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GOING is a travel magazine that fosters a personal connection with readers by exploring unique destinations. Each issue features in-depth articles and captivating images, providing intellectual immersion and cultural exposure. The online platform allows for interactive communication with staff writers and curates data from leading sources. With a focus on experiential travel, GOING aims to engage both the traveler and the travel-minded reader. The magazine also offers a print edition with engaging content, including discussions on Irish culture and history. Join us on a journey of exploration and discovery!
Katie Connors, Trish Daly, Jennifer Dryden, Julie Ganz, Gabe Habash, Amanda Lang, Sora Moon, Chelsea Morgan, Michael O’Keefe, Elana Schulman, and Laura Shumaker
Editorial MISSION STATEMENT Going will forge a trustworthy, personal connection with its readers through its five writers’ in-depth explorations of one specific destination each print issue, providing readers with intellectual immersion and cultural exposure for the traveler and the travel-minded reader alike. The magazine's online extension will provide an interactive platform for viewers to communicate with the staff writers and community. Going will curate data from other leading sources as well, serving as a hub for users seeking travel information.
Editorial Table of Contents
Editorial FEATURE • Is Romantic Ireland Dead and Gone? • Literary tone: References to James Joyce and W.B. Yeats • Emphasis on experiential travel: Final section describes in detail a night the writer spent in Donegal, Ireland, and a cross-cultural experience • In-Depth Content: 3000 words, exploring what a foreign traveler encounters in Ireland; what seems strange and what constitutes the “authentic” Ireland • Intelligent insights for the reader: The piece covers relevant Irish history and introduces the reader to the Irish language and its place in modern Ireland • Relevant images: The pictures depict manuscripts written in the Irish language, a sign in both Irish and English, an ad for Irish language courses, and scenes of Irish people.
Business Plan • Pricing plan • 4 issues/year • 170 pages, increasing by 10 pages/year to 200 by year 4 • $12.95 newsstand price, increasing to $13.95 in year 3 • $34.95 subscription price, with a $2 yearly increase • All online and mobile content is free to the user
Business Plan PRINT REVENUE = $7.7 million • Subscription circ = $4.4 million • Newsstand sales = $211,000 • Ad revenue = $3.1 million PRINT COST, YEAR 1 = $7.9 million • Yearly editorial cost = $6.1 million • Year 1 direct mail cost = $1.2 million (~$600,000 thereafter) • Yearly manufacturing cost = $600,000 TOTAL monthly online revenue = $85,000 • 1.1 million unique monthly visitors, 2 million views • Average 3 impressions per page TOTAL monthly online costs = $12,200 NET YEARLY online revenue = $873,000
Ad Sales Plan • GOING’s target audience consists of highly educated, intellectual readers with: • disposable income • an interest in (and readiness for) travel • a primary focus is on cultural literacy rather than luxury • a median age of 45 • an income between $100,000 and $500,000
Ad Sales Plan • Target Advertiser Categories • endemic travel advertisers: luggage, travel packages, hotels, airlines, tourism promotions, web travel tools, travel insurance • travel-related brands with a broader audience: language learning, cameras, outdoor/active clothing, education/culture, cuisine/restaurants • brands with a broad appeal to the core demographic: clothing, luxury goods, cosmetics/beauty, alcohol, electronics, automobiles
Ad Sales Plan • CPM: $133 • Ad-edit ratio: 23% • Page Rate: $20,000
Ad Sales Plan • Online ad summary • goingmagazine.com visitors are split between occasional visitors and frequent users • Premium ad placement for partners • Regular CPM ads for general advertisers • Location-targeted advertising delivers highly relevant and actionable ad content to users • Interactive content serves as a hook for casual users and a refresher for regular users
Marketing • Marketing Strategies for Launch: • GOING will be partnering with Visa and Abercrombie & Kent to create a built-in demographic for the magazine • We will launch our website prior to the launch of the print iteration as a way to stimulate more traffic to our brand and to create a subscription base. • GOING will provide promotional brochures available at various bookstores and partner companies, which will be given to customers purchasing travel-related items.
Marketing • Brand Extensions and Growth • Promotional free trips to all featured locations • “Five-Year Special Edition” • Promotional deals linked with Visa, Abercrombie & Kent, and Air France • Yearly franchise issues o Off the Beaten Track: The Top Ten Obscure Vacation Sites • Partnership with Canon, Visa, Abercrombie & Kent
Marketing Brand Extensions and Growth • Traditional travel guides competing with brands like Frommer’s • Travel merchandise that will be featured in specific partner stores • Sponsored trips o Wine tastings in Italy, Cannes Film Festival trip, special trips to the Olympics • Fundraisers that are sponsored by GOING and partners that benefit global charities (UNICEF, Oxfam, Amnesty International), which will be highlighted in the print and web iterations • Syndication with Yahoo
Consumer Marketing • Paid Circulation • Quarterly, 170 pages (increase to 200 over three years) • Rate base: 150,000 - compared to competitors: • Departures: 840,000 • Executive Travel: 125,000 • Travel & Leisure: 950,000 • Conde Nast Traveler: 800,00 • Renewals: 50% • Draw: 70,500 • Sell-through: 34% or 24,000 single copies • Direct mail return rate: 4% of 3,000,000 contacted • Subscriptions: 84% Single Copy: 16% • Project 126,000 subscription sales • Ad/Edit ratio: 20% - 30%
Consumer Marketing • Subscription Price Summary: • Charter Invitation offer: $34.95/four issues + risk free first issue through the first issue • Charter offer online: $34.95/four issues until after the first issue launches • Regular offer: $44.95/four issues, $79.90/eight issues, increasing in price $2 every year after for five years • Single Copy price: $12.95, increasing to $13.95 after three years • Partnerships: • Visa • Abercrombie and Kent and Canon for events, competitions, applications
Consumer Marketing • Single Copy Distribution Channels: - Airline executive clubs - Independent, high-end, and travel bookstores - Airports and train stations - High-end spas - Museum gift shops - hotels - Independent coffee shops
Web Traffic, Blogging, and Social Media Canon Photo Treasure Hunt Contest • In the print issue, a landmark from the featured location will be named • First 50 people win Canon and Going merchandise and a free one-year subscription • 3 Month Entry Window - All applicants entered to win a Canon PowerShot S90 digital camera • Canon Treasure Hunt iPhone App
Web/Digital • We wanted to build an iPhone Application that could do 1 thing really well: Bring an element of fun and interactivity for GOING readers. • Canon Photo Treasure Hunt Contest • Prizes: • Top 50 photographs: FREE 1-yr GOING Magazine subscription • Top 10 photographs: FREE 1-yr GOING Magazine subscription + Canon Powershot S90 • 1 Grand Prize Winner: FREE 1-yr GOING Magazine subscription + Canon Powershot S90 + 1 Week Greece Vacation (Includes 2 round trip tickets from Air France and 6 nights 7 days at hotel)
Web/Digital • The Application 1. Click on your region 2. The region’s specific “treasure” will pop up, along with a map
Web/Digital • Are you near the treasure? If so: 1. Click on the Canon Photo Booth tab 2. POSE AND SMILE! (but make sure to get the treasure behind you) 3. Submit!
Web/Digital • By offering a registration screen that requires email, GOING magazine is able to compile a comprehensive database with app user’s information. This information can also be used when sending out email newsletters for all GOING readers with subscription offers, offers from advertisers, and so forth. • Photographs will be judged by GOING staff based on clarity and overall beauty, since the magazine itself prides itself on beautiful photography and articles.