastic: ccTLD Registry ? Company ? Lawyers ? Government ? International: ICANN ? APTLD ? APNIC ? • Who decide Internet policy ? Self-Organized?/ Self-Coordinated? Self-Governed? / Self-Managed? Who are “SELF”? Are we “SELF”? What does “SELF” mean by?

  25. 1970s – 1990s: Rules have been set through “RFC” by a small group of engineers. 1998 – up to now: Rules have been set through “ICANN”(Private Org) and others(CNNIC, JPNIC, KRNIC, TWNIC, etc) through “Policies” in the name of “consensus” Future: Will Rules be set by “Gov’ts or Private Orgs” through “national treaties or policies”???? Who will decide your rights in the cyberspace?

  26. Internet Organization 1. General Org. ICANN (GAC, ALSC, ….), ISOC, AP*STAR, APNG…….. 2.Domain Name and Policy Org. ICANN (DNSO, ccTLD…), APTLD, WIPO, CDNC, MINC……. 3.IP Address and Policy Org. ICANN (ASO), APNIC…. 4.Protocol and Engineering Org. IETF (IDN, mobileip, CNRP….), W3C, ITU…….

  27. What is TWNIC ?

  28. A Brief History of TWNIC • Voluntary effort (1986—1990) • Academic Project (1990-1996) • Under the Computer Society of R.O.C. (1996—1999) • Founded as A Not-Profit Incorporation (1999/12/29--) -- DGT (Directorate General Telecommunications) of MOTC -- The Computer Society of R.O.C. =Independent Operation & Finance

  29. TWNIC 組織架構圖 董監事會(董事長) 董事19人 監事5人 網委 路員 安會 全 DN 委員會 國委 際員 事會 務 執行長 IP 委員會 IPV6工作小組 IP代理發放單位小組 IXTF工作小組 爭議處理機制研擬小組 中文網域名稱技術小組 (副執行長) 國際事務 及公共關 係組(3) 技術組 (6) 行政組 (4) 網域名稱 服務組 (4) 網址及協 定服務組 (4)

  30. 網域名稱爭議案例現況 (資料截止日期2002年1月16日)

  31. TWNIC and Internet Organization

  32. What is ICANN ?

  33. A technical coordination body for the Internet Non-profit, private-sector corporation (created in Oct. 1998) Internet Domain Names IP address numbers Protocol parameter and port numbers ICANN coordinates the stable operation of the Internet’s root server system. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

  34. History of ICANN 1970s :ARPAnet IANA (Internet Assigned Number Authority) RFC (Request for Comment) 1980s : NSF (NSFnet) / US Government Domain Names 1990s :Commercial Service Internationalization NICs TLDs Root Servers 1998/10 : ICANN

  35. History of ICANN • Before ICANN : The Internet Society (ISOC) • Creation(1992): to serve as the institutional home for standards bodies • Draft-Postel(1996) : a proposal that ISOC assume responsibility for technical coordination rejected • IAHC( International Ad Hoc Committee) plan(1997) : ISOC shared authority with WIPO, ITU and other groups rejected by US government • Attempts to institutionalized the technical coordination functions included a mass membership component.

  36. Government Initiatives (US Government) 1998. 2 Green Paper 1998. 6 White Paper 1998. 10 ICANN Board 1998. 11 ICANN Bylaws Agreement with US Government (NTIA/DOC) (National Telecommunications and Information Administration) => Self-Governance, Self-Regulation (International) ??

