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EUPHORBIACEAE. eurosids I rosids core eudicots eudicots. magnoliids. monocots. Current Angiosperm Phylogeny Group Tree for Flowering Plants 2008. EUPHORBIACEAE. Chamaesyce - local euphorb. EUPHORBIACEAE, Malpighiales.

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  2. eurosids I rosids core eudicots eudicots magnoliids monocots Current Angiosperm Phylogeny Group Tree for Flowering Plants 2008 EUPHORBIACEAE

  3. Chamaesyce - local euphorb

  4. EUPHORBIACEAE, Malpighiales Cymothoë likes Malpighiales, its allies are all Rosid specialists and mostly eurosids I specialists.

  5. Achariaceae CARYOCARACEAE – prominent trees in the tropics Ctenolophonaceae EUPHORBIACEAE – GENTRY FAMILY Goupiaceae Humiriaceae Irvingiaceae Ixonanthaceae Lacistemataceae LINACEAE – flax family Lophopixidaceae Pandaceae PHYLLANTHACEAE – formerly part of Euphorbiaceae Picrodendraceae Putranjivaceae RAFFLESIACEAE- parasites including largest flower SALICACEAE – GENTRY FAMILY VIOLACEAE-violets and tropical treelets

  6. EUPHORBIACEAE - understory and canopy trees

  7. Croton - a classic euphorb: • strong basal veins • milky latex • glands at blade base • imperfect flowers, reduced perianth • -three-carpellate schizocarp

  8. Rothschildia is a Croton specialist.

  9. Acalypha - Acalypha diversifolia

  10. Hevea - the rubber tree

  11. Jatropha - physicnut

  12. Jatropha - fruits

  13. Ricinus - the castorbean

  14. The fabled manchineel, Hippomane mancinella

  15. Manihot - cassava (tapioca)

  16. Aleurites

  17. Hura crepitans

  18. Delachampia -

  19. Euphorbia - the spurges

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