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Frontier Quest: Journey West for Prosperity

Embark on a perilous journey with your family to the promising West, facing bandits and challenges. Manage your resources wisely and make tough choices to secure a brighter future.

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Frontier Quest: Journey West for Prosperity

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  1. Mr. A’s Awesome Frontier Game

  2. You and your family, your husband/wife and three children have hit hard times. You have heard that moving to the WEST has vast opportunity for prosperity. Do you are travel through the hazardous trails, vicious bandits and other danger to reach a brighter future?......Well of course you are, why else would you be playing!!!! Setting:

  3. Upon selling everything you own you have a total of $100 to buy everything you need. Remember nothing is free… • Here is what you know: • The average travel time to California (where you want to go) is 30 travel days. • Land is cheap there • There have been reports of bandits preying on pioneers heading West Starting Out

  4. 1. You only have what you buy, the only thing you own is the clothes you wear and your covered wagon with 2 oxen 2. Your only funds are $100 (shopping list will be given out) 3. Oxen must eat every 3 days or they will die 4. You can hunt: but you need the proper equipment and it costs you one day. 5. To be healthy you have to eat everyday. • If you don’t eat for 4 days you die. • After 2 days of no eating you can’t travel (but you can hunt) Rules:

  5. Each day will have an event…… decided by a dice roll MR. A will roll the dice. You can repair your wagon wheels with a piece of wood and 2 nails, you need a hammer too. Each Roll you can gain up to one travel day. ****Remember what your Goal is**** Events

  6. 1 Days Food Rations (For a family of 5)$1 Oxen Food (For One Oxen, One Meal)$1.50 Gun  $15 Extra Wheel  $5 Ammo $.25 a round Axe  $ 2.50 Adult Ox  $30 Seeds (for a farming season)  $10 Farming Tools  $5.50 Hammer  $3.00 Nails (Pack of 5) $1 Extra Wood (for Wagon/wheels) $1.50 Medicine (1 dose)  $ 4.00 Shopping List

  7. 1. Bear attacks.. If you have a gun -1 ammo to defend yourself and gain 5 food rations. If you have an axe you defend yourself, if none of the 2 …lose 3 food. 2. Encounter Indians …. Pay $3 for passage or lose 2 days of food. (has medicine for $6) 3. Big rock is in the way, if you have farming tools you dig the rock out, if not your wheel breaks from the impact. 4. Discover wild mushrooms.. You don’t have to eat today. 5. Your wife has dysentery, if you have medicine give her a dose, if not she dies in 2 days. 6. Tree Falls in your path, if you have an axe you cut it away and gain 3 wood pieces, if not you only gain ½ a days of travel. 7. You meet a friendly party along the way, the day goes smoothly. 8. Bandits attack, if you have a gun lose 2 ammo and continue, if not lose 1 day rescuing your daughter from the bandits. 9. Bumpy roads lead to you throwing up, double food rations for the day. 10. Meet a fur trader, willing to trade extra ammo (5) for 2 rations a food or $2. 11. Hunting day, roll above ten to get something, add 4 days of food. Those who didn’t hunt travel in peace 12. Heavy rains make travel impossible, no traveling today. 13. Encounter the Mormons also traveling West, gain 2 traveling days. 14. River crossing ….. Roll for broken wheel…. Above ten no broken wheel…. 15. Plains Indians raid your camp, if you have gun.. -2 ammo to repel attack, if not lose 3 food 16. . Hunting day, roll above ten to get something, add 4 days of food. Those who didn’t hunt travel in peace 17. Cholera strikes…. Take a dose of medicine… or lose one family member. 18. It’s bright and sunny and peaceful… gain 2 travel days 19. Tornado warning….. Lose the day riding out the storm 20. Perfect Roll….. The trail looks clear and slightly down hill.. Gain 3 travel days!!!! ROLLS

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