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Homophones. Marking code: sp for spelling; H in English. What is a homophone?. Two or more words that have the same pronunciation but different spellings and meanings. Example: pear and pair. Example: by, buy and bye. Some common homophones. too – to – two hear – here

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Homophones Marking code: sp for spelling; H in English. What is a homophone? Two or more words that have the same pronunciation but different spellings and meanings. Example: pear and pair Example: by, buy and bye

  2. Some common homophones too – to – two hear – here they’re – their – there you’re - your

  3. TAG Task: The class will be divided into two groups. Each group will nominate a person to take it in turns to write homophones on the board and the other group must write a different spelling of the same word … in under 2 minutes! GO! e.g. buy bye/by

  4. Progress check! Write a sentence using one or two incorrect homophones – make it tricky! Now swap your sentence with your partner. Can you underline the incorrect homophones in the sentence AND correct it?

  5. What does Danny no about scorpions? Just because he found a large one in the bag of flower doesn’t make him an expert! They’re are so many at the zoo I visited last year. People will only here Danny’s account on scorpions because he’s a great story teller. I’m fantastic at telling stories two - it just isn’t fare! In pairs, can you identify the incorrect homophones used in the text below?

  6. Swap your work with another pair and assess whether they have identified all of the incorrect homophones in the text. Peer assessment What does Danny know about scorpions? Just because he found a large one in the bag of flour doesn’t make him an expert! There are so many at the zoo I visited last year. People will only hear Danny’s account on scorpions because he’s a great story teller. I’m fantastic at telling stories too - it just isn’t fair!

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