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Customer Master. To access the customer master file, select: Customers & Statements Menu # 2 File Maintenance # 20 Customer File. Or, you may enter the ‘dot jump code’ .CM at any selection line within the system.
To access the customer master file, select: Customers & Statements Menu # 2 File Maintenance # 20 Customer File
Or, you may enter the ‘dot jump code’ .CM at any selection line within the system.
Customer #: To create a ‘new’ customer account, enter an alphanumeric customer code 1-6 characters in length. For company names we recommend using the first 3 characters of the first name, along with the first 3 characters of the second name. Ex. Arruda Home Centre = ARRHOM For personal names we recommend using the first 3 characters of the last name, along with the first 3 characters of the first name. Ex. John Smith = SMIJOH
If you decide to use numeric customer numbers, the system can prompt you with the next available number. At customer #, enter a “-” to indicate to the system that you wish to be given the next available number. If you hit <enter>, the next number given will be strictly a six digit numeric number (ex. 000001). If you enter from 1-5 letters before hitting <enter>, the system will fill in the rest with numbers. (Ex. ARR would become ARR001).
Customer #: To recall a previously entered customer, enter the customer code directly or perform a customer search. To perform a customer search, enter the ‘dot jump code’ .W, the following window will appear:
Search Options: Query Thru All Customers - allows a look-up by customer number. You may enter a starting customer number or <enter> to display all customers in alpha order. A customer may be recalled by selecting it from the list. Alpha Search for a Customer - allows a look-up based on a 6 character search key. The search key may be any part of the customers name, address or sort key. You may also search by the last 4 digits of the telephone number. It displays all customers found matching that criteria (ex. HOME). A customer may be recalled by selecting it from the list.
When creating a ‘new’ customer, the following ‘Address’ window displays at the bottom of the screen. Customer Name: 1-20 characters. Enter full name of customer/company.
Address 1-3: 1-20 characters per line. This is the customers main billing address, but may be overridden.
Ship Via: 1-10 characters. Normal means of shipping for this customer, displays at order entry.
Tax Exempt No: 1-20 characters. Enter the tax exempt number if applicable for this account. This number will be printed on pick slips/invoices. Regardless of entry in this field, taxation is based upon the tax jurisdiction.
Tax Jurisdiction: This code must be previously defined in the Tax Jurisdiction File. To access the Tax Jurisdiction File, select: Customers & Statements Menu # 2 File Maintenance # 26 Tax Jurisdiction File We recommend: 1 = GST only 2 = PST only 3 = GST & PST 99 = Tax Exempt NOTE:0 (zero) cannot be used.
After completing the customer address, the cursor moves to the upper portion of the screen, displaying the information just entered.
Comment 1-3: 1-20 characters per line. General comments about the account, displays at sales order entry.
Bill To Address: Determines what ‘Bill To’ address prints on pick slips/invoices for this customer. Options: 0 = Customer Address - address displaying in upper portion of screen (default) 1-99 = Ship-To Address - address setup as a separate shipping location (can have up to 99 separate ship-to locations per customer)
Cost Plus: If customer is setup to be a ‘cost plus’ customer, this code will determine what cost is used for cost of sales. Options: 0= Main Parameter – cost used system wide (default) 1= Last – last cost paid per item 2= Avg – average cost calculated per item 3= Std – standard cost entered per item
Skip Print: If lines exist on an order that have a quantity shipped equal to zero, this code determines whether these lines print on the yard orders/pick slips and/or invoices for this customer. Options: 0= No – do not skip printing (default) 1= Y/O – skip printing on yard orders/pick slips only 2= Inv – skip printing on invoices only 3= Both – skip printing on both yard orders/pick slips and invoices
GoldMine: Determines if this is a GoldMine customer or not. 0 = No 1 = Yes GoldMine is a third party software that is integrated with the SSI system.
Phone #: Enter the 3 character area code, hit <enter>. Enter the remaining 7 digits in 123.4567 format. Ex. 666.7777
Sort Key: 1-6 characters. A cross reference to the customer number. Typically the first 6 characters of the customer/company name. Ex. Arruda Home Centre = ARRUDA John Smith = SMITH When performing a customer search, you may enter from 1-6 characters of the sort key, starting with the first character. Ex. A, AR, ARR, ARRU, ARRUD or ARRUDA
Store #: 1-2 digits. Enter the store number where this customer generally does business. You may enter .W to display a list of store locations. Locations must be previously defined in Location Description Maintenance. To access Location Description Maintenance, select: Inventory Menu # 3 Miscellaneous Maintenance # 20 Location Description Maintenance
Customer Type: 1 digit, valid codes are 1-9. Must be previously defined in the TYPES table. Used to categorize your customers for reporting and proforma purposes. You may enter .W to display a list of available types. Ex. 1 = Retail, 2 = Government, 3 = School Board To access the TYPES table, select: Customers & Statements Menu # 2 File Maintenance # 27 G/L Tables Table ID = TYPES
PO Code: Valid codes are 0, 1 and 2. 0 = No purchase order required. 1 = Purchase order requested - the PO field in sales order entry is highlighted but entry is not mandatory. 2 = Purchase order required - the PO field in sales order entry is highlighted and entry is mandatory.
Finance Charge Code: Valid codes are 0 and 1. 0 = Charge a finance charge. 1 = Don’t charge a finance charge. Finance charge rates are setup in the F/C table, to access this table, select: Customers & Statements Menu # 2 File Maintenance # 28 F/C Table Table ID = FIN CH
Statement Code: Valid codes are 1-4. This code determines if customers are to receive statements only, invoices only, or both statements and invoices. 1 = Statement – receives statements only - invoices for this customer will not be printed during a batch print but can be printed at sales order entry. 2 = Invoice – receives invoices only - a statement will not be printed at month end. 3 = Invoice & Printed Statement – receives both printed invoices and statements. 4 = Invoice & Faxed Statement – receives both invoices and statements, invoices will be printed, statements will be faxed. NOTE: You must have the VSI Fax software installed in order to use this option.
