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GeneXus 9.0: Web applications at their higher power

GeneXus 9.0: Web applications at their higher power. Cecilia Abadie Project Manager GeneXus USA. Web applications. Origin Documents with Hyperlinks Evolution E-commerce On-line applications Intranet/Extranet ASP – Application service provider Portals. Web applications. Strengths

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GeneXus 9.0: Web applications at their higher power

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  1. GeneXus 9.0: Web applications at their higher power Cecilia Abadie Project Manager GeneXus USA

  2. Web applications • Origin • Documents with Hyperlinks • Evolution • E-commerce • On-line applications • Intranet/Extranet • ASP – Application service provider • Portals

  3. Web applications • Strengths • Esthetically appealing • Installation free (browser + TCP/IP) • Multi-platform • Great user adoption • Weaknesses • Rigid Applications (GET-POST) • Bad interaction • Document Oriented • Lack of richness and responsiveness • Are we pushing the limits of www?

  4. GeneXus 9.0 and WEBWhat’s new? • Intelligent Client = AJAX + Client Side Validation • Improvements in Presentation Layer: Design + Reusability • Translation tools

  5. AJAX • Asynchronous JavaScript And XML • Idea: • Partial page updates with server info • Asynchronous

  6. Original web • Traditional web Architecture Browser Server HTTP Request Web Server Interface HTML + JavaScript Logic and Data

  7. AJAX • AJAX Architecture Browser Server UI Event HTTP Request AJAX Engine Web Server Interface Data Logic Data Logic UI Update Logic and Data

  8. Client Side Validation (CSV) Browser Server UI Event CSV Logic Web Server Interface Avail. Data UI Update Logic and Data

  9. Client Side Validation (CSV) • Goal: stay in the client • Use the information already available in the client: • Loaded when the page was first loaded • Loaded with a requirement to the AJAX engine

  10. CSV + AJAX = Intelligent Client • CSV • Not always has all the information it needs • AJAX is the solution to bring the data as it is needed

  11. CSV + AJAX = Intelligent Client • GeneXus 9.0 implements CSV + AJAX for WEB Applications • Allows • Formula Triggering • Rule Validation • Extended table loading without need of pressing a button and submit page • Result? Similar behavior to GeneXus Windows

  12. Demo 1 – What we had • Simple GX 8.0 Invoice: • “Forced trips” to the server for: • Inferences • Loading FK secondary attributes • Rules triggering • Formulas calculations • “Bad Habits” • Little interactivity when filling forms • Late error detection • Extra screens

  13. Demo 2 – Intelligent Client • GX 9.0 Invoice • Automated things: • Mode inference • Rule triggering • Formula calculations • New features: • Input Type • Suggest • Dynamic dependent combo boxes • What’s the cost? www.gxajax.com (GXopen project)

  14. Cost? • Inferences, rules, formulas? • Suggest, Input Type, Combo Boxes?

  15. Demo 3: Ajax manually • Session timeout control

  16. Talkingaboutcost … (GXopen project)

  17. User interface design tools • GeneXus 8.0 • Web Components • Themes (style sheets) • GeneXus 9.0 adds • Master Pages: this feature tends to add consistency and maintenance by reusing • Improved Themes

  18. HEADER CONTENT M ENU Master Pages

  19. Master Pages

  20. Web Evolution • “Survival of the fittest” The www survives and improves …

  21. Web Evolution Some of the leaders: • Web culture: Amazon reviews, ebay feedback, Netflix recommendations • Web community: wikipedia, blogs, forums • Technologically: Google suggest and Google maps (AJAX)

  22. GeneXus Web Evolution • We get more interactive, efficient web applications with cost 0. • Innate virtues of the web applications • Larger scalability • One time deployment • Multiplatform + Innate virtues of GeneXus • What will be my next option?

  23. Conclusion GeneXus Web Application!

  24. Thank you • Cecilia Abadie

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