  37. Ensure DNS stability (paramount) Promote competition Promote participation, openness and transparency Promote diversity Green Paper and White Paper

  38. Memorandum of Understanding Joint ICANN-USG project Manage transition to USG --> International USG --> Private USG --> Not-for-profit public interest Checklist of tasks IANA Agreement Continue management of IANA functions USG --> ICANN for financial responsibility Names, numbers, and protocol parameters and Improvements to Root Name Server System ICANN and the USG

  39. Contribute technical advice and expertise on private-sector management. Implement procedures Reconsideration process Independent review process Uniform dispute resolution process for gTLDs Introduce competition in domain name registration services for gTLDs Establish DNS Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC) Facilitate global participation in the formulation of policies Develop appropriate membership and participation mechanisms Launch new gTLDs Implement address registry (RIR) agreements Implement root server agreements Implement ccTLD agreements ICANN-USG MOU Checklist

  40. Domain Name Support Organization (DNSO) 1998.10 Barcelona Meeting 1998.11 Monterrey Meeting 1999. 1 Washington Meeting 1999. 2 Paris Meeting 1999. 3 Singapore Meeting 1999. 3 ICANN Bylaws Modification to Accept SOs 1999. 5 DNSO Formation, Names Council, General Assembly 7 Constituencies: ccTLD Commercial /Business gTLD Intellectual Property ISP Non-Commercial Registrar www.dnso.icann.org

  41. DNSO - Working Group and Committees WG - A Dispute Resolution Policy WG - B Famous and Well-known WG - C New gTLD Committee - D Business Plan including WG Procedure Committee - E Global Awareness and Outreach Who Are Individual Members of DNSO? Consists of all members of all DNSO and its Constituency mailing lists.

  42. Address Support Organization (ASO) www.aso.icann.org Accepted in August 1999 with Regional Internet Registries (RIR) as Members. APNIC, ARIN, RIPE NCC (AFNIC), (LACNIC) First General Assembly (Open Forum) in August 1999 www.ripe.netwww.apnic.netwww.arin.net

  43. Protocol Support Organization (PSO) www.pso.icann.org • Accepted in May 1999 with the following members. • Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF/IAB) • World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) • International Telecommunications Union (ITU) • European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) • First General Assembly (Open Forum) in July 1999

  44. What Are Individual Members at ICANN? Final Total of Activated At Large Members: 76,183 (Date: 10/10/2000 23:59 UTC/GMT) Africa (315), Asia and Pacific(38,246), Europe(23,442), Latin America and the Caribbean(3,548), North America(10,632) Election by voting: add 5 Board of Directors ICANN At Large Membership

  45. DNSO: Amadeu Abril I Abril, Jonathan Cohen, Alejandro Pisanty ASO: Robert Blokzijl, Ken Fockler, Sang-Hyun Kyung PSO: Vinton G. Cerf (Chairman), Philip Davidson, Helmut Schink At Large: Nii Quaynor, Masanobu Katoh, Karl Auerbach, Ivan Moura Campos, Andy Mueller-Maguhn, Initial : Frank Fitzsimmons(initial), Hans Kraaijenbrink(initial), Jun Murai(initial), Linda S. Wilson(initial), Stuart Lynn (CEO) 19 ICANN Board of Directors

  46. Root Name Server System Advisory Committee All root server operators plus and including ICANN RSSAC advises ICANN Board on Operational issue Security considerations Number, location, and distribution ICANN’s Role Oversees and coordinates But does not operate Except for L-root ICANN responsible for the Authoritative Root Zone Stably and securely Transfer of Authoritative Update Function to ICANN ICANN and Root NS Operators

  47. ICANN and ccTLDs

  48. ICANN Users Gov IP ASO • Policy development • Participation • ManagementOverview Businesses NGOs Trustee Organization Telcos Universities ISPs Consumers • Day-to-day Operations • Registrations • Disputes • Invoicing • Registrars • PR Operational Organization ccTLD Managers Today

  49. Global vs Local Policies ccTLD manager • Local policy • Structure second level domains and beyond • Who can register • Price • Dispute policy • Prohibited names • Marketing channels • Global Policy • Delegation • Redelegation • Technical Standards • Interoperability • … Local Internet Community Local policy Organized by the ccTLD Manager Global InternetCommunity Global Policy Organized by ICANN

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