Salesman #: 1-6 digits. Salesmen must be previously setup in Salesman Master Maintenance. You may enter .W to display a list of available salesman codes. To access Salesman Master Maintenance, select: A/R Daily Work Menu # 5 Sales Analysis # 22 Salesman Master
Price Code: Valid codes are 1-7. This code determines which price level the customer will receive. It corresponds to one of the 7 price levels setup in the inventory store record per item. Please refer to the Pricing PowerPoint for further details on pricing structures.
Credit Limit: The maximum amount that may be entered is 999999.99. Once a customer reaches their credit limit, the ‘credit hold’ code switches to ‘1’, and entry of further invoices is not permitted without an override password. The system includes any unposted balances, which contains ‘entered’ and ‘verified’ sales orders, when determining if a customer has exceeded their credit limit. If nothing is entered in this field, the customer will have unlimited credit. A $1.00 credit limit will allow only cash, cheque or credit card sales, no store charges.
Credit Hold: Valid codes are 0, 1 and 2. 0 = No hold. A message will be displayed at sales order entry if customer is over credit limit, store charges may still be entered. 1 = Credit hold, with override. Store charges may be entered if the override password is entered. Password is ‘*’ (asterisk). 2 = Credit hold, no override. Store charges may not be entered. Code 2 is a manual setting only.
Discount Code: Valid codes are 0, 1 and 2. Determines when/if the customer will receive a terms discount. Works in conjunction with the Terms code. 0 = No discounts given. 1 = Discounts given on invoices only – discounts are calculated and printed on each invoice. Should not be used with Balance Forward customers. 2 = Discounts given on statements only – discounts are calculated and printed on statements.
Conversion Code: Valid codes are 0 and 1. Used if the on hand pricing is in a different unit of measure than costs. This is determined in inventory on an item by item basis. Two types of conversion can take place - quantity or price. This code affects what is seen and printed at sales order entry. 0 = Quantity will be converted at sales order entry. The price and quantity extension will display in the purchasing unit of measure. (rarely used) 1 = Price will be converted at sales order entry. The price and quantity extension will display in the selling unit of measure. (typically used)
24 Month Sales Analysis: Valid codes are 0 and 1. 0 = Don’t track sales analysis for this customer. 1 = Track sales analysis for this customer. (recommended)
Terms Code: Valid codes are 0-9. Codes must be previously defined in the TERMS table. Used for calculating discounts. You may enter .W to display a list of available terms. Ex. 0 = NET 30, 1 = 2% 10 NET 30 To access the TERMS table, select: Customers & Statements Menu # 2 File Maintenance # 27 G/L Tables Table ID = TERMS
Print Prices: Determines if retail prices print on yard orders/pick slips for this customer. Y = Print prices on yard orders/pick slips. N = Don’t print prices on yard orders/pick slips.
Category: 1-3 digits, user defined. Used for categorizing customers for reporting purposes.
Territory: 1-3 digits, user defined. Used for categorizing customers for reporting purposes.
Date Opened: Enter the date this account was opened, in MMDDYY format.
Desired Margin: The maximum % that may be entered is 999.99. Enter the profit margin percentage desired on purchases by this customer. The system will flag the clerk at order entry if the total order margin falls below the specified %. NOTE: This field is rarely used, the desired margin’s are usually setup per inventory item.
History: Valid codes are 0, 1, 2 and 3. Determines the type of history tracked for this customer. 0 = No history tracked. 1 = Customer history only. 2 = Invoice history only. 3 = Both customer and invoice history tracked. (recommended)
Account Type: Valid codes are 0 and 1. 0= Open Item – customers who generally apply payment to specific invoices. (typically used) 1= Balance Forward – customers who generally make payments ‘on account’. At month end all detail is summarized into one BF beginning record.
Sub Account Statements: Valid codes are 0, 1 and 2. Controls how statements print for customers who have sub accounts. 0 = No Sub Account totals on statements. 1 = Print Sub Account sub-totals on a single statement. 2 = Print separate statements per Sub Account, with a consolidated statement for the customer. NOTE: Must be an Open Item customer.
Sub Account Analysis: Determines if Sub Account analysis is tracked for this customer. Y = Track Sub Account analysis. N = Do not track Sub Account analysis. Example of Sub Account usage: School Boards - the School Board would be setup as the customer and each school under that Board would be setup as individual sub accounts.
Track Payments: Determines if payments are to be tracked for this customer, and if so, how many. 0 = Do not track payments. 1-23 = Indicates the number of payments to be tracked. NOTE: Must be an Open Item customer.
Ship To/Sub Account: Valid codes are 0 and 1. This determines what ship-to information is printed on the invoice if a Sub Account is setup for this customer and used on the sales order. 0 = Use normal ship-to default. 1 = Use the Sub Account name and memo information.
Cost Plus %: If customer is setup to purchase at cost (price code 7), this percentage will be added to the cost. Ex. 10% = 10.000 – customer pays cost plus 10%.
Best Price: System will search all possible pricing structures for this customer and select the lowest one. NOTE: The ‘Best Price Feature’ parameter must also be activated. To set this parameter, select: Sales Order Menu type .SSIP at the selection line select table # 1 ensure the following feature is set to ‘1’ Please refer to the Pricing PowerPoint for an illustration of the pricing hierarchy.