Top 10 disruptive business innovators of all time
Steve Jobs Some called him a rebel; others celebrate him as a hero. Love him or hate him, you just can't ignore Steve Jobs - the Co-founder of Apple and chairman of Pixar. While Jobs has been widely criticized for dominating his colleagues, firing many in a moment of anger or even taking the credit away from juniors, he is undoubtedly one of the most innovaties visionaries of all times. After all, he gave us the Apple devices we love to use. Jack Welch Jack Welch is best known for streamlining GE and reducing management from 29 levels to only six. While he pulled up the cumulative value of GE up from $12 billion to $280 billion - the greatest leap under any CEO, he is also notorious among former employees as he got many of them fired. Bill Gates Once the richest man in the world, Bill Gates in only a college dropout! Instead of studying at the iconic Harvard University, Bill and Paul Allen opened Microsoft, and the rest is history. Bill was the one who insisted upon a 'closed-source ethic' and formed the foundation of the gigantic software industry as we know it now. Henry Ford The father of the modern automobile and Ford Motors was a rather odd entrepreneur. The inventor of the modern assembly line, contrary to the notion of his investors, Ford insisted upon designing an automobile for the common man. He also payed his employees more than the average salary, and promoted 'welfare capitalism' - call it the precursor to CSR. Sir Richard Branson Virgin opened its first store in London in 1971, and 22 year old Richard Branson was behind it. Currently Virgin is known for its record stores, labels, and airlines business, and Branson as a 'virgin' to the idea of business has powered himself to be the big daddy among daredevil entrepreneurs. He has proved one could be dirty rich, and still be cool. For About Bulk SMS For Free Bulk SMS Demo
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