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2012 9824 MOESM2 ESM

Title: An increase of lycopene content in tomato fruit is associated to a novel Cyc-B allele isolated through TILLING technology Journal name: Molecular Breeding

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2012 9824 MOESM2 ESM

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  1. Title: An increase of lycopene content in tomato fruit is associated to a novel Cyc-B allele isolated through TILLING technology Journal name: Molecular Breeding Authors: Maria Francesca Silletti, Angelo Petrozza, Adriana Lucia Stigliani, Giovanni Giorio, Francesco Cellini, Caterina D’Ambrosio, Filomena Carriero Corresponding author: Dr. Filomena Carriero, Metapontum Agrobios, S.S. Jonica 106 Km 448.2, 75012 Metaponto (MT), Italy email: fcarriero@agrobios.it A i ii B Fig.S2 Field trial phenotypes. A Example of cyc-b7 plant fruit production. B Comparison of cyc-b7 fruit (i) with fruit of the control Red Setter (ii). Visually, the fruit pulp of the cyc-b7 mutant line was more intensely red than that of the control line.

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