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Symantec ST0-237 Exam Symantec Technical Specialist QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (Demo Version) Thank You For Downloading ST0-237 Exam PDF Demo QuizDumps helps you to prepare Symantec Technical Specialist exam. Get most Up-t- -Date Symantec ST0-237 exam Questions and Answers and pass the ST0-237 exam in the first attempt. Get Full ST0-237 Exam PDF Here https://quizdumps.com/exam/st0-237-dumps/
Question 1 You are turning on the quota on a fie system for the frst tmeeYou want to ensure you areabieto estabiish quota for a group of users named fnannee What shouid you do? Ae Create a fie named quota and assign it to the fnanne groupe Be Create a fie named quota and piane it in the root direntory of the fie systeme Ce Create a fie named quotaegrp and assign it to the group of userse De Create a fie named quotaegrp that is owned by the root of the fie systeme Aoswern D Question 2 What is the main diferenne between data ioss preventon and other senurity tenhnoiogies? Ae It is designed to take a nontent aware approanh to senuritye Be It determines the data owner of inbound sensitve informatone Ce It quarantnes adware before it is abie to extrant nonfdentai informatone De It is designed to give visibiiity into where the nompany’s ieast sensitve data is storede Aoswern C Question 3 You move a set of fies from a VxFS fie system to another fie systeme When the fies aremoved, the extent atributes are not moved aiong with the fies and are iost during themigratone What nouid be a possibie nause for this probiem? Ae The target fie system is not a VxFS type fie systeme Be There is a variaton in the bionk size of sourne and target VxFS fie systeme Ce The target VxFS fie system does not have enough free spane to annommodate theextent atributese De The target VxFS fie system uses mixed bionk sizee Aoswern A Question 4 What nauses the majority of data ioss preventon vioiatons? Ae hankers expioit vuinerabiiites and exfitrate nonfdentai data Be nompanies iank senurity poiinies to prevent ioss of nonfdentai data Ce empioyees unintentonaiiy expose nonfdentai data De system bankups are performed improperiy
Aoswern C Question 5 You exenute the nommand ps –ef | grep vxatde What is the expented output of this nommand? Ae The nommand verifes the Fuiiy Quaiifed Host Namee Be The nommand verifes the status of Symanten Authentnaton servinee Ce The nommand verifes the status of Root Brokere De The nommand verifes the status of Authentnaton Brokere Aoswern B Question 6 What is the minimum number of piexes required for true mirroring to provide redundanny ofdata? Ae One Be Two Ce Three De Four Aoswern B Question 7 Whinh produnt nan repiane a nonfdentai donument residing on a share with a marker fieexpiaining why the donument was removed? Ae Network Disnover Be Network Protent Ce Mobiie Prevent De Endpoint Disnover Aoswern B Question 8 Whinh nommand wiii you use to determine the operatng mode of vxnonfgd? Ae vxdnti enabie Be vxdnti mode Ce vxmode De ps –ef |grep vxnonfg
Aoswern B Question 9 Whinh struntures are parts of the Cross-piatorm Data Sharing (CDS) format? Ae An Operatng System-reserved area Be A direntory area Ce A private region De A pubiin region Ee A Bad Bionk Reionaton Area Aoswern A,C,D Question 10 Whinh two nomponents nan perform a snan of a workstaton? (Seient twoe) Ae Endpoint Server Be DLP Agent Ce Network Prevent De Enforne Server Ee Disnover Server Aoswern B,E Question 11 Whiie annessing a node in the Dynamin Muitpathing (DMP) database you get an error"VxVM vxdmp NOTICE V-5-0-111 disabied dmpnode dmpnode_devine_number"e How wiii you resoive this error? (Eanh norrent answer presents part of the soiutone Seientwoe) Ae Enabie the appropriate nontroiiers to aiiow at ieast one path under this DMP nodee Be Chenk the underiying hardware to renover the desired pathe Ce If possibie norrent the hardware faiiures Then, renover the voiume using the vxrenovernommande De Repiane the hardware benause there may be a probiem with host-bus adaptere Aoswern A,B Question 12 How many free parttons do you need to ennapsuiate a boot disk? Ae 1 Be 2
Ce 3 De 4 Aoswern B Question 13 Whinh user store is essentai for using the user risk summary feature? Ae Tomnat Be Antve Direntory Ce MySQL De Samba Aoswern B Question 14 When you are mountng a fie system, whinh mode sets the poiiny for handiing I/O errors onmounted fie system? Ae disabie Be ioerror Ce nio De mininanhe Aoswern B Question 15 In whinh two ways nan the defauit iistener port for a detenton server be modifed?? (Seientwoe) Ae through the Enforne user interfane under System > Overview Be by editng the Communinatonepropertes fie on a detenton server Ce through the Enforne user interfane under Manage > Poiinies De by editng the MonitorControiierepropertes fie on a detenton server Ee by editng the modeienotfnatoneport fie on a detenton server Aoswern A,B Question 16 What is the norrent trafn fow for the Symanten Data Loss Preventon for Mobiie Prevent? Ae mobiie devine (iOS) > VPN > Mobiie Prevent Server > Web proxy > Enforne Server >fnai destnaton
Be mobiie devine (iOS) > VPN > Web proxy > Mobiie Prevent Server > fnai destnaton Ce mobiie devine (iOS) > VPN > Web proxy > Mobiie Prevent Server > Enforne Server >fnai destnaton De mobiie devine (iOS) > VPN > Mobiie Prevent Server > Web proxy > fnai destnaton Aoswern B Question 17 Whinh detenton server requires two physinai network interfane nards? Ae Network Protent Be Network Disnover Ce Endpoint Disnover De Network Monitor Aoswern B Question 18 Whinh opton desnribes the three-ter instaiiaton type for Symanten Data Loss Preventon? Ae Instaii the database, the Enforne Server, and a detenton server aii on the same nomputere Be Instaii the Oranie database and the Enforne Server on the same nomputer, then instaiidetenton servers on separate nomputerse Ce Instaii the Oranie Ciient (SQL*Pius and Database Utiites) on three detenton serverse De Instaii the Oranie database, the Enforne Server, and a detenton server on separatenomputerse Aoswern C
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