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HC 399 Presentation Hidekel A. Moreno Luna. Hydrogen energy production using nuclear technologies. Hydrogen Consumption Purposes. Transportation Automobiles Buses Bicycles Motorcycles and Scooters Rocket Airplanes Energy Storage Fuel Cell. Hydrogen Energy Production Today.
HC 399 Presentation Hidekel A. Moreno Luna Hydrogen energy production using nuclear technologies
Hydrogen Consumption Purposes • Transportation • Automobiles • Buses • Bicycles • Motorcycles and Scooters • Rocket • Airplanes Energy Storage Fuel Cell
Hydrogen Energy Production Today • Production • Hydrogen fuel can be obtain through many thermo chemical methods utilizing: • Natural gas • Coal • Liquefied petroleum • Biomass • Water • Geothermal Today 85% of hydrogen produced is from removing sulfur from gasoline. Fig. 1. World hydrogen supply. Source: International Association for Hydrogen Energy (IAHE)
Investment • Storage: • Usually store as liquid hydrogen in compressed hydrogen storage tanks. Fig. 2: Energy Investment. Source: IAHE
Nuclear Energy • Background • Nuclear energy in 2005 accounted for 2.1% of the world’s energy and 15% of the electricity. • In 2007 the International Atomic Energy Agency reported that there were 439 nuclear plants in the world in 31 countries. • Map , next slide. • Electricity Production from nuclear processes • It originates from splitting uranium atoms(fission). The released energy is use to make steam which is used to run a turbine that produces electricity. In the US 19% of the electricity comes from nuclear processes (US Environmental Protection Agency EPA)
Fig. 3. Nuclear Power Stations . Source: Wikipedia.org • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Nuclear_power_station.svg
Machinery that can be used to produce electricity and hydrogen • Examples • Modular Helium Reactor(MHR) • Advance High Temperature Reactor(AHTR) • Secure Transportable Autonomous Reactor(SFR)
Fig.4.Technology options for nuclear hydrogen production. Source: IAHE
Efficiency figures • F:\HC 399\Efficiency of hydrogen production systems using alternative nuclear energy technologies.htm • Successful countries • France Fig.5. Electricity Production Source: International Electricity Generation
Conversion between both productions (Nuclear and hydrogen) • Nuclear energy can be used in hydrogen production in three main ways: • By using the electricity from the nuclear plant for conventional liquid water electrolysis. • By using high-temp. heat and electricity from the nuclear plant for high temp. steam electrolysis or the hybrid process. • Using the heat for thermo chemical processes.
Machinery options • MHR: operating temperature 800 C • AHTR: operating temp. 1000C (not built yet) • AGR: operating temp. 750C • 14 units in the world, originally built in UK. CO2 coolant! • STAR-H2: operating temp. 500C • Based on Russian Submarine reactor, not been built commercially yet. • SFR: operating temp. 500c • Sodium cooled for efficient management. Solid demonstration in Russia, France, and the US.
Fig.7.Advanced Gas Reactor. Source: ÖsterreichischesÖkologie-Institut Fig.6. The gas turbine-modular helium reactor. Source: General Atomics Fig.8.SFR. Source: Idaho National Laboratory
Table 1.1 Advantages and Disadvantages for different approaches of energy. Source: IJHE
Hydrogen Energy Production in the Future requires change in the technology. • Such change figures cannot be calculated yet because we are still in early phases of development. • Demand: because nuclear plants are characterized by high capital cost and low operation cost, we can expect that by using the techniques develop for natural gas transportation(pipes); we could increase the storage capacity. According to the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (IJHE), H2 storage in large volumes is expected to be relatively low cost.
Questions? Table 1.2 Data for different types of fuel cell. Source:Fuel Cell Systems Explained Second Edition
Fig. 9,10. Refueling infrastructure for hydrogen vehicles. Source: Journal of Power Sources
Fig.11. Capital cost of hydrogen infrastructure. Fuel. Source: Journal of Power Sources
Fig.12.Capital cost for developing new hydrogen production Source: Journal For Power Sources
Works Cited • Bilge, Yildiz, and MugidKazimi. "Efficiency of hydrogen production systems using alternative nuclear energy technologies ." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31.1 (2006): 77-92. Web. 1 Oct 2009. <F:\HC 399\Efficiency of hydrogen production systems using alternative nuclear energy technologies.htm>. • Forsberg, Charles. "Hydrogen, nuclear energy,and the advanced high temperature reactor." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 28.10 (2003): 1073-1081. Web. 1 Oct 2009. <F:\HC 399\Hydrogen, nuclear energy, and the advanced high-temperature reactor.htm>. 3 • Ogden, Joan, Margaret Steinbugler, and Thomas Kreutz. "A comparison of hydrogen, methanol and gasoline as fuels for fuel cell vehicles: implications for vehicle design and infrastructure development ." 79.2 (1999): 143-168. Web. 1 Oct 2009. <http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6TH1- 3WH67HF2&_user=576687&_coverDate=06%2F30%2F1999&_rdoc=1&_fmt=full&_orig=search&_cdi=5269 &_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_searchStrId=1046819818&_rerunOrigin=scholar.google&_acct=C00002 9364&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=576687&md5=92d3453a814ec1758d3724b5ccfb227c#toc18>. • Wikipedia, . "Hydrogen vehicle." Web. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen_vehicle